My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 814 Officially promoted to 5A scenic spot!

The time will soon come to August. ♤

The rating of Heilong Mountain Scenic Area has been reviewed and officially determined to be a national-level high-quality 5A scenic spot!

It has become the second 5A-level scenic spot in Wanshan County!

Moreover, it is still far superior to the first one in every aspect!

The first 5A scenic spot in Wanshan County was rated 5A mainly because of its reputation as a red tourist attraction.

That scenic spot used to be a revolutionary base area, which is a lot of bonus points.

The Heilong Mountain Scenic Area is a real deal, and it was made by myself and got a 5A rating!

Whether it is the number of tourists received, turnover, taxes, surrounding accommodation facilities, software and hardware facilities in scenic spots, etc., etc.

All aspects fully comply with the selection standards of 5A scenic spots.

On the day when the 5A scenic spot license was issued, all the leaders from the county, township, and village who had interacted with Luo Yanning came to congratulate him.

Congratulations, Mr. Luo!

Congratulations to Mr. Luo, congratulations to Mr. Luo!

Congratulations to Mr. Luo for becoming the second 5A scenic spot in our county!

County magistrate Cui Xiaodong led all members of the county committee, township magistrate Dong Haiqing led all members of Beiqi Township, and Luo Haifeng led all members of the village committee. Fifty or sixty people came to celebrate with great fanfare.

At the same time, news media of all sizes in the county and editors-in-chief of public accounts also came to hear the news.

There are also anchors of all sizes in Wanshan County, who also come to follow the filming content and enjoy the popularity.

At present, Internet celebrities in Wanshan County have found the traffic password and go to the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area every day.

Although it costs 100 yuan to enter the sect every day, one day of live streaming in the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area will definitely bring in ten times or even dozens of times the feedback!

If you are lucky enough to photograph Luo Yanning, a super Internet celebrity with more than 100 million fans on the Internet, the live broadcast revenue in one day will be hundreds of times that of the entry-level martial arts!

At this time, I heard that the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area has successfully been promoted to 5A. For such a major news event, even fools know how to get traffic!

Thank you for your congratulations. Thank you to County Magistrate Cui and all the leaders for taking time out of their busy schedules to come to our scenic spot for guidance. Thank you to Mayor Dong and Secretary Luo. Thank you, thank you all.

Luo Yanning led a group of leaders from the scenic area to personally greet the leaders of the county committee, township committee, and village committee at the entrance of the scenic area.

My family is so excited! Our Heilongshan Scenic Area is finally 5A! All our members have been looking forward to this day for a long time, and today it finally came true, brothers!

We, Mr. Luo, said that if we are happy today, we will give out red envelopes in the live broadcast room for one day! Yes, you heard it right, it is one day! From now on, let's give out 10,000 red envelopes first!

In order to allow more people to participate in this red envelope event, in line with the principle that everyone has a share, we have communicated with the technical staff at Kuaishu. Those who have grabbed the red envelope can no longer grab it. , we will leave opportunities to more people, thank you all for your understanding, support and cooperation. ♦♡”

Okay, the first red envelope will be given out immediately, grab it now! No need to wait, it's time to compete in hand speed, everyone listen to my command, get ready, grab it!

There were many congratulatory guests at the scene. Online, Shui Xiangdong also organized a red envelope distribution event in the live broadcast room to celebrate. The red envelope worth 10,000 yuan was divided into 100 portions. Basically, everyone who grabbed it was dozens of dollars!

At this time, Luo Yinning's number of fans on Kuaishu has reached around 2 million, and the number of people online is reaching new highs after giving out red envelopes for a day.

It has risen from more than 2 million at the beginning to more than 4 million at its peak, and then to a new record of 5 million, which is already tied with the number of people online in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Li Jiaqi on weekdays.

Wow! I got it, I got it! It's my first time to get a red envelope in a live broadcast room, and it's a super big red envelope of 188 yuan! I'm so lucky today!

Your Majesty, I love you! Thank you Your Majesty for the red envelope! I will save this money for a lifetime!

I also robbed more than 80 yuan! This is the money the king gave me! In the future, I can tell people that the king spent money to support me!

Our king is still so generous! He never brings goods, but he is not stingy at all when he sends red envelopes. Although we didn't grab it, we are discouraged and wait for the next one!

Today I have to grab a red envelope. If I can't grab so many red envelopes, I will be very unlucky!

In the live broadcast room, both those who grabbed the red envelopes and those who had not yet grabbed the red envelopes were very excited.

At the same time, the number of people online is also rising, making history. In the afternoon, red envelopes are still being given out in the live broadcast room, and the bonus is instant and there is no need to wait!

Red envelopes worth 10,000 yuan are distributed non-stop, with an average of more than 30 being distributed in one minute, and nearly 2 million in one hour!

On the entire Kuai Dou platform, he is definitely the first anchor like Luo Yanning to hand out red envelopes so generously!

Holy shit! The live broadcast is really a lot of money. This is a welfare for everyone! I have been squatting in the live broadcast room to grab red envelopes since the morning. Although I didn't grab any red envelopes, I recorded the whole process. Until now, I have 1,022 red envelopes were distributed, totaling 10,220,000!”

Other anchors just give out red envelopes to gain popularity, and then start selling products to their families. People like Wang just give out red envelopes, and don't advertise or carry goods. It's like a breath of fresh air!

Anchor, you're a kind person, I'm here to set up a stall and give out porridge on Douu! I just grabbed the biggest red envelope that Dou has gotten in 5 years!

This is the most arrogant anchor I have ever seen, bar none! He is still the arrogant king of our family!

Shui Xiangdong distributed benefits to everyone in the live broadcast room. On the spot, Luo Yanning also distributed benefits to all employees of Heilong Mountain Scenic Area and Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area.

Of course, Luo Yanning was just like a boy who scattered money, not because he was full and had nothing to do, nor because he had so much money that he couldn't spend it all.

Celebrating the promotion of the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area to the 5A Scenic Area is one thing, and the most important aspect is to use the [One Money and Wanli] quota!

After his continuous efforts, the current monthly rebate amount of [One Thousand Profits] has reached as high as 80 million!

The salary of all employees in the two scenic spots plus one month is less than 10 million, and there is still more than 70 million left to spend!

Today is the last day, and Luo Yanning still has more than 40 million yuan that has not been spent.

Therefore, he broadcast a quota of 20 million to Shui Xiangdong's live broadcast room, and he will give out 20 million red envelopes today.

The remaining 20 million will all be distributed to the employees of the scenic spot.

There are tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room sharing 20 million, and they can get more than 100 yuan, or 70 yuan, or 80 yuan is already a lot.

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

At this time, the total number of employees in the two scenic spots is only more than 800, which is equivalent to 25,000 per capita!

The lucky draw for scenic area employees is the last activity of the day.

In addition to Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, all employees of Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area and leaders of various departments present also participated.

The main thing is a universal participation!

To this end, employees from the information technology department of the scenic spot specially designed a lottery model.

Divide the huge sum of 20 million into 1,000 shares, and everyone will have a chance to draw a lottery!

This celebration dinner was held at the Jia Ning Hotel.

On the big screen behind the small stage, the total amount of nearly 20,000,000 is so eye-catching and exciting!

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the celebration dinner officially started, and all the leaders of the scenic area, as well as all the guests visiting today, gathered together.

Fortunately, the restaurant at the Jianing Hotel is large enough to accommodate hundreds of tables of guests at one time, and thousands of people dining at the same time.

Everyone be quiet for a moment. First, let's ask Mr. Luo Yanning, the general manager of our Heilongshan Scenic Area, to speak.

Luo Yanning's young apprentice Zhao Rui was the host of this conference. She had experience hosting various evening parties and welcome parties during her college years.

At this time, hosting the celebration dinner at the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area is naturally a piece of cake.

As Zhao Rui finished speaking, the meeting place that had been noisy just a moment ago suddenly became quiet. Everyone was looking forward to Luo Yanning on the podium, waiting for him to speak.

Today our Heilongshan Scenic Area can be promoted to a 5A national famous scenic spot. First of all, I want to thank the leaders of our Wanshan County Party Committee, County Magistrate Cui, Deputy County Magistrate Zhang, and...

Luo Yanning first thanked the leaders who came from the county committee. Although the promotion of the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area to the 5A National Famous Scenic Area has no direct relationship with the leaders, I still want to express my gratitude.

After all, the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area is within the jurisdiction of Wanshan County. In the future, there will be many dealings with various departments of the county committee, so it is necessary to maintain a good relationship.

After Luo Jinning thanked him, Cui Xiaodong also delivered a speech as a representative, affirming the achievements of the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, and also presented key awards and praises to Luo Jinning himself, praising him as a model of entrepreneurship for contemporary young people, and calling on all the people to do so. The young talents in the county followed him and learned from him.

Blah, blah, blah—!

After Cui Xiaodong finished speaking, everyone in the audience applauded fiercely without Zhao Rui's reminder.

After all, his speech was all about praising the scenic spot and his boss, so he must be applauded!

At the same time, I would also like to thank the entire leadership team of the scenic spot for their efforts. Our scenic spot has been in a stage of rapid development in the past six months. The number of tourists has increased day by day, and various emergencies that have occurred in the scenic spot have also increased exponentially.

This is also a severe test for all members of the leadership team of our scenic spot. Here, I would also like to take advantage of our celebration dinner to say thank you for your hard work. Your contribution to our scenic spot's glory today is It’s a must.”

After thanking the leaders attending today's meeting, Luo Yanning affirmed the contributions and hard work of the members of the scenic area leadership team and expressed his gratitude to them.

After everyone heard Luo Yanning's praise, everyone was very happy. They felt that it was worth it no matter how hard and tired they were.

As the number of employees recruited by the scenic spot continues to grow, the functions of each department continue to be improved and subdivided. Currently, the total number of employees in the Heilongshan Scenic Spot has reached 788.

The leadership team members of the scenic spot have also expanded from the original 7 people to 35 people.

Members of the leadership team have high monthly salaries like Shui Miaomiao, who can easily earn over 100,000 yuan a month.

Even the most ordinary leaders, such as Liang Dingxiang from the environmental sanitation department of the scenic spot and Luo Erniu from the mechanical maintenance department of the scenic spot, can get a salary of 16,000+ a month.

Everyone earns a salary that far exceeds their ability level. Naturally, they go all out for their own tasks in the scenic area. It is not an exaggeration to say that they call the scenic area their home.

Finally, I would like to thank all the employees of our Heilongshan Scenic Area. It is your hard work that allows our scenic area to welcome tourists from all over the country with a new attitude every day. You are at the forefront and the most important As people who have close contact with tourists face to face every day, tourists’ impressions of our scenic spots are all conveyed by you...

Luo Yanning said a lot of words of thanks, which moved all the staff in the audience to tears. Everyone felt that it was the right time to come to Heilongshan Scenic Area.

Although the management of the scenic spot is very strict, it does not lose its humanity. It strictly abides by the provisions of the national Labor Law and implements an 8-hour work system. The working hours will never exceed 40 hours per week, allowing all employees to have a double break!

You know, in a scenic area that has to open its doors every day to receive tourists, it is very conscientious to have single days off, let alone weekends.

If you want to achieve double holidays, the scenic spot needs to recruit more employees and pay more salaries to be satisfied, but Heilongshan Scenic Spot does not care and values ​​employees above everything else!

Heilongshan Scenic Area has also become the only scenic spot in the county that allows two weekends!

Moreover, even on the premise of weekend breaks, the salary level of scenic area employees is the highest in the county!

They get half as much time off per month as employees at other scenic spots, and their wages are nearly half higher!

In order to save costs, other scenic spots pay employees pension insurance and other things in accordance with the minimum standards stipulated by the state.

Heilongshan Scenic Area is unique in that it pays according to your actual salary, no matter how much you pay, there is no ambiguity at all!

Because the employees of other scenic spots all have agricultural registered permanent residence, the scenic spot even has no housing provident fund left and does not pay a penny.

Regardless of whether you have an agricultural household registration, a township household registration, or an urban household registration, the housing provident fund in Heilongshan Scenic Area is based on actual wages.

In terms of housing provident fund alone, each employee will have to pay more than 1,500 yuan.

of course there are exceptions.

The highest monthly payment base for housing provident fund in Shishi City is 24,743 yuan. Leaders like Shui Miaomiao and others can only pay according to the highest local base.

Luo Yanning wanted to pay them according to their actual wages. This would also help him get the [One Hundred Thousand Profits] quota.

However, the country does not allow it, and the local maximum can only be paid according to the monthly salary of 24,743.

All in all, salaries and benefits like those in Heilongshan Scenic Area are not available in a small county like Wanshan County.

Even in Shishi, even in front-line metropolises like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, it is rare.

Doing the most leisurely jobs and receiving super high wages, the employees of Heilongshan Scenic Spot naturally have a growing sense of belonging to their own scenic spot.

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