My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 440: The death of Karen

Hundreds of different evil spirits appeared on the battlefield, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Some evil spirits bite the orcs crazy, some fly in the air, and some stand out among the strong orcs!

Lothar stared at the suddenly appearing demonic creatures, briefly stunned for a moment, and then suddenly slashed an orc, shouting: "Everyone is holding on, the prophet is supporting us, these are our reinforcements, hold onto!"

Karen understood his father ’s intentions and shouted, "The Prophet is with us!"

They cannot confirm how powerful these summoned creatures are, nor can they infer how the hundreds of demons will change the battle situation. They can only see the thousands of orc warriors, even shamans, who can only shout for Your own morale will increase, otherwise the morale will be exhausted and defeat will be doomed.

The young officer shone with gold and white magical luster, which were the body of Vajra and the technique of inviting gods. The BUFF effect exhibited by Centennial Road caused him to collide with the orc without fear of death. , Even if it is hit by a heavy hammer it will cause the most injuries and will not die.

So this brave fighting stance and hysterical shouts also infected many soldiers, and they all burst into the same roar.

"The Prophet is with us, never give up!"

Anyang squinted at them, silently, and looked at the shaman behind the orc.



An orc slashed the waist of the paper yak with a sharp knife, but the blade only fell two inches. Such a deep injury is fatal to ordinary people, but it is undoubtedly not worth mentioning to this behemoth much taller than them. And the strength of the anti-shock also made his hands hurt.

Evil puppets are like solid stones. At the time, Anyang used the benefits of eternal alloys to pierce their chests. These ordinary irons were too reluctant to deal with them. Even if the orcs generally possessed strong powers, they were at a disadvantage. Instead, it is easy to pierce the flesh with their hook-like claws.

Tall paper yakshas lined up around the human soldiers, panting like a broken bellows, fighting against the orcs with more power.

Suddenly, with a bang, a heavy hammer hit a green-faced ghost and flew it out. When he landed on the ground, his body was split and began to shrivel down at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The spell appeared from his body. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a broken yellow paper with enchanted spells.

The orc warrior roared and shouted, "Small heads-up, big ones come together!"

But immediately, an arrow shot from behind, easily penetrating his chest.

The orc beside him burst into an uproar and looked forward, but he saw a evil soldier wearing a strange and dark armor standing among the human soldiers. This evil ghost was holding a bow in his hand. It was very cold and calm. The arrow just now No doubt he shot it!

And around it, there were several other evil spirits with the same appearance, and the bow in his hand was full.

The black arrows flew off the string suddenly.


The arrows traversed like lightning in the air, fast and accurate, and accurately penetrated the orc's chest, comparable to the elf's best archer.

The soldier is taller than the green face ghost, but it is far less than the paper yak. ​​It is at most similar to the empty paper yak, and it is a bit taller than the ordinary orc. Haunting, but no evil expression, and this evil spirit not only has a bow and arrow, but also carries a long knife that is strange to this world.

It was such a unit that briefly blocked the attack of the orc army and won breathing time for human soldiers.

If the powerful orc can single out the green face ghost and win, then the paper yak is difficult to overcome. It is estimated that only those heroes among the orcs who are well-known for their combat power can only do so. , Gradually dismantling the paper night fork, or requesting the shaman ’s assistance.

The soldiers are almost invincible. They not only accurately and quickly attacked from the rear, harvested the life of the orc, provided remote support and emergency sniping for the human soldiers and evil spirits in the front, but also possessed extremely powerful combat. Force, that armor and long sword are proof.

Some orcs tried to break into them and slash these long-range demons, but found that these demons have superb martial arts, like steel, their strength is far stronger than ordinary orcs, and their bodies are as flexible as empty paper forks. When they pulled out a long knife from their waists, they stepped forward with a low gasping smell, and could still easily reap the life of ordinary orcs in a melee way.

And then, the earth began to tremble again, countless rubbles began to tremble, piled up and accumulated under the mysterious power, and formed huge black stone giants up to five meters high, and suddenly raised his head without saying a word, Sideways slammed into the orc formation like a tank.

The stone giant debuts!

This kind of creature is unstoppable in the army, one is taller than the two orcs, and the sword and gun are invulnerable, and the power is extremely powerful!

But Anyang shook his head secretly.

Such a puppet force can already dominate in the ordinary cold weapon battlefield. If there is no orc shaman, they should be able to block the orc army in the narrow place of the road. Unfortunately, there is a shaman, so let this There have been many variables in the battlefield.

Lothar led the human soldiers together, tirelessly resisting the orc army.

Anyang murmured a spell, not only to maintain the five stone giants, but also to constantly add BUFF spells to human soldiers, stone giants, and puppets, and occasionally to avoid or defend against the magical attacks of the orc shaman, and the armor was automatically locked and being cast. Totem's shaman, try his best to kill it remotely.

"Boom ..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."


The sound of the explosion was endless, and any shouts and shouts were covered.

The beast talents are a natural fighting race. Their power is incredibly powerful and fearless. They will not be intimidated by the huge stone giant or the yak that is more than three meters high. Instead, they will fight more bravely and continue to roar forward. Shows a powerful fighting talent.

A yaksha ghost was surrounded by several strong orcs. He climbed up stiffly and smashed his head with a warhammer; a stone giant was dragged by the ground totem cast behind the shaman, which was a clumsy and slow stone giant. It soon ushered in the siege of the orc and the magic pouring of the shaman, and it was literally bombarded into gravel; the empty paper Yasha was also shot down by the orc, or was violently caught by the powerful warrior among the orcs during the dive attack; green Face ghosts are in a more difficult situation. The green face ghosts were the most on the battlefield, but now they are almost destroyed.

Only four soldiers have no battle damage, mainly because they are hiding behind for remote assistance, as well as their own powerful strength and a smarter brain.

There were less than ten soldiers left in the original twenty or so. Lothar was bathed in blood, and Karen was seriously wounded, but he still insisted on fighting.

Anyang pinched his fingertips and changed constantly, reading a rapid spell in the air, suddenly raised a defensive spell to block a lightning bolt, then activated the thruster to quickly take off, reversed the direction of the shaman gathering, and flew in the air Drop a bombshell.


The earth trembles abruptly, and the shock wave, accompanied by mushroom-like flames, violently impacts the surrounding mountain walls, swallowing the orcs.

Anyang has not stopped the offensive. The ion cannons on his shoulders bombarded downward, attacking the surviving orcs in the distance, and the missiles were also launched. When these high-tech thermal weapons attacked under the control of the fire control system and the intelligent system, he was still holding the ancient sword and constantly impacting, and shuttled through the orc army at high speed.

This mighty and ruinous power makes the powerful orc warriors a bit tremble.

At this time, behind him, another legendary hero among the orcs stepped on the front line of fighting against humans.

Grom Hellscream!

This is the chief of the powerful Warsong clan, the ancient traditional swordsman, the most powerful orc in the ancient clan, the iconic hairstyle, the thick and cold shoulder armor, and the horrific blood roaring battle axe, let this orc Full of warrior's bloodthirsty power.

He, who did not appear in the first war in the original book, came to Azeroth in advance in the plot of the movie.

Grom almost squeezed away from the front of the other orcs. Without saying a word, he roared directly, and an axe severely split the last green-faced ghost, and another axe split on the body of a human soldier. The heavy and sharp chopping axe cut through the heavy armor, tearing the body that blessed his Vajra body, and flew this human soldier out. When he landed, it was completely unrecognizable, and the blood was flowing.


Grom roared and rushed towards the two officers in magnificent armor. Karen was the first to bear the brunt.

Karen also saw the orc with a remarkable identity, he hesitated a little, but glanced at the soldiers who were struggling to resist, he felt that he had no reason to flinch.

"bring it on!"

The two figures rushed forward suddenly, colliding with each other suddenly.


The symphony of gold and iron.

The strength gap between the two sides is huge, especially Karen is still seriously injured. There is little suspense in this battle.

It was too late when Lothar reacted and wanted to stop.

They separated in a flash, and Grom held Karen's big sword with one hand, and squeezed his head with the other hand, like grabbing a small prey. He swung the battle axe hard to open the soldiers who came to support. , Roaring, turned to face Lothar, his stout five fingers slammed hard!

It's like a demonstration!


Karen's head exploded like an egg ~ ~ The scene was bloody.

Lothar suddenly froze, ignoring the orc in front of him, staring at Grom.

An orc screamed at him, but was stopped by the soldier beside him, but the soldier also lost his life.

Lothar recovered, his eyes became blood red, he roared, and rushed toward Grom with a big sword.

Anyang only turned around and flew back at this time, also somewhat stunned.

This change was obviously beyond his expectations.

The next second, the missile compartment on him opened again, locking Grom ’s figure, but a red warning pattern flashed on the suspended projection.

"Mr. Anyang, our missiles have been exhausted. Please use them after the war."

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