My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 441: Night raid

With a whistle, the light blue light flashed through the air.


Grom stomped forward a few steps like a heavy hammer, his back suddenly exploded, the heavy armor shattered and his posture was unstable.

But the strong orc did not fall like most of his companions, but stood upright, yelling at the battle axe towards Lothar.


The battle axe collided with the sword, and both weapons were light in weight, and a dull loud noise erupted.

Lothar stepped back slightly, screaming and rushing towards Grom again.

This is not only a competition of power, but also a collision of combat skills, and there is no doubt that both sides are the most powerful fighters.

Grom looked around left and right, looking at the few human soldiers who had come around him. Without hesitation, he roared in a revolving posture. Shengsheng cut two human soldiers in two.

At this time, Lothar had only four soldiers and ghosts, and two giant stone giants were still supporting. Others including the rocky paper yak had collapsed in the attack of the orcs, and Lothar was equivalent to fighting alone. .

Fortunately, the orc pursues tradition. At this time, he is equivalent to heads-up with Grom. Other orcs will not attack him even if they occupy this land. They will only quietly wait for a win between him and Grom. negative.

Just after Lotsa and Grom had a few fights, a silver-white metal figure fell from the sky and blocked them.

At the same time, a giant stone giant beside him collapsed.

Anyang ignored it and pulled Luosa in anger: "Hey, I'm sorry for Karen's death, but don't take it easy, you have the whole Azeroth standing behind you, you have to bear it for their responsibility."

Without a word, Lothar shoved him away and rushed towards Grom.

But as soon as he took a step, he felt that one hand grabbed his armor behind him, and then his entire body suddenly leaped into the air, unstoppable, and the orcs and the battlefield below quickly became smaller. And the power to control himself was so powerful that he struggled anyway.

Above the sky, Anyang dropped the last bombshell.


The ground was instantly engulfed by the canyon, and huge flames filled the eyes.

Grom, the orcs rushing to the front, the remaining three scarred soldiers, and a stone giant, all covered in flames.

Anyang flew forward with Losa, nonstop, and quickly caught up with King Rein who had retreated ahead.

At this time, Lothar was no longer struggling. When Anyang put him down, he did not speak, and the whole person seemed to lose his soul and stunned.

King Lane and others saw Anyang only came back with Luosa alone, and they were a little silent.


The carriage bumped all the way, and Anyang also sat in the carriage, undulating with the bumps.

He was actually guilty and a little guilty, because in fact he could avoid the death of Karen and some other soldiers, as long as he used the empty paper yaksha to grab the soldiers and flew across the sky before the orcs came, Can avoid being under siege.

But as soon as he hesitated, he lost the best time to leave. Second, there were many shaman among the orcs. It was difficult for him to leave with the empty paper yak, and it was his selfishness. It was a conspiracy and evil thought. It's not an exaggeration. He was a bit worried. If he left so easily, Losa would hardly realize that Medivh's power was out of control, and it would be difficult to really suspect Medivh as his childhood friend.

So Anyang was a little silent.

For a long time, he sighed and rose sharply into the sky, disappearing into the distance.

Lothar was sitting on the edge of the carriage, and it was not until he saw this leaving figure that he recovered a bit of clarity: "Where is Medivh?"

King Lane fell silent and replied: "He was in a coma. I let Khadgar and Garona take him back to Karazhan in a Griffon."

Lothar's eyes sank, and he didn't say much, but his breath was still short and his chest fluctuated.


Anyang caught up with the retreating orcs, but he silently followed them silently.

At dusk, the orcs returned to the cursed land.

The night soon came, and Durotan was temporarily released with his distinguished reputation and lofty honor. He returned to the camp of the Frostwolf clan and saw his wife and his newborn son, but this was only Guldan's concern for him The status of "little chief" and "hero" gave him the last preferential treatment.

But he was disarmed, and even his fangs, which were attached to his arms as guards and claws, did not stay.

No one knew that a completely hidden figure followed them, silently walking in the camp.


In the camp, the oil lamp was very dim, and the atmosphere was extremely silent.

Durotan grabbed his child and put it in the cradle, and said to his wife Draka: "Our action failed, now it is dangerous, you and the child must leave immediately, Gul'dan will not let us go, I wait The next will bring all the people to break through, hoping to leave ... "

Before he finished speaking, the curtain of the big account was suddenly opened.

Durotan turned back, but he saw nothing was there, and he waited in a row.

But for a moment, a pale blue arc began in the dim big account, and a silver-white metal figure emerged out of thin air, gradually becoming clear.

Draka was shocked, staring at the figure that was suddenly not tall or strong, and apparently a human figure.

Anyang spoke lightly: "Durotan, you disappoint me."

Durotan fell silent and bowed his head: "This is my fault, I admit it."

Draka next to him slammed his dagger and asked sharply, "Who are you?"

Durotan waved his hand to calm down his wife, and then said, "This is what I told you, Prophet."

Anyang ignored Draka and asked, "Do you know your consequences?"

Durotan shook his head and said nothing.

Anyang's voice was a little cold: "In the original history, you would surrender to the blackhands in exchange for the survival of the clan, but Gul'dan still issued a slaughter order against the Frostwolf clan and concealed Orgrim. The wife will die, your son will be left outside, raised by humans as slaves, you will challenge Gul'dan after being secretly released by Orgrim, and be brutally killed by him with evil energy, but the dissatisfied orcs can't resist . "

Durotan remained silent, but his chest undulations became more intense.

"Have you thought about your son's name? I guess, it should be called Guy, he is really a great leader."

It's a pity that the little green guy should be Shrek when he grows up, right?

Durotan gave a low, dull roar: "What should I do? You tell me!"

When Anyang waved his hand, a pile of things landed out of thin air. It was the equipment that Durotan was taken away.

Wolf skin, fangs strung by rope to form claws, and blood guard chopping axe.

"When I leave this door, I will clear out the surrounding monitors and guards for you. After about a nap, I will ignite the tent in the west camp, and then I will destroy Gul'dan ’s tent. Let my summoning creatures attack the western camp. You leave the Frostwolf clan and the human army will arrive in a few days. This is your last chance. "

Duro gave his head a deep focus: "I understand, thank you, prophet."

Anyang didn't say much, his figure was hidden in the big account again, and only the curtain that was suddenly opened could confirm his departure.

Durotan sighed and sat down. After a moment of silence, he stood up again: "I will inform the tribes, you will take the child away as soon as possible."


Anyang's figure continued to wander among the camps, and an ancient sword ran silently through the air, with a faint mana shine shining on it, even when it penetrated the orc's body.

He sharply and fiercely solved the green orc who should not be here, and hidden the body.

Until the end, he took out a sniper rifle, aimed at the orc near the nearest sentry tower here, and pulled the trigger decisively.

After an inaudible sound sounded, the orc had fallen on the sentry tower.

Anyang quickly rose into the air and flew to the mountain west of the camp.

He first summoned the six-headed stone giant, followed by the huge dark door that glanced at him, locked the tower where Gul'dan was located, thought about it, and moved away a little bit.

The missile suddenly fired from the armor, dragging a long flame through the night sky, whistling and crashing into the open space beside Gul'dan's tower.


A huge explosion sounded, accompanied by the trembling of the earth, which shocked many orcs.

They all came out of the camp, but they only saw Gul'dan's tower that was crumbling in the flames. It seemed that it might fall apart at any time. Then the hillside on the west side was rolling and muffled. It seems that several big guys are charging towards this side.

"Enemies, enemies!"

"Ready to fight!"

The orcs rushed out.

Anyang stared at all this, ignited the thruster and flew down quickly, and began to mutter the mantra.

Pyrotechnic dragon!

With a loud bang, a huge flame ignited in the air and turned into a slender and powerful fire dragon, spreading its teeth and raging forward.

The fire dragon ’s lethality may not be strong, but as long as it can ignite the past camp tents ~ ~ and Anyang still does not stop, constantly exerting the technique of igniting fire and the technique of fire tongue, starting at this camp site Fire.

There was a flash of fire to the west of the orc camp.

The orcs came out of the camp but could not find the source of the flame. Even if the flame suddenly burned beside them, they did not know how to ignite it.

"Mage, enemy mage attack!"


After doing all this, Anyang took off decisively and departed, avoiding encountering powerful shaman and warlocks among the orcs.

He rose to a height of hundreds of meters and watched the Frostwolf tribe in the east take advantage of the chaos, riding the Frostwolf warrior and the shaman to attack violently, eliminating only the remaining obstacles and leading the clan to grow away.

Most of the orcs responded to unknown attacks from the West, and even those who did not participate in the war also paid attention to where the Frostwolf clan could be seen.

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