My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 815 The responsibility of a large company!

An extremely emotional speech ended. ☟♦

The waiters began to push the small dining carts to serve food to each table.

In other companies, the standards for entertaining leaders must be much higher than those for ordinary employees.

This is almost an unspoken rule, and everyone who runs a company knows this.

Just like a small and medium-sized group company like Heilongshan Scenic Area, the employees alone sit at about 100 tables.

If all these 100 tables are arranged according to the specifications of entertaining the leaders, how much more will it cost?

This dinner party at the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area treated everyone equally.

Regardless of whether it was the table entertaining the county magistrate and the others, or the table of sanitation workers cleaning the scenic area, they all had the same dishes and the same wine.

Chicken, duck, fish, beef, sheep, pig, prawns, crabs, oysters, all the special dishes of Jianing Hotel are available, extremely rich.

The wine used for the reception is the most expensive Jiajing pure wine from Heilong Liquor Industry, and one bottle costs more than the other.

Food, drinks, and food cost an average of around 10,000 yuan per table!

100 tables is equivalent to 1 million yuan. For Luo Yanning, whose net worth has soared to more than 50 billion, this amount of money cannot be said to be a drop in the bucket, nor is it a big sum.

The promotion of the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area to the 5A Scenic Area can be regarded as fulfilling a long-cherished wish of the old man. Luo Yanning is also happy from the bottom of his heart. It doesn't matter if he spends a little money to celebrate and let everyone have fun together.

Luo Yanning, Cui Xiaodong and other county party committee leaders toasted everyone together and then started the free mode, and the scene became lively again.

Everyone, please be quiet. Next, is the lottery that everyone has been waiting for. Our lottery will start soon.

Zhao Rui, who was wearing a red dress, returned to the small stage with a microphone and said something with a smile. All the employees in the audience immediately fell silent and stared at Zhao Rui on the stage.

Or it would be more accurate to stare at the conspicuous number 20,000,000 behind her!

As Zhao Rui said, everyone comes to eat and drink for one thing, but the lottery is what everyone is looking forward to the most!

A huge sum of 10,000 yuan, more than 20,000 yuan per capita, it is very exciting to think about it!

In order to protect everyone's basic interests and to take care of those employees who may be less lucky, this lottery has an element of luck, but it also has a minimum guarantee.

Mr. Luo told our programmers to set a minimum guarantee for everyone. Tonight, our guests and all employees will receive red envelopes with a minimum amount of no less than 18,000!

The smallest one has 18,000?

Mr. Luo is mighty!

Great! Long live Mr. Luo!

Did I hear you right? The youngest one has 18,000? Mr. Luo is too proud!

Everyone in the audience was excited when they heard that the smallest red envelope was worth 18,000 yuan!

No matter how unlucky you are, you can still get 18,000 red envelopes as a base. If you are more lucky, you might get 20,000, or even 30,000 or 40,000!

Everyone, please be quiet. Let's first ask Mr. Luo to draw 50 lucky employees on stage to draw the prize! Everyone, welcome with applause!

After Zhao Rui finished speaking, a burst of fierce applause broke out from the audience. Luo Yanning smiled and said something to Cui Xiaodong and the others at the same table, got up and walked onto the small stage. ̷x̷.̷c̷o̷m̷

There was a laptop placed on the stage, and the company's programmer specially designed a small lottery program. Luo Yanning clicked the mouse, and 50 lucky employees were quickly selected to take the stage.

After the 50 lucky employees came on stage, they drew prizes on the computer one after another.

Wow! 23451! I drew 23451 yuan!

Mine is 19988!

Mine is 20675!

Among the 50 lucky employees selected by Luo Yanning, the lowest was just over 15,000 for the few unlucky ones who triggered the guarantee mechanism.

The person who got the highest reward was an ordinary employee of the environmental sanitation department of the scenic spot, who got 41,233 yuan!

The eldest sister is over 50 years old. Before she came to work in the scenic spot, she was an ordinary rural woman in the village. She usually did some greening work with others. After a year of exhausting work, she might not even be able to earn 20,000 yuan. !

Since coming to the scenic spot, work has become easier, and the monthly salary is as high as more than 5,000 yuan, and five social insurances and one housing fund are paid. While the eldest sister is making more money than before, her family status at home has also increased linearly. The shrewd daughter-in-law no longer causes trouble for her, and provides for her every day as if she were her own mother.

During the Chinese New Year last year, during the lottery draw at the annual meeting, the eldest sister drew a big red envelope worth more than 20,000 yuan. At this celebration banquet, she drew another big red envelope worth more than 40,000 yuan. She was really lucky. !

Thank you, Mr. Luo! Thank you Heilongshan Scenic Area! I have low education and a stupid mouth. I don't know what to say. From now on, I will be a member of our scenic area in life and will be the soul of our scenic area in death! Thank you, thank you!

As the lucky winner of this group, the eldest sister burst into tears when she gave her acceptance speech, but she was really happy in her heart!

More than 40,000 yuan is definitely a huge amount of income for a rural family!

After a small interlude, the lottery continued. The 50 lucky guests in the second round were drawn by Cui Xiaodong, the biggest leader on the scene.

There was a small episode. Among the 50 lucky guests Cui Xiaodong drew, he was actually himself. Everyone cheered and cheered, but Cui Xiaodong finally got a chance to draw a lottery.

What is even more ridiculous is that County Magistrate Cui is really not very lucky tonight. The amount of the red envelope he drew is 15,000.1 yuan.

Cui Xiaodong's red envelope was only one penny more than the lowest price of 15,000, and the audience burst into laughter again.

After talking and laughing, in the end, Cui Xiaodong still did not accept the red envelope. As a leader in the county, he must abide by discipline and pay attention to the influence.

As the top leader of Wanshan County, receiving more than 10,000 yuan in red envelopes at the celebration banquet of the company under his jurisdiction is hard to say and not nice to hear.

I have long heard that there is a Heilongshan Nursing Home in Luojiazhuang, which was built voluntarily by our Heilongshan Scenic Area. How many elderly people live in it?

Cui Xiaodong only knew that there was a nursing home in Heilongshan, but he didn't know exactly how many people lived in the nursing home. He looked at Luo Haifeng and asked.

Luo Haifeng walked onto the stage in a few steps and reported to Cui Xiaodong truthfully: County Magistrate Cui, when our Heilongshan Nursing Home first started, there were only 6 elderly people from the village.

With Mr. Luo's strong support, we expanded the size of the nursing home at the beginning of this year.

It has also accepted more lonely elderly people other than our Luojiazhuang. Now, there are a total of 38 elderly people with local household registration in Heilongshan Nursing Home.

The fact that 38 helpless elderly people can enjoy their old age in the Heilongshan Nursing Home not only reflects the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, but also reflects the responsibility of our Heilongshan Scenic Area. Here, on behalf of the 38 Old man, thank you Mr. Luo!


As Cui Xiaodong spoke, he bowed to Luo Yanning in public. This bow he bowed willingly and sincerely!

Luo Yanning stood up and said with a smile: County Magistrate Cui, you are really embarrassing me. I just did something within my ability.

It is an honor for our Wanshan County to have Mr. Luo, an outstanding entrepreneur with good intentions and serving the country and the people! I once again express my gratitude to Mr. Luo on behalf of all members of the county party committee!

After Cui Xiaodong finished speaking, the members of the county party committee who followed him to the scene also stood up from their seats and bowed to Luo Yanning in unison.

Finally, please allow me to lend flowers to Buddha and give the big red envelope I just drew to the 38 elderly people in our nursing home. I wish them good health and a peaceful old age!

After Cui Xiaodong finished speaking, there was another burst of warm applause from the audience without the need for the host Zhao Rui to start.

After a sensational speech, everyone continued to draw prizes while eating and drinking.

With Cui Xiaodong, the big leader, setting an example, several leaders present from the county party committee also donated the red envelopes they drew to the Heilongshan Nursing Home in a dignified manner.

The few were 17,800 and over 20,000, and the one who drew the most drew more than 35,000, and also donated it without blinking an eye.

Luo Yanning's luck was a bit overwhelming tonight, and she gave out the largest red envelope of 88888!

Everyone booed and said there was an inside story. Luo Yanning was not the kind of person who couldn't take a joke, so she didn't mind the booing and immediately donated more than 80,000 yuan in red envelopes to the Heilongshan Nursing Home.

With him, the top leader of the scenic spot, setting an example, employees above the manager level in the scenic spot also followed suit and donated all the red envelopes they received.

Although Luo Haifeng and other village committee cadres were a little distressed, they were too embarrassed to keep the red envelopes in their pockets in front of the county leaders and hundreds of employees.

The ideological consciousness must not be low or left behind. Everyone also donated all the red envelopes they drew.

Finally, someone did the math and found that Heilongshan Nursing Home became the biggest winner in tonight's lottery, receiving a total of 10,000 donations!

The celebration party started at around 7 p.m. and continued. The huge sum of 10,000 yuan was all distributed to the ordinary employees of the scenic spot.

Everyone had good food and drinks, and also returned home with a full harvest.

Luo Yanning took all the leaders of the scenic spot and all the members of the Luojiazhuang Village Committee to send Cui Xiaodong and other county committee members to the entrance of Luojiazhuang Village.

Watching several official cars of the county committee disappear into the night, everyone chatted for a few more words and then dispersed, everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when Luo Yanning returned to the Jianing Hotel, and the hotel employees were still doing the final cleaning and cleaning work in the banquet hall.

Take the direct elevator up to Ruijia's exclusive suite.

Luo Yanning took off her clothes that smelled of alcohol and cigarettes and threw them into the laundry basket, then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Jingle bells, jingle bells--!

After taking a shower and wiping her hair, Luo Yanning came out of the bathroom when she heard her cell phone ring.

He picked up the mobile phone left on the sofa and saw that it was a video call request from Li Ruijia from the United States.

When Luo Yanning was on a business trip to Abu Dhabi, Li Ruijia's godmother Hong Shuxin was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on the liver, commonly known as cancer.

Because the location of the lesions is extremely tricky, even the best experts from the best cancer hospitals in the country are not very sure that they can completely eliminate malignant tumor cells.

On the recommendation of some friends in the medical field, Shang Yunqing and Li Ruijia took Hong Shuxin to the Mayo Clinic in the United States for medical treatment.

The Mayo Clinic was founded in Rochester, Minnesota in the 18th century and currently has 19 hospitals in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

It provides the world's top medical services to more than 1.3 million people every year.

The Mayo Clinic is one of the world's leading medical institutions and is considered the top hospital in the United States and one of the top hospitals in the world.

It has been committed to providing excellent medical services and being a leader in medical technology, research and education.

Its research results and medical experience have high influence and reputation globally, attracting patients and medical experts from all over the world to learn and communicate.

Of course, as the world's top medical institution, Mayo Clinic's medical expenses are not affordable for ordinary people.

Fortunately, Shang Yunqing and Hong Shuxin have saved some assets over the years. This medical treatment will definitely be enough. Even if it is not enough, they still have Li Ruijia as their goddaughter.

Although Li Ruijia and Hong Shuxin are not biological mother and daughter, after getting along for a while, the relationship between them is better than that of biological mother and daughter. She would not even consider paying 1.8 million in medical expenses.

Hey Jiajia.

After answering the video call, Luo Yanning smiled and said hello to Li Ruijia.

Master Luo, my godmother's surgery has been completed. The doctor said it was quite successful. If you maintain good eating habits and exercise more, there will be no recurrence in more than ten years!

Li Ruijia on the other end of the phone happily shared the situation of Hong Shuxin's surgery with Luo Yanning.

That's good, when are you going to come back?

The doctor said that I will have to stay in the hospital for another two months for observation. After two months, I will see if I can be discharged depending on the situation.

How about two months? So long...

What? Does Master Luo miss me?

That's necessary. I miss you every day.

That's pretty much it. If you still have some conscience, I'll reward you well when I get back.

Oh? What kind of reward method?

you guess?

I do not guess you guess guess?


The phone call lasted for more than an hour, and it wasn't until after 12 o'clock in the evening that Luo Yanning hung up the phone.

After ending the call with Li Ruijia, Luo Yanning smoked a cigarette on the sofa in the living room.

After smoking, he got up and went back to the bed in the bedroom to sleep.

The rooms in the Jiajing Hotel also have various functions of [cozy cabins].

Under the influence of the [Soundful Sleep] attribute, Luo Yanning fell asleep in less than a minute after lying on the bed.

Early the next morning, at around 5 o'clock in the morning, Luo Yanning got up as usual.

I took a quick shower, put on some sports clothes, and took the elevator downstairs.

After some simple stretching downstairs, Luo Yanning ran directly to the scenic spot.

Good morning, Mr. Luo!

Mr. Luo, go exercise!


Along the way, I met many people who were also doing morning exercises.

Luo Yanning responded to everyone who greeted him one by one, and he was an approachable person. (End of chapter)

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