My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 442: Fall of the Guardian

Anyang turned off the optical stealth system and manipulated the armor to turn around in the air. At this time, he did not need to hide his body anymore. The thruster burst into a bright light, driving the silver-white body to flash like a meteor in the night sky. Immediately, disappeared in the distant sky.

At this time, most of the arrangements should have been completed. Now all we have to do is wait, and wait for the time when we harvest the first wave of fruit.

In the sense of justice, he has paved the way for the orcs and humans. As long as he fights this war, he can eliminate Medivh and even Gul'dan, and wash the future of humans and orcs. Perhaps they will still fight for survival and territory in the future, but they will no longer be controlled by evil energy, nor will they become a victim of someone's ambition, and will not let the war hit you to death.

Without Gul'dan's control, many orc heroes would like to see the form clearly. What the orcs need is a home for survival, not Gul'dan's powerful ambitions.

Privately speaking, Anyang has also arranged this perfect war. The Frostwolf tribe has not been eliminated by Gul'dan, and the hero Durotan has not been imprisoned. Gurdan, with the Frostwolf tribe's response, is far from easily defeated. The human army, the Dark Portal will be disturbed under war.

When Medivh's evil thoughts completely defeated his good thoughts, the guardian was completely degraded, and he would be exhausted for the Dark Portal, then Khadgar and Lothar would kill him.

Maybe ... and Anyang.

After that, the vast books of the Karazhan Magic High Tower and the treasures collected by Medivh in his life will fall into an unowned state, and he will occupy the area before the Kirin Tor group of wizards react.

The life-long effort of the guardian who represents the strongest of Azeroth's magical civilization will become a collection of Huaibei base, the Divine Empire and even the Silver Moon collar of Pallans, and will be open to a certain part of the civilian population at a specific moment To broaden the power and knowledge path of his forces will also make the civilization he masters richer, more diverse and have greater development potential.

Anyang quickly returned to the jurisdiction of Stormwind City and landed in Elwynn Forest.

But what I saw along the way was shocking enough. The villages in the forest were burning, screaming, the civilization of human beings was destroyed, the solid military fortress was collapsing, and it was like a scene of death.

If the war continues for so long, it is really no small disaster.

With some emotion in his heart, Anyang removed his armor and walked on foot.

A town located on a transportation hub is looming in the dark night. From a distance, you can feel its prosperity and bright lights, just like the towns of the previous life.

Shining town.

The Lion King's Pride Inn.

Anyang squeezed his mouth tightly, wearing a white robe, wearing a hood, and walked in silently with his head down.

There are many people drinking in the hotel, and there is a resident singer playing a guitar-like instrument and singing beautiful music. Some travelers will listen quietly, and some will beat the beat. I started, and I chatted with myself, and the atmosphere seemed very good.

Anyang ignored them and walked across the group of people.

Some waiters wanted to stop him, but they only heard a short syllable, and as soon as An Shenshu came out, they could not help being silent, as if they lost all consciousness briefly.

When they recovered, the mage had disappeared into the hall.

Yes, this is a mage in their eyes.

Anyang pushed open the door quietly, and immediately there was a burst of alcohol, making him frown.

This is a very classical and ordinary room, with a medieval style, dark wooden benches and tables, and a large jar of wine piled on the table, and the table and the ground are also filled with liquor.

Fortunately, there was no vomit.

Anyang didn't speak in silence, staring at the figure lying on the bar inside.

The commander at this time was extremely decadent, his limbs were paralyzed, and a crimson magnum was hung on his hanging hand. There was no focus in his eyes, as if staring at the ceiling.

Anyang approached and said, "I'm sorry, Lothar."

Lothar seemed to have recovered at this time, as if he had known his arrival for a long time, his body didn't move even a moment, only his eyes moved around, and he raised his hand and waved in the air.

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault, you have tried your best."

Anyang was silent: "I could have saved him."

"But there were more than twenty soldiers trapped there, and Karen was just an ordinary kingdom soldier. He was not your son. In your eyes, he should be like other soldiers. Why should he abandon the other soldiers and save him? … Speaking of which you saved my life, I should thank you. "

Anyang was silent, a little dignified between his eyes.

Lothar suddenly turned over and changed from lying on his back to facing him: "Prophet, you can predict the original future. Could you tell me what would happen to Karen ’s fate if we did n’t try to change it?" kind?"

"He will still be trapped outside the lightning barrier by Medivh, and then die in a lone fight, which may be doomed. If I did n’t kill the orc chieftain Blackhand, if I did n’t change, he would be killed by the blackhand, It ’s the orc who broke your left hand. The drama is that he killed your son with the broken left hand right in front of you and threw him hard. "

"You said he would take revenge on me, that's what this ..."


"What happened to Medivh, he would make such a mistake."

"The guardian's power is too strong for me to spy on, but I think that your guardian is likely to have been contaminated by evil energy and once betrayed Azeroth."

After finishing this sentence, Anyang noticed that Lothar ’s hands were tightly squeezed, and his blue muscles jumped straight, but he suddenly relaxed again: “Maybe it ’s just that his body is out of condition, we should n’t suspect him ...”

Anyang snorted without saying much.

Lothar was cautious and decisive. Many times he judged right and wrong and even surpassed King Lane. At this time, he must have had a slight sense in his heart, but he was not willing to say it.

He is very cautious about this kind of thing. He understands that neither he nor Medivh ’s identity is a trivial matter. Once a conclusion is reached, this matter is of great importance, so he is more willing to think slowly and then determine the facts before taking Thunder means to attack.

But Anyang did not doubt his judgment at all.

Although there is a gap between the time of the original plot and the time, he has already made a good preparation, and the layer by layer promptly reminds the vigilant commander to let Khadgar assist him. If this is the case, Losa will remain firm. If he thinks Medivh has no problem, he can hit the wall.

With a jingle, the cup in Lotha's hand fell to the ground, and after a few laps, stopped at Anyang's feet.

Lothar took the hand up and put it on his chest, slowly saying: "Karen's mother died when he gave birth, because I have always blamed him for this matter, and it has been like this for so many years, I even It was too late to talk to him as a father and son ... "

Anyang pursed his lips and comforted him: "Karen is a very sensible child, he understands you, he will not blame you, in his heart, you have been worshipped by him."

"Perhaps, he always wanted to get my approval, so he struggled. In fact, I don't blame anyone on this matter. As a soldier, death is not determined by myself." Losart paused, and his voice suddenly became hoarse, " It's just that he is still so young ... "

Even at this time, the lion of Azeroth still refused to choke. He even lay on his back to prevent the dripping of liquid from his vague eyes, keeping his tone as calm as possible.

There was a slight noise at the door.

Anyang didn't turn his head. He knew that Garona was coming, and was always outside the door. Just listening to Lothar's affectionate words, Garona didn't come in to interrupt him and kept waiting at the door.

He was very interesting and immediately nodded his goodbye.

"I guess you still have something to say, I will leave first."

Anyang nodded to Garona and walked out. Almost at the same time he left, the two doors closed automatically, making a touching sound, which seemed extremely strange.

Just kidding, in the movie plot, Garona and Lothar are the exact pair, and he has seen the uncut version. At this time, Lothar was sad and decadent, and Garona just got her father Medivh. The encouragement is the time to bravely pursue your love.

One is weak in heart, the other is taking advantage of it, and the two sides have good feelings for each other. Although Garona has the orc blood, the whole is still in line with human aesthetics. The dry wood and the fire burn a little.

(Garona ’s mother in the movie is an orc and her father is Medivh.)

Anyang is not a gentleman, but the beauty of adulthood is still possible.

Especially for this kind of thing, is it okay to disturb who has a baby!

Anyang also wanted his children to have * so he left the time to them ~ ~ He opened a room and went to bed by himself. Well, he closed his hearing.

The next day.

The Azeroth Lion ’s ability to resist strikes is not covered. As a commander, he also has a role that ordinary people do not have. I do n’t know if there is a soothing effect of Garona. Yesterday, the decaying Losa wears it again. Go on leather armor and go to the military conference held by Stormwind City.

This meeting is very important. Naturally, Anyang can not enter. No matter how mysterious and powerful he is, how much he has done for Azeroth, he is also difficult to enter. After all, there is a difference between a foreign prophet and the guardians passed on from generation to generation.

That's right, Medivh participated in this meeting.

At this time, Medivh had exhausted his power in advance because of the arrival of Anyang. This can be seen from his coma on the battlefield. The big boss influenced by the pollution of evil.

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Thank you "Huangfu Pi" for the great reward!

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