My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 418: Emergency return

In the air was the dull airflow of flapping wings, and the huge griffin was flying to Losa quickly to a canyon, but beside the cliff on the edge of the canyon, a person covered in silver and white metal had been sitting there waiting for them for a long time.

Lothar glanced down, his face unchanged, and continued to fly forward.

In less than five minutes, the figure had caught up at a very fast speed, dragging a long light across the gryphon, and then slowed down quickly, flying at the same speed as him: "Losa, You may want to slow down your pet. My magic has seen the orc army in front. "

Lothar looked up, and the towering Red Ridge Mountains were already looming, and he quickly pulled the reins.

Anyang turned to look at him: "Be careful, sir, don't let them find you."

Lothar said to the wind: "Relax, I sit on the back of the griffin, they can't see me, they just think it's a beast. It's you instead, although your armor is inconspicuous in the air, if there is really A well-trained army, their scouts are easy to spot ... "

Lothar's words came to an abrupt end, he froze.

A light blue arc flashed on the metal armor of the speeding figure. His body gradually became transparent. Within a few seconds, his entire body was completely hidden in the air, as if it had disappeared.

"This is, stealth?"

Lothar expressed a little surprise, such a method is not uncommon in Azeroth.

He does n’t actually think how great a mage is, nor is he surprised by Anyang ’s mage status, because he has a childhood friend who stands at the top of the profession of mage, that is, the guardian of Azeroth, Maddie. Text, but he has never heard an invisible spell.

(Note: Neither the movie nor the original is a game. There are no stealth thieves. For details, please refer to the legendary thief Garona.)

But soon, he was attracted by something else.

The ground beneath trembles. First, a group of monsters riding giant wolf gallop across the wilderness, followed by a large number of large troops. Their height and body are called giants. They seem to be running violently in the wilderness without fatigue. You can feel the arrogance at high altitude.

An hour later, the griffin landed on the wasteland that the orc had just passed.

Losa, like Anyang before, squatted on the ground to look at the huge footprints, touched with his hands, and felt the hardness of the earth.

"What the **** are these!"

"Want to take a closer look, looking up, there are surprises."

Lotsa raised her head in surprise, his eyes slightly wrinkled with wide eyes, and his eyes shrank suddenly.

In front of him is a somewhat blue 3D projection. Below the projection is Anyang holding a tablet, and he is concerned about the content on the projection.

An orc with a particularly rugged face stood, with wise light at the corners of his eyes, and two huge fangs in the corner of his mouth. He was wearing heavy iron armor, holding a heavy chopper in his hand, and he was as strong as he could imagine, with muscles all over The whole huge body.

"Oh my God!"

Lothar marveled.

His first reaction after a hundred battles is that the heavy chopper in this person's hand can definitely break a knight wearing a plate armor, and on the battlefield, this will be an unbelievable warrior, unless moving the sea tactics , Or dispatch special means, otherwise he will not be able to stop him.

Maybe ... this one is fine?

Lothar looked down at the musket in his waist.

If this is not the case, to use one-on-one heroic means, you can only compete with the strongest of the human warriors, or ask the mage for support.

Anyang looked at Lothar's reaction in silence, feeling a little stunned.

In the movie, he has always been very meaningless, a model of bravery and invincibility. In the end, he even killed the orc chieftain black hand with a great royal sword in anger, but he did not expect that he was sometimes scared by the orc army.

"This orc is called Durotan, it is the chief of the Frostwolf clan, an upright and powerful orc. Although he invaded Azeroth, he is still a respectable opponent. I believe that even if I intervened in this history, You will still have a lot of intersections. "

"He is the leader of these orcs?"

"No, the leader of the orcs has other people .... They come from the world of Draenor, which is a clan society. There is little intersection between the clans, but until one day an orc shaman named Gul'dan integrated them. After rising up, he used evil energy to turn their own world into fly ash and began to invade Azeroth! "

"Have you said that this is related to the Burning Legion?"

"Yes, Kil'jaeden is Sargeras' right and left arm. He has been killing a group of Eredar races who do not want to follow Sargeras. The Eredar race was originally born in the world of Argus and later fled to Draenor The world, calling itself the draenei. Although they carefully concealed themselves, the Burning Legion Kil'jaeden discovered them, and found what he was interested in in the world of Draenor, that is the powerful orc. "

"So he planned to destroy Azeroth with orcs?"

"Yes, the things in it are complicated, and it's difficult for me to explain to you, but in simple terms, that's it."

"I think I understand, but now I have only one thing I don't understand ..." Lothar said while standing up, facing Anyang, and suddenly pulled out a musket from his waist, against his chest, with a look in his eyes. With a full threat, Shen Sheng asked, "How do you know so much?"

The face under Anyang's armor was calm, and even the weapon was not transferred: "I told you, I have the ability to predict."

Lothar stared at him, squinting and said, "You don't seem to be afraid at all."

Anyang sighed and said, "Commander, although I am a mage, I am not from Azeroth. The weakness of the mage in your impression has nothing to do with me, so even if I do n’t use spells, even if you take The dwarves ’latest weapons will not threaten me."

Lothar frowned and put the musket towards his chest again: "Really, but I just tried its power and can bang a tree with a bang."

"My armor is made of eternal alloy, the chest armor is made of angel alloy, you may not understand it, then you can understand it as an indestructible legendary armor, at least you ca n’t wear it, and this There is a very powerful weapon hidden in the armor, which can turn a house into flying ash with a bang. Compared to the fully armed me, you are only wearing cloth and leather armor, no weapons in your hand, I can't find it. To what threat do you pose to me! "Anyang stretched his armor toward his chest, somewhat helpless, and pointed to the footprints that stretched far away," Commander, maybe you should not focus on me now, It's time to think about how to protect your king and people. "

Lothar's eyes grew deeper, and he suddenly lowered the musket: "Did you say so much?"

"Because the atmosphere is casual and not as tense as you think."

Lothar nodded his armor again and asked, "Is this armor really so powerful?"

Anyang was undecided and continued to flip the tablet in his hand and changed the projection in the air again, but it was still Durotan: "If possible, you can try to cooperate with him, he is not only a great chief among the clan , I believe he will be a reliable partner. "

Lothar frowned sharply, looking at him and saying, "He has invaded Azeroth, why should I cooperate with him?"

Anyang said: "Because this matter is far more complicated than you think, you will gradually know everything, yes, if you are willing to change your attitude towards me, I can try to tell you a secret, you will be grateful to me. "

Losa had already turned over and mounted the Griffon, and looked at him condescendingly: "If this matter has nothing to do with this invasion, I think I am not interested."

Anyang shrugged: "You will regret it."

Lothar pulled the reins violently: "I'm going back to Stormwind City first."

Anyang smiled back: "Okay, go back first, I'll wait for you in Stormwind City."

Lothar's face was black, driving the griffin soaring into the sky, and flew away.

A silver-white figure dragged the flames into the distance at a faster speed, almost surpassing him in a blink of an eye.

Stormwind City.

Anyang unloaded his armor and continued to look like the mage in the white robe. He walked into the innermost part of the storm stronghold with Lothar. Under the leadership of Lothar ’s son Karen, he met Ryan who was not dead now. King, at this time there were many officers from Stormwind City present.

Karen bowed his head to salute Losa and retreated.

"I'm going down, father."

"Thank you, my child."

Lothar turned his head to look at King Ryan and the officers. His expression at this time was more dignified than in the plot, but it was understandable. After all, he had not seen the orc army when he met the king in the original plot. What kind of power.

"Your Majesty, I think we may be in trouble."

"What trouble can make you rush back from Ironforge so anxiously? Anduin."

"Listen to me, we need to mobilize the army to strengthen the defense of the western wilderness, at least also against the Elwynn Forest, and I need to lead an elite knight team to the western wilderness detective, there is a very strong force towards us Pounce. "

An officer behind King Lane smiled and asked, "What power will surprise Master Commander, where does it come from, is it a forest troll? Or is it the West Coast, and no other kingdom will provoke war on us?"

Lothar glanced at him and said solemnly, "It's an orc."

King Lane repeated the sentence: "Orcs?"

Lothar was a little impatient: "Yes, a giant like a monster, we must stop them!"

As soon as this remark came out, many officers laughed.

King Lane had doubts in his eyes. He glanced at Anyang next to Lothar and asked, "Is this the man beside you ... the Master told you?"

"Yes ~ ~ Losart paused, felt their distrust, and added a sentence," And I saw it with my own eyes, on the western wilderness plains, just before I came back, they just started from The black swamp has crossed the Redridge Mountains! "

King Lane wondered: "But Azeroth does not have the creature you said."

Lothar took a few nervous steps: "They do not belong to Azeroth, they are from Draenor, please believe me, this is a disaster!"

An officer next to King Lane questioned: "Is this what the mage told you?"

Losa's face was violently anxious and constantly questioned, and she turned around and shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

With his roar, the surroundings were suddenly quiet, and even King Lane closed his mouth.

But Loza immediately found that they were not looking at themselves, but behind them, their expressions were full of surprise.

That's ... Anyang!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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