My Italian

Chapter 464: Reform bill passed

Remember [New] for a second,! In the political arena in the spring of 1902, a huge political news broke out. Prime Minister Antonio invited Cruz, the leader of the National Socialist Party, to join the cabinet and serve as the interior secretary.

This incident shocked everyone's jaws, because the current government is left-wing in power, not to mention that Antonio had suppressed the National Progressive Party, the predecessor of the National Society, and was about to be disbanded at that time.

And this time, the Prime Minister was able to recruit the leader of the National Socialist Party into the cabinet, and the price paid is unimaginable.

Among them, the opposition of other left-wing parties in the coalition government alone is enough to make Prime Minister Antonio eat a good pot. In addition to this, there is the will of the National Society, and how other right-wing parties perceive it is also a big issue.

Since it is all troublesome, it is of course not to let the National Society be brought into the cabinet at such a high price.

That's right, someone may have already thought of it, that is, at such a high price, it is because the National Socialist Party's super combat effectiveness is in favor. In this regard, the mafia who are either eliminated or fled abroad have the most say.

This time, the National Society entered the cabinet, which was prepared to promote the transformation of the district into the province.

Therefore, after the National Society was incorporated, of course Antonio could not and dared not stop and immediately prepare for the political reform of converting a district into a province.

Because this reform involves a lot and is also very important, it is rare for the Prime Minister to come to Parliament to ensure the passage of the bill for this political reform.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this bill can ensure the future political stability of Italy, so I also hope that all the MPs present will cast their valuable votes."

In fact, it is not so necessary for the Prime Minister to make the opening remarks, because the parliament must have passed the majority, and there will be no obstacles between the parties on this bill to strengthen the rights of the central government. After all, everyone has a chance. At this time, voting against is Can't get through with yourself.

Soon, the parliamentary vote on the proposal to convert the district into a province came to an end, with the speaker announcing the result loudly. "There are 153 votes in favor and 48 votes against the bill to convert the district to a province, and here I declare that the bill has passed the quorum and the bill has passed."

With the words of the president of the parliament, the action of Rome's resumption of power was also announced.

The reporters who had been waiting for it immediately published and reported the declaration of the President of Parliament, so the next day, the news that Italy was going to be converted into a province spread throughout the Apennine Peninsula.

As for the bill passed by Rome to change the region into a province, various local governments immediately stated their positions, claiming that they fully abide by the bill just passed, and will wait for the central government to send someone to hand over.

However, it is good to listen to some words. For example, various local governments that are waiting for Rome to send people to take over are spending money unexpectedly during this time. In addition to spending the balance of the local finances, some local governments even delay the The money given was not given, but was spent together, leaving a mess waiting for Rome to collect.

Faced with the lack of cooperation from the local government, the king and the prime minister and other high-ranking Roman officials certainly knew what to do. At this time, their eyes were on Cruz, the new interior minister. For Cruz, promoting the implementation of the transformation of the district into a province is a big test for the National Society. If it is screwed up, the scenery in front of the country will be the most glorious moment of the National Society. Of course, he and other executive members would not like to see it. The blip of his own party.

Therefore, he is always paying attention to the progress of the bill, and as expected, the progress of converting a district into a province looks good, but the actual situation has been obstructed in every possible way. So, next you need to see him Cruz.

"Everyone, what you have seen is the actual progress of changing the district into a province. You are all pillars of the Socialist Party in our country, so you will need your help next."

In the Roman branch of the National Socialist Party, Cruz, as the leader of the party, looked at these elites of his own party. They are the elites selected by the National Socialist Party over the years. The means of the Kuomintang Socialist Party's most outstanding able-bodied.

"Party leader, I have a little personal opinion."

In the venue, a young National Socialist elite raised his hand.

"Razelda, just mention what you think, and I'll listen carefully."

Cruz knew him, from the Puglia branch, he was a shrewd and intelligent man who had swept away the Mafia in Barletta overnight, enough to make people feel his deterrent.

In fact, it's not just him, he knows more than 20 people in the venue, because they are all carefully selected by him, how can they not know them.

"Party leader, through the information I found that the current progress is not ideal, and I also understand the party leader's intention to choose only three places as a breakthrough point. Lombardy is currently the most prosperous area in my country, and the transformation of this area into a province is guaranteed to be stable. It is conducive to economic stability. Sicily, as the region with the most opposition, does need us to do our best to let other regions know Rome's attitude.

As for the Campania region, because it is the core region of the south, it is only by suppressing the opposition here that it can deter other southern regions. But there is one thing you may not have noticed, the leader of the party. As the core region of the South, the opposition forces in Campania are quite complex, and there are more situations to consider. "

Facing Lazelda's words, Cruz looked at him seriously. "Is there anything I don't know about you, can you tell me, this is just a first draft, and there is no final decision yet."

"Good leader, and colleagues, I'll tell you what I know." Lacerda looked at the people present and said. "According to the data, although the progress of the conversion of Campania to a province is not ahead, it is not backward. However, according to the information I have, the actual situation in the local area may not be like this, but is far behind. The other regions are basically the same as the Sicily region. About this, you can ask the comrades in the Campania branch, I believe they will give you a report on the actual situation."

Although Lacerda did not say it clearly, Cruz also knew about some It is obvious that someone from the Ministry of the Interior has revised the actual situation in Campania. It seems that there are quite a few people who are dissatisfied with being the Home Secretary.

Of course, he will not pay too much attention to these small actions now, and everything is to ensure the implementation of the bill as the first priority.

"Lacerda, thank you for your valuable comments, and I will ask someone to revise it next. Do you have any objections to the description of the data? If there is any, please let me know. Only by relying on you can I guarantee that I will not be subject to People are covering up, so let’s talk freely.”

Encouraged by Cruz, others also pointed out some differences in the information that they understood, and Cruz thanked them one by one.

Of course, the most important topic of this meeting is the enforcement of the bill.

In this regard, although Cruz is the interior minister, the only thing he can rely on at the moment is the strength of the National Socialist Party itself. Of course, he didn't forget what the king said when he summoned him; Cruz, I need the National Socialist Party to clear some obstacles that the government is inconvenient for for Italy, and I hope the National Socialist Party will live up to my expectations.

It was clear that the expansion of power in Italian politics would not have been possible without the support of the king. And this time, making himself the most alternative right-wing minister in the left-wing cabinet is the best proof that even the prime minister cannot refuse the advice from the king.

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