My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 408: World of Warcraft

An old man walked out of the crowd outside, and the surrounding villagers consciously made way for him. The old man's footsteps wobbled, came to Anyang with a cane, and looked at him with turbid eyes, with doubts in his eyes.

"My name is Stanley, Stanley Reach, sir, are you the mage they are talking about visiting the wilderness village?"

"Yes, Mr. Leiqi, my name is Anyang."

Anyang nodded, pinched a fingerprint, and did not read the spell, and the ground blazed with flames.

There was an uproar outside.

Everyone's eyes widened, including the men and girls in the house, as well as the elders standing in front of Anyang.

Anyang waved his hand, a gust of wind blew, and the flames extinguished in a blink of an eye, but he saw that the plain-dressed old man was surprised, the doubts in his eyes did not dissipate, but a little more. With a chuckle in his heart, he intuitively saw himself through the wise elder.

But he has his own way.

"I am a traveling wizard, traveling between the world, and came to your world by accident, thank you very much for your enthusiasm."

The old man frowned, thinking a little in his turbid eyes, and nodded for a long time before saying, "It turns out that this is the case. Since it can carry out the astral shuttle, then you must be a great mage, comparable to the guardian. It is our honor to be a mage like you. "

Anyang was surprised.

He has some knowledge of the plot of World of Warcraft. Since this old man knows the guardian, he should have a lot of knowledge. At least he has seen the mage. No wonder he can see that he is not using magic.

"You are really a learned elder."

"Where, where I went to Ironforge and Stormwind when I was young."

Anyang's eyes narrowed, Ironforge and Stormwind City, which are the main cities in the World of Warcraft game, also appeared in the movie. Although he hasn't completely figured out which task world he is this time, he is bound to be The two main cities are inseparable.

He talked with the old man for a while, and after receiving the kindness from the strange and generous old man, he secretly expressed his desire to take a break and take a look around.

The old man was also very simple, bowed his head and said: "Master Master please do whatever you want, I hope Ethaway will entertain you for me, she can lead you wherever you want, we will arrange dinner and accommodation for you at night, the village conditions are poor , Also ask Master Master to be wronged. "

Anyang quickly bowed his head: "The elder is too polite."

The old man nodded, said no more, turned and walked into the crowd, and by the way the onlookers dispersed.

Anyang looked at each of the plain and awkward faces in front of him, and smiled at Aceville: "Miss beautiful lady, I don't need to bother you, I can just walk around. Look, it can enrich my wisdom and knowledge. "

Acer Wei was a little shy, but she still shook her head very seriously: "No, the elder said that if I want to entertain you for him, I must do my duty. If you don't have a clear destination, I can follow Behind you, I will bring you back when you get lost. "

Anyang smiled: "A qualified mage will not get lost."

Atherway still insisted.

Anyang followed her and stepped out of this dilapidated house.

He is very satisfied with his performance. He feels that he is really like an orthodox mage. He is humble and polite. He travels the world in pursuit of more wisdom and knowledge, especially with his indifferent look around. The expression, um, and a simple staff would be perfect.

Anyang returned to the place where it first came, and sat down, because it is the highest here, and you can get an overview of the scattered villages in front, and the scenery is not bad.

Acer Wei was not far behind him, sorted out her clothes, and sat down, but it might be because of inferiority, or fear of offending this strange strange Master Master, she consciously kept with Anyang Over a few meters.

Anyang ignored her, and began to think silently.

According to his intuition, this mission world should be based on the newly released Warcraft movie as the main plot, which may be changed, but it is not directly based on the grand background of Warcraft, which seems to have become Urinary system.

However, for insurance, he still found out his phone, pinched his fingers and whispered a curse, and performed a sound insulation technique.

The screen flashed, and at the same time a cold sound rang out.


"System, I want to know whether this mission world was created based on the World of Warcraft game or the movie?"


The system didn't respond, and the screen went black directly.

Anyang's face was also a bit dark, and he poked the screen again.

"Now that I have entered the mission world, I know what the plot is and I can't prepare for it. You tell me it should be fine?"

The screen lights up again, but the system is not silent, but the voice is still sentimental.

"The general plot is based on the" Warcraft "movie, with a few details and setting reference games."

"Huh, you actually gave such a detailed habit, it's not like you!" Anyang expressed a surprised expression, and asked, "Then there is no mission target for this mission, how can I count the mission completed?"

"The plot is over."

Anyang crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and snapped up the phone cleanly, revealing an unpredictable expression.

Roughly the plot is a Warcraft movie, and the plot is familiar. If the background of the World of Warcraft game, then this task is too large.

So he began to recall the plot of the movie.

"Warcraft" has just appeared, but he has seen it. As for this game that can be loaded into the history of the game world, he does not know much, but there are a lot of information in the bio-assisted chip. There should be some information about this Game background.

In this way, I still have a lot of prophetic advantages.

"Warcraft" is a fantasy film produced by American Blizzard and Legendary Pictures. It was shot by cutting-edge director Duncan Jones. The main background is the first war of World of Warcraft, not World of Warcraft with more than a dozen words in the Lord of the Rings. The main story spans several generations and has a great era of epic legends.

In the plot, although "Warcraft" fully respects the original characters and settings, it also simplifies the timeline. Basically it is a balance between ordinary viewers and Warcraft players, which is equivalent to creating a The parallel world of the original book has a certain difference from the original story.

(So, senior gamers do not spray, the movie has a considerable feeling, but some places are really vomiting blood, the author tries to make some extensions based on the movie plot (this is the most important), in the background of the game !)

For Anyang, he is familiar with the plot of this movie. As for the larger background of World of Warcraft, the tragic and magnificent lives of heroes and bosses of all ethnic groups, he does not know much, but only a rough idea. , The rest have to make up for evil.

The plot of the film is very simple. As the director said, it is a closed story, which is intertwined with psychological and physical battles, but the hidden background involves too many things, which will be difficult to clear for a while.

First of all, let ’s talk about Sargeras. The bronze Titan Sargeras was originally one of the oldest gods in the chaotic universe, the most powerful warrior, and the guardian of peace. He was invincible in the war against evil, no Man can hold back his sword, but he gradually loses his heart, and fears because of the collapse of faith, which has corrupted into a fallen Titan, also known as the Dark Titan or the Demon King.

Sargeras established the Burning Legion after destroying the temples and the gods of the ancients, eager to purify the world by destroying everything, so as to prevent the Void Lord from bringing infinite fear to the world. This is the origin of the big boss.

(It's very simple to say, I don't dare to be too detailed, and I'm afraid to take up space, so it is inevitable that there will be errors. Please also understand the veteran players.)

There are countless galaxies in the huge chaotic universe, and the world of Azeroth is one of the most vigorous and prosperous planets, and the most likely place to defeat the Void Lord, but it is scolded by Sargeras. Destroyed by his desire.

Sargeras once led the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth, but unfortunately failed, so he prepared a huge conspiracy, he corrupted the guardian Medivh of Azeroth's inheritance from generation to generation, and through tricks to control from other An orc in the world named Draenor attempts to conquer Azeroth with the orc ’s mighty power.

The beginning of the movie was the orc master, and Gul'dan controlled by Salras opened the portal to Azeroth. The originally scattered orc clan formed a powerful war group and began a massive invasion. Azeroth, which led to a series of battles.

But what made Anyang depressed was that he didn't know the progress of the timeline at all, including whether the portal was opened, and whether the orc army from Draenor entered Azeroth.

He remembers that the orcs first came out of the black swamp, because Azeroth did not build another portal at that time, the orcs conquered Draenor, and the slaughtered draenei could only establish a short time. Portal, after the army set foot on Azeroth, Gul'dan will use the life of Azeroth's residents as fuel to build another portal.

The process seems to be the western wilderness, the Elvin Forest, the Blackstone Trail, and then the war.

It's just that Stormwind City, which was defeated in the original work, didn't fail. The **** King Lion and the orc protagonist Durotan did die. In Makora (a kind of one-on-one sacred heads-up with orcs), Gul'dan was sucked into life by using the magic spell, and the scene was extremely tragic!

and many more……

Western wilderness!

Anyang opened his eyes wide and scanned the wild landscape in front of him. At the same time, a picture of being abused by the orcs flashed in his head, gradually overlapping with the area in front of him.

The lighthouse, the tree, and the farmhouse in the distance ...

Anyang directly called out the "Warcraft" movie with a bio-aided chip, fixed the picture at that second and projected it on his retina.

It's exactly the same!

Anyang immediately turned his head and asked Ace Wei: "Ace Wei, do you know what the name is here?"

Isavey looked up at him, then lowered his head, and replied: "This is the village of Frio, Master Master."

Anyang asked again: "What's the name of this wasteland outside the village?"

After thinking about it for a while, Atherway replied: "I heard the elders say that this is called the Western Wilderness, next to Elvin Forest and Stormwind City."

Anyang suddenly understood.

It seems that the orcs have not opened their aggression against Azeroth, otherwise it will be difficult to maintain such tranquility here.

At this moment, he is like a prophet, anticipating the picture of the future, the villages where smoke is rising, the haystacks with fire, the innocent villagers wailing and wailing all over the orcs, those who have just seen them will be punished Captured by the orcs and turned into a fel fuel to open the next portal, the position where they stand now will be stood by Durotan and Orgrim Doomhammer, who will hesitate for this asymmetric slaughter .

Including the lovely girl who was sitting on her side and leading her way at the moment, will also be the first victims of this war, and may even be able to absorb the vitality of Gordan, the orc master, Into a body.

Anyang narrowed his eyes for a moment.

He is very clear that in this world, he is not the highest chief of the Huaibei base, nor is the silver moon **** general of Pallans, he is alone, there is no army that can lay down the divine world for him, and he must put down those rulers. Thinking habits, I am just a lone traveler.

He has no power, no army!

He must correct his lone traveler mentality!

In terms of his current strength ~ ~ I am afraid that it is not enough to block all the energy blocks and bullets carried, and that is not enough to stop the army of orcs, and there are also orcs shamans, who have the power of warlocks. Gul'dan with the evil energy given by Sargeras. Despite these, the final enemy will also have the Star Master who really has the power to travel through time and space, and the guardian Medivh who has passed on from generation to generation.

According to his character, he should n’t be bothered by these unrelated things, and he should not mess with this village, but now, the people in this village have an intersection with him, which is undoubtedly very exciting. Annoying things.

If he reacted earlier, he would probably fly directly to Stormwind City or Ironforge?

Anyang sighed deeply, then called up the background plot of World of Warcraft, and roughly scanned it.

At this time, he discovered that there is not much information about the background of World of Warcraft stored in the bio-assist chip. The reference is very approximate. It has a map of Azeroth, but he does not know whether there is any difference with the specific world.

[Just want to celebrate the birth of the great motherland as soon as possible, no intention to code! 】

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