My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 709: Redmi Project: Fang Zong’s 1 game

Fang Nianhao said in his spare time: "Let’s talk about Xiaomi’s new sub-brand, Redmi."

Lei Jun: ⊙o⊙

Good guys!

This sets the brand name directly?

Lei Jun felt that he came to Shencheng to eat whales today.

Maybe it's because Beijing doesn't rely on the sea, but Shanghai depends on the sea?

After thinking about it in a mess for three seconds, Lei Jun smiled and said, "General Fang's proposal is very constructive."

Then he said happily: "'s called the Redmi Project!"

"Anyway, we have already registered red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple."

Hearing this, Fang Nian laughed: "Look, this is the tacit understanding of the first pick."

In his heart: "...simply."

If you don't tell me, the influence of Xiaomi and Redmi in the next few years is still considerable.

Not to mention that Chinese people have heard of it, at least among the netizens, most of them have heard of Xiaomi mobile phones and Redmi hands.

Fang Nian is certainly no exception.

So when it comes to this sub-brand, the first reaction is Redmi.


Fang Nian took a sip of tea and waited for Lei Jun to speak first.

Having said that, as a member of the Nuwa Alliance, Fang Nian doesn't care much about Vivo, Opal, Juchang, and Meizu.

Although Frontier Angel is also one of the major shareholders of Meizu.

The reason why I am more concerned about Xiaomi.

It's not all because Xiaomi is obviously more competitive, Lei Jun understands business strategies better, and it also has a higher share of shares.

Let's put it this way, Fang Nian and Lei Jun's shares can basically influence any decision of Xiaomi's board of directors.

If you count the other co-founders, the remaining investor opinions can be ignored.

Followed by……

Lei Jun always likes to find Fang Nian.

After all, Xiaomi's 5% permanent share to Fangnian cannot be given for nothing.

Lei Jun needs Fang Nian's advice on strategic development.

Sometimes when I think about it carefully, Lei Jun's vision is accurate. At the beginning of Xiaomi's establishment, Fang Nian used 5% of his permanent shares to tie a strategic chariot...

Facing Fang Nian’s calm gaze, Lei Jun briefly stated what the leaders of the competent department meant: "..."

In the end, I concluded: "This is the idea of ​​the relevant authorities. I hope Xiaomi can drive the domestic mobile phone industry chain."

"Of course, the leaders also know the investment direction of Shunwei Capital, and they have this consideration when they want to."

After listening to Lei Jun, Fang Nian fell into deep thought.

There was no rush to speak, and no excuses.

Lei Jun didn't urge him to make tea and pour the tea unhurriedly.

After all, the news that Lei Jun said was only clear to Lei Jun and the leaders.

This time Lei Jun’s words revealed more things, and the leaders of relevant departments seem to have high expectations for Xiaomi.

It is hoped that Xiaomi can fulfill the expectations of integrating and perfecting the domestic industrial chain and even catching up with the top international standards.

How should I put it, this information alone is very important.

In the past two years, Fang Nian has read every general policy document and development plan issued from the national level.

It also includes some development outlines that have been issued before.

Naturally, it also includes the 125 plan that was publicly released on March 16, with more than 50,000 characters in the full text. Fang Nian has read it several times without missing a word.

Speaking of which, during the expert argumentation stage, many people Fang Nian knew, more or less had Fang Nian's little intentions in it.

This is Fang's influence.

In fact, at the top level, there has always been a very clear understanding of domestic and foreign development trends.

Including the development of the information technology industry, including the development of basic science.

For example, the Nuclear High Base Project is a model.

Anyway, if we can go 100% according to the plan, there will be no enemy in the world.

So specific to Xiaomi, this proposal by the leaders of the relevant departments has a far-reaching purpose.

There should be several steps, such as integration, improvement, and catch-up.

Thinking of this, Fang Nian finished a cup of warm tea.

Slowly speak: "Mr. Lei, in your opinion, how much does the competent authority want Xiaomi to achieve?"

"It's hard to tell." Lei Jun said in a deep thought, "I have discussed it several times with Mr. Bin, but they are all inaccurate."

"But I think there should be something similar to planning steps above."

Hearing this, Fang Nian's eyes moved lightly: "Which step can Xiaomi do internally?"

Lei Jun replied: “It’s hard to say. According to our previous speculation, the competition in the smartphone industry is not fierce. Although Samsung participates in the Chinese market through cooperation with cutting-edge, it will increase competition, but it is still a feature machine in the past two years. Mainly..."

"In other words, it is very likely that the Redmi Project will go bankrupt halfway."

Having said that, Lei Jun analyzed: “Take Huaqiangbei as an example, when Apple’s new mobile phones are on the market, knock-off phones will appear in at most half a month, followed by a large number of white-branded phones, which are often the fastest to respond;

Although Nuwa Lab has not released a stable version, there is still a completely open source Android to choose from;

In particular, Android is much better than the Nuwa system in the adaptation of the whole hardware system;

Taking these factors into account, it is hard to say how smooth the Redmi project can be. "

Fang Nian nodded in agreement: "Indeed, the primary purpose of the Redmi Project is the civilian price."

Although the sub-brand of Redmi was very successful in the previous life, no one knows what the result will be before the implementation.

After a short pause, Fang Nian asked: "What is the development situation of the industrial chain invested by Shunwei Capital?"

"It has been exactly 11 months since the first investment was made. Shunwei Capital has invested in more than 300 small-scale component manufacturers."

Lei Jun talked freely.

"Basically, the development is still going well, because the market demand has not been small."

"Specifically, the three categories of memory, display, and processing chips are zero investment;

There is no way for memory. The investment in this area is too huge, and it is not a field that Shunwei Capital can enter. There is no domestic company that can do it. It can only be selected from Samsung;

The display screen can be supplied by BOE, and the processing chip can only be MediaTek. "

Having said that, Lei Jun couldn't help but sighed while watching Fang Nian.

He had thought about using Baize's chip from the beginning, but Fang Nian made it very clear.

The price of 195 yuan is not something that the Redmi plan of the obviously lower-end series can afford. It may be the cost that can be taken up by a single processing chip.

Fang Nian shook his head amusingly: "Mi 1s may not be able to suppress the cost of Shenlong 1."


"Before coming, I conducted a complete investigation of Shunwei Capital's investment coverage and industrial chain." Lei Jun smiled and continued.

"This is the result of the investigation."


Fang Nian took it over and quickly browsed.

This look is five minutes.

Because Shunwei Capital invested more than RMB 1.5 billion before and after, in the domestic industrial chain supporting smart phones, Shunwei Capital has invested in outstanding performance.

That is, the connector is not very prominent, it has already been formed after all.

Others, as large as a battery, as small as a motor module, were developed rapidly after the capital injection of Shunwei Capital.


It can be seen from this information.

Once Redmi plans to start with the integration of the industrial chain, the biggest winner will not be Xiaomi, but Shunwei Capital, which has the largest share of Fang Nian.

Can quickly grab enough profits in the primary market.

Seeing the back, Fang Nian let out a scream: "Hey, there are some parts supplying Samsung and HTC?"

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

Then the conversation changed: "It seems that Mr. Lei already has a plan?"

"It can't be said that it is a plan, just a little idea, or what you mentioned by Mr. Fang, optimizing the domestic industrial chain and making national affordable mobile phones." Lei Jun answered.

Hearing this, Fang Nian thought for a while and calmly said: "In this case, through the integration of the industry chain, using Xiaomi's successful experience to squeeze out the entire market of counterfeit devices, the development will basically be stable."

The development idea of ​​directly eliminating counterfeit machines made Lei Jun's eyes bright and smiled: "Then follow Mr. Fang."

"Could it be that President Lei didn't think so in his heart?" Fang Young smiled.

Lei Jun shook his head and denied.


Next, the two discussed the key points of the Redmi Plan.

Fang Nian did not hide it, and expressed some expectations of Nuwa's laboratory more clearly.

of course……

The Redmi Plan is also inevitably incorporated into a large-scale loose development plan by Fang Nian.

Fang Nian exchanged views with Lei Jun quickly.

"I think the description of the Qianyuan machine is not accurate enough. It should take advantage of Xiaomi's strengths in the field of cost performance and compress it to the extreme."

"On this point, I generally agree, but... In this way, the big pepper is likely to become cannon fodder first."

"Business development has always been the survival of the fittest. Originally, the root of the investment in the Yuxin era was to better build the Nuwa certification system. This matter has been completed, and the next step naturally depends on his ability."

"It's rare for Fang to be so straightforward."


"Compared to 1999, when the current outstanding smartphones are all Xiaomi, according to the current actual salary income analysis, the Redmi plan naturally has a large number of users;

Therefore, every 50 yuan increase or decrease in the pricing strategy is very important, and this can only be done by market research. "

"This is natural, each 50 yuan is very important to the audience."


At the end, Fang Nian said frankly: "In the end, I personally hope to ensure the user's gaming experience to a certain extent."

Hearing what Fang Nian said, Lei Jun's eyes lit up: "As expected of President Fang, good strategy!"

"Basic operation, basic operation." Fang Nian quickly humbled.


Fang Nian's words made Lei Jun's thinking completely unblocked.

I understood all of Fang Nian's strategic planning and layout from last year to the present.

Starting from the Nuwa system, to the Nuwa alliance, then domestic smartphones, then mobile social, and then to Dangkang mobile game, through the influence club to dominate the industry, and finally to make up for it with the red rice that aggressively attacked the knockoff market. Qi gap.

It means...

A global game of chess.

The development of mobile games has now entered a fast track.

But the user group who can enjoy mobile games is not large.

The main reason is the lack of equipment.

Although there are already a lot of big-screen candy bars, the copycats have almost no gaming experience.

The birth of the Redmi Project will strongly promote the further development of the mobile game industry and fill the final gap in the story.

Because according to Fang Nian's discussion with Lei Jun, Redmi will become a purely quantitative brand.

Lei Jun took a sip of his tea and asked in his spare time: "Can Fang always tell me what he expects for the Redmi phone?"

"Strive to be listed in August and sell 50 million units within this year." Fang Nian said casually.

Lei Jun almost squirted the tea out, and said: "Even if one unit only earns 20 yuan, it earns 1 billion net profits in four months, so I have to grab the money!"

"50 million is only a small amount. As long as Mr. Lei works hard, the first generation of Redmi phones can sell 100 million." Fang Nianshun's lips pressed rhyme.

"It is estimated that nearly 500 million mobile phones can be sold in the Chinese market this year, of which 400 million may be less than 1,000 yuan. It is this market that Redmi plans to target. It is not difficult."

Lei Jun opened his mouth and suffocated one sentence: "Mr Fang makes a lot of sense, but I'm speechless..."


In short.

Fang Nian's expectations are not unrealistic.

Because Shunwei Capital started to invest money to help the domestic industrial chain as early as a year ago.

This year Fang Nian personally trusted a 500 million RMB fund to Shunwei Capital, and invested it within a month, which once again gave a great boost.

In other words, when Lei Jun was thinking about letting Xiaomi hit the mid-to-high end and build a stronger brand power, Fang Nian had prepared all the prerequisites for Xiaomi's Redmi plan.

Just wait for the relevant department to suddenly bring it up.

With Xiaomi's current capabilities, two months are enough to design a good national mobile phone.

R&D funding?

Xiaomi is not bad for money now.

Not to mention the sales of Xiaomi 1, it doesn't matter that Xiaomi has received 165 million US dollars in financing some time ago, which is only tens of millions of yuan in research and development expenses.


From the cooperation between Xiaomi 1s and cutting-edge, to the strategic combination of Redmi Plan and Shunwei Capital, it only took more than two hours to complete the decision.

The other party said that after drinking tea with Lei Jun, he let go of his concern for the mobile phone industry.

Become lazy again.


The next morning.

President Wen Yewen and President Lei Junlei respectively signed an in-depth cooperation agreement framework with Xiaomi Technology in Shanghai on behalf of Frontier.

And a special press conference for the media was held.

Jointly released news:

"Xiaomi's next-generation mobile phone will debut Shenlong 1!"

The message is very simple.


It exploded in one fell swoop.

The media reporters on the scene asked numerous questions.

"Hello, Mr. Lei, why did Xiaomi choose Shenlong 1 for what reason?"

"The high performance of Shenlong 1 has been generally recognized. Is it the reason why Xiaomi chose so quickly?"


Not surprisingly, after the news of, related problems appeared.

How do you look at the cooperation between Xiaomi and Frontier Baize Lab? How to see the rapid commercialization of Shenlong 1?


In this, most people are still immersed in Apple's soft and hard system being penetrated by the cutting edge, making up jokes to make fun of Apple.

And expect that Nuwa Lab can open DeskOS to the public in the big public opinion boom.

Shenlong 1 has already started the commercialization process.

So easily reached the first cooperation.

With the popularity of Xiaomi mobile phones, perhaps the first order of business is the shipment of nearly 10 million chips, which is absolutely incredible!

Suddenly hit the inner softness of many irritable netizens.

"What do you think? I'm lying on the bed and watching, Xiaomi, hurry up, and make the phone quickly!"

"Look? Look at a hammer! Waiting for the listing, I'm ready for my wallet!"

"I like such an efficient action!"

"As expected of the cutting edge, I don't explain it!


Under the superficially high profile, Xiaomi launched the Redmi project very quickly.

Lin Bing personally led the team to form the Redmi team.

With the help of Shunwei Capital's resources, it started the optimal integration of the domestic mobile phone industry chain.

The end of the cottage phone is coming.

The new era is coming quietly...

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