My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 407: start sailing

When Anyang was ready to go and returned to the real world again, half of the afternoon had passed.

He took out his cell phone and looked at the time. There were less than two hours left. This time is worth cherishing.

But the more time you care about, the faster you go, and the countdown on your phone quickly jumps to the end.

Anyang smiled helplessly and said goodbye to them one by one, and then the white light flashed, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Mission World: Warcraft (Native World)

Mission Objective: None

Initial skill: None

Successful mission: reward props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 1

Task failed: repeated execution


Anyang was stunned for the first time.

A faint urge to explode a sentence to express his mood spread across his brain, but he was still suppressed by him.

I am the supreme chief of the Huaibei base, I am the helm of the Ans group, I am the silver moon **** of Pallans, I am the emperor of the Divine Empire, even if I am alone in this strange world, I must put down Those useless psychology, but it is still necessary to maintain your own image.

Yes, it is like that!

However, the system is getting lazy, the initial skills are omitted, the initial money is gone, and now even the mission goals are not set.

As for Warcraft ...

Before he could react, the dark eyes suddenly restored the picture, and he had appeared in another world.

Eyes of yellow wild grass, farmland and watermills in front, scattered villages, mostly houses with thatched roofs, gently undulating landforms, and not many but unusually dense trees, bowed slightly as the wind blew through, but also The mountains with the farthest horizon in the distance and the black peaks covered with snow constitute a vast picture of a wilderness farm with a magical wind, which seems to instantly pull people into the medieval countryside of Europe.

As long as the place is developed in modern times, no, development is useless. Once fame spreads, it is an excellent hiking destination. There will definitely be backpackers from all over the world. The footsteps and cameras will measure the great scenery here!

Anyang frowned, glancing around.

Is this World of Warcraft?

But the name is a bit confusing, is it a game or ...

Before he could think about it, a scream suddenly passed into his ears, causing him to turn around immediately.


I saw a woman in a plain grey cloth, standing behind him, staring straight at him at a distance of ten meters. His expression was astonished.

Anyang froze for a moment, and then it came back, thinking she suddenly appeared to scare her.

But this can't be blamed on him. They all blame the system. It doesn't matter if he is transported to this high-altitude highland, the selector protection mechanism has also been cancelled.

It seems that the mistakes made by the system can only be compensated by affinity.

Anyang immediately showed a kind smile and bowed with grace: "Madam, can I help you?"

As a qualified space-time shuttle, adapting to the environment quickly and changing your speech temperament is a necessary skill.

This woman has brown hair, fair skin, brown eyes and prominent facial features, a typical Western image, with light freckles on both sides of her cheeks, it seems that she is not very young, but Anyang knows this In both times, men and women are always precocious.

Woman, it should be said that the girl opened her eyes wide, and it took a long time to recover, and said: "You, why did you suddenly appear here?"

Anyang's eyes narrowed, his thoughts flashed instantly, and he gave a reasonable explanation: "It's like this. I'm a traveling mage. I just came here through magic. If there is any trouble for you, I'm in I apologize to you here. "

The girl looked more surprised, looking at him.

This person is very strange in his eyes. He has black eyes and hair, his skin is yellow, and his appearance is a little weird. The style of clothes she has never seen before is a bit like the clothes worn by nobles, but it is obvious different. The clothes were pure in color and made of good materials. They were clean and tidy without any dirt and wrinkles, and they were in stark contrast to the simple, gray linen on her body, which made her feel awed and inferior.

It took a long time before she took a deep breath, with a little respect in her tone: "You said you are a mage?"

Anyang nodded.

The girl blinked stunnedly. The relatively beautiful facial features were not damaged by the faint freckles. Instead, she looked extremely cute. When she reacted, she bowed immediately and respectfully, saying very politely: "My name is Iser Wei, Ace Wei Longqi, it's an honor to meet you, Master Master. "

Anyang also returned to the ceremony very gracefully, saying apologetically: "Anyang, my full name is Anyang, and it is rude."

Elsevier pointed to the village scattered behind him in the wilderness and asked carefully: "Dear Master, can I invite you to visit our village? I think the elders in the village will welcome you very much."

Anyang hesitated and looked at her eyes as pure as a tranquil lake, and nodded and said, "It's an honor."

Acer Wei's sweaty face suddenly showed a smile, the extra sunlight was shining, and walked past him with a lively pace, but he was very careful not to let himself touch him, fearing that he had just finished his farm work and stained him. That looks like expensive clothes.

"Dear Master Master, please come with me, I will let my father prepare meals for you, as well as my own rum and ale, I do n’t know which one you like, yes, maybe the elders will I will prepare it for you. We have n’t had such a distinguished guest in our village for a long time. "

"Thank you very much for your enthusiasm."

Anyang hesitated a little, and then calmly followed up, chatting with her.

As it happens, he needs a little time to sort out his thoughts and understand this mission world, and by the way, learn some information from the residents of this world.

The two quickly entered the village, and a noble mage came as a guest, which immediately attracted many people to watch.

Anyang frowned, ignoring the crowd's onlookers, and stepped into a very "classical" house near the lakeside.

Decaying wooden room pillars, crumbling house architecture, the house was built very low to prevent it from collapsing, and there were layers of thatched grass above it. Gale!

Acervie shouted in the house: "Father, we have a mage guest."

There is no furniture in the house, only black wooden benches and not-so-clean tables. The pillars are all seven and seven columns. Obviously, the aesthetics has not been considered. Man, his face is covered with ravines, and his clothes are black and hemp, very simple and simple style, should be to prevent dirt.

Anyang was a gentleman, and said, "My name is Anyang, and I hope I won't disturb you, sir."

The man wiped his hands on his body and turned his head around, somewhat at a loss, looking at his bright clothes and not knowing what to say.

Anyang was also somewhat helpless about this and had to smile at him.


[See, sincerely! 】

Regarding this new copy, the author's words:

Um, anyway, I see that here, it is better to show this paragraph by the way.

As the saying goes, ten years of Warcraft, as a game with a grand and complete background timeline, a game that continues to be popular from 2005 to 2016 (China), the number of paying users has entered the world Guinness The game of record is also the game of the winner of the best MMORPG game. World of Warcraft represents the youth and passion of countless people. Its position in the hearts of people and the history of games is undisputed.

This can be seen from the "Warcraft" movie released a few months ago.

This game is not only devoted to the inspiration and hard work of the designer's life, but also to the emotions of too many people. In the past few days, many book friends hope that gold will set his eyes on the background of the game. Although this one is not directly written The background of the game, but also a knocker.

This also means that if the subscription of this copy is not ideal, Golden will be more cautious in considering the game plot in the future.

But at the same time, the background of World of Warcraft is too grand. It can be called the most magnificent game with an epic history. The history alone is a perfect novel. Gold cannot use this as a basis to develop the plot. You can only choose a shorter timeline.

Considering that it is not clear how many book friends are loyal fans of this game, many people may not understand the macro plot of Warcraft, so Gold chose the plot described in the "Warcraft" movie released a few days ago, at least this paragraph History is more familiar with book friends.

Again, this is a knocking brick, and the golden book is a type of time and space shuttle. It is impossible to spend a lot of space to describe this game like a book dedicated to World of Warcraft. On the other hand, in order to avoid that some book friends who are not familiar with the story of Warcraft seem jerky, this mission world is just like Duncan Jones filming ~ ~ had to balance between gamers and ordinary readers.

For gamers, Gold may skip some very obscure background when writing, and the professional level may also be relatively reduced, mainly relying on the movie plot (the movie plot has made a lot of changes in the game background), Please forgive the game fans for this.

For ordinary book friends, Golden will add some elements in the game, and strive to let many book friends who have never played World of Warcraft and watched the "Warcraft" movie look a little more cute and understand the story behind that plot, as well as some The more profound reason.

In general, this is a reinterpretation of the "Warcraft" movie, mainly based on the film plot, but not too rigid.

Well, generally speaking, do n’t spray if you deviate from the game, just blame the movie. Do n’t blame the movie if you do n’t like the movie, just blame the game. Anyway, gold is innocent and cute.

Hope to bring you a good experience.

Let Anyang set sail in this mysterious land and set sail!

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