My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 417: The most sincere contempt for the Lions of Azeroth

"Mr. Mage, commander, if you can prove that you are a mage, let you in. Tianyuanqun."

Anyang looked at the team of heavily armored dwarf warriors, and thought that if he could not prove it, it was estimated that he would appreciate the combat power of the dwarf warriors.

I saw that he pinched his fingerprints silently, not even reading the spell, so he just pointed.

With a loud bang, a place in front of the gate of the castle that was not covered by heavy snow ignited a flame out of thin air, even if there was nothing on the ground and there was no combustibles, but the fire was still burning out of thin air, carried on this snowy mountain The temperature is so real and warm.

The dwarf guard immediately bowed to him and made a gesture of asking, just matching his short stature, but it looked a little funny.

"Mage, please, the king and the commander are waiting for you in the furnace, but we need to guard you carefully before you prove your identity."

Anyang nodded his head to show his understanding. Supported by a team of fighters holding axe, he walked in through the side door where only one person could pass.

Although it is strictly guarded, in such a big city as Ironforge, it is really impossible to really prevent birds from flying in. A stranger like him can see the famous Azeroth in just a few words. The male lion and the dwarf king also confirmed the difference between this world and the ancient Chinese government.

Of course, it is also possible that this world is not an ordinary world. Magni and Losa both have strong military powers and are not afraid of assassination. In addition, there are many people with supernatural powers in this world. Masters who have made major discoveries, Anyang also has the qualification to see them.

The interior of Ironforge is very large, a proper underground city, but it is more like a military town or an industrial base than a town where ordinary residents live or a kingdom capital. I do n’t know if it ’s because of Anyang ’s special route. He walked all over the place with dwarves and dwarf warriors walking around in armor, stoves radiating blazing temperatures, and dwarf artisans with hammers.

The temperature inside Ironforge is much higher than outside. Fire candle

Under the **** of a bunch of dwarf warriors, he was particularly striking in a white robe, so he took up a hood to cover his face.

Well, this is also an action imitating the mysterious mage's habits.

Along the way, we walked through various pontoon suspension bridges, the ground was almost made of metal, and the bottom was full of stoves, with various shapes and uncertainties. The radiance of flames and hot molten iron reflected the city in the center of the snow-capped mountains, making it feel like walking in a volcano. The sounds of ding dings were endless, and Mars popped out from time to time, like suddenly returning to the boiler room in the hot summer.

Finally, he saw the iconic melting pot, and the dwarf king and Lothar standing next to him.

The dwarf soldier escorted him: "We brought him to him, he is indeed a mage."

Magni Bronzebeard glanced at Anyang and turned his head to their side, his voice very calm: "You are guarding on one side."

The dwarf warrior immediately bent over respectfully, and then dispersed to the side to wait.

Obviously, in the face of this mage who claims to be from another world, they are more cautious than ordinary people.

Anyang narrowed his eyes, looked over them, looked at the melting pot behind them, and a familiar feeling came. If he remembered correctly, no matter whether it was in the movie or in the background of the game, Losa received it here. Emergency intelligence for orc invasion.

Moreover, the furnaces in games and movies are almost identical!

Anyang remembered for a while before meeting the eyes of Dwarf King and Lothar, but after only a moment of contact, he began to look at them.

Magni Bronzebeard had a big bald head and a somewhat old face, with a fiery red beard on his face. He was not tall, but he was very strong. He wore leather armor and common clothes on the inside, and a delicate and heavy body outside. Bronze shiny dragon scale armor with a lot of bronze decoration on the beard. It is probably that the world is different from the ancient China. As a dwarf king, he does not have a gorgeous dress, only a armor that looks very good. . Yue Yu Xiao Sheng

Lothar looks like a kind of vicissitudes of uncle. His face is rough, but the facial features are very hard, and his eyes are bright and blue. His dress is simpler and more casual than that of the Dwarf King. He is dressed in a gray linen cloth, and the quality is not very good. It is placed in ancient China, which is a rural level, except for leather boots and a more atmospheric belt and arms wrapped around the sleeves. He didn't even wear armor except for the gauntlets.

Anyang silently said that the two protagonists of the movie, the man and the beast, have all seen themselves.

Lothar looked at him, too, with a look in his eyes, "Master?"

Anyang nodded his head to acknowledge, then immediately asked, "Commander, His Majesty the Dwarf?"

Lothar stared at him and frowned, striding meteor a few steps forward, and said, "Listen to you for coming to me? And, what else did you find ..."

"Yes, when I was traveling through the western wilderness, I foreseen the power from another world. This was related to Sargeras and the Burning Legion. They tried to invade Azeroth, so I crossed the Red Ridge Mountains and went to the Black Swamp. I saw the orc army. "

"Sargues! ... orcs?"

"Yes, a very large orc war group is enough to destroy your king."

Lothar frowned and had to admit that he was moved when he heard the Burning Legion and Sargeras, but this was still too ridiculous. How did a large army from other worlds hide the guardian Coming to Azeroth?

"Mage from afar, are you laughing?"

"You can choose not to trust, but that orc warrior is over the Redridge Mountains, and will soon reach the western wilderness, when they will destroy all the villages they see, captive all humans, if I If the estimation is correct, within three days, the frontal military positions of Stormwind City will be destroyed by them, and when the military intelligence is sent here, they have stepped into the Ayr Forest! "

The dwarf king stared at Anyang's eyes and said, "Master, you seem to know too much."

Anyang nodded: "Yes, I have the ability to predict, you can also call me a prophet."

Lothar continued: "This is ridiculous!"

I don't know if he is the orc invasion of Anyang, or the identity of Anyang's prophet.

Anyang chuckled and asked rhetorically: "Great commander, don't you wait for military intelligence to be sent to Ironforge, Stormwind's garrison at the forward position, civilians in the western wilderness and Ayr Forest, including those in the Redridge A small number of residents were all captured by the orcs, would you believe it? "

Lothar's expression suddenly dignified.

Anyang said another sentence: "You should be responsible for your people and troops!"

Lothar stood silent for a while, and then asked, "How many of them are there and where are they from?"

Anyang replied: "There are a lot of them and they are very strong. They come from the world of Delano. If you want to listen to more, we can talk slowly on the road."

Lothar was silent again and turned to look at the dwarf king. "It seems that I have to leave early. Whether it is true or false, I have to take a look!"

"Going to see it is also responsible for your people, but I hope he is lying, otherwise it would be a disaster." The dwarf king waved, and waved to his men, "big man, I have a Things to show you, I think you will be interested. "

Lothar asked: "What?"

Anyang first answered: "I guess it's a musket, a miracle in the history of machinery, well, at least he thinks so."

The dwarf Wang Leng took a look, and then his expression looked awkward, saying, "I have an ominous hunch, he was right!"

Lothar's expression also dignified.

The Dwarf King again: "But I don't think so, this is a miracle in the history of machinery, I think it may even change the war."

Anyang's mouth twitched, no words.

If your gun is a miracle, what about my individual energy gun, ion shoulder gun, electromagnetic rifle, energy rapid-fire gun, electromagnetic sniper rifle, various types of missiles and repulsive guns, laser launchers? A miracle in the history of machinery?

The dwarf king saw his disdain, but it was nothing. He believed in the forging ability of his own people and the power of the musket. He felt that as long as he took out the musket, he must make the mage coming from afar stun his chin, and then Put away that rude and stupid disdain.

Soon, a delicate box was brought up.

The dwarf king walked calmly and slowly opened it, revealing a super-caliber musket with a dozen metal projectiles no more than eggs. The metal body of the musket is very beautiful in the steam age, and the curve is also Elegant and sleek, but really exaggerated.

As he expected, Lothar was very happy, although his face did not change color, but he was happy, and kept holding this musket and aiming around and playing.

However, when he focused on Anyang, he was disappointed again.

To be honest, apart from the huge caliber that can make Anyang move, and the good shape can make Anyang look, he is really not surprised. Even the combat power of this thing on the battlefield is far more than that. Not a large-caliber revolver, the kind propelled by gunpowder.


On Dan Morrow Mountain, the Ironforge is exposed at the top of the castle building outside. A huge griffin is standing proudly. It has a bigger body than the lion. The tail of the lion has the head of the eagle, And very huge, the fierce momentum came.

Lothar walked up quickly, took the bridle of this griffin, and leaped forward with a light jump, sitting on a gorgeously beautifully-made saddle, leaning his head to look at Anyang: "You are not going to join me Go? Travel the mage. "

Anyang smiled and asked, "How do you think I came here from the black swamp?"

The voice just fell, and layers of silver-white metal armor emerged from behind him, spreading rapidly like mercury, the nanomolecules began to reorganize, and turned into a complete armor in a very sci-fi aesthetic manner, including all high-tech inside Equipment and weapons covering his whole body.

At this time, it was no longer the mage in white robe standing on the spot, but a humanoid armor covered by silver-white metal. The streamlined and powerful curve made him look strong and beautiful. A completely different sense of power and beauty than the heavy knight in this world.

"The shape is really good!"

The dwarf king exclaimed in the back ~ ~ but not too surprised.

Anyang Trail walked to the edge of the castle, the alloy armor stepped on the ground and made a dull sound. He leaned his head and looked at the sky and snow in front of his eyes, and the ground at least 100 meters below the battlement. He flew slowly.

He turned around: "Losa, are you not ready to go yet?"

Lothar recovered, and looked at him suspended in the air in surprise, pulling the reins immediately.


A sharp eagle chime pierced the snow and the snow seemed to be stagnating.

The behemoth rose into the sky with just a push of the ground, flapping its huge wings and rushing Lothar into the distance.

Anyang pouted his lips, looked back at the Dwarf King, the thruster accelerated slightly, and chased it with ease, even screaming and rushing past the Griffon, paying the most sincere contempt for this Azeroth Lion .

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