My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 443: I believe you

When seeing Lothar walked out with two heavily armed soldiers on his arms, followed by a team of knights, Anyang understood that Lothar's temperament was still in the meeting with Medivh controlled by Sargeras. A conflict has occurred.

But between the lion and the guardian of Azeroth, he was also his childhood friend. He used to cheer on the wine together. King Lane obviously chose the guardian Medivh.

However, it can be well understood that Losa is still a mortal after all, and Medivh has already mastered the power of almost a deity. Losa ’s son just died, but Medivh looked calm, and Losa was impulsive. He was sentimental and even resented the reason that affected reason. Just like his fierce rhetoric in the meeting, King Lane easily misunderstood that he was out of control.

In the face of confrontation as the strongest human guardian of Azeroth, he may also want to violently beat the guardian at a military conference. He is also suspected of blaming Karen ’s death on Medivh. It's normal.

So Anyang came forward indifferently, blocking them in front of them.

Lothar bowed her head weakly, letting her hair fall side by side to cover her cheeks, and looked very decadent until she stopped and did not raise her head.

The soldier seemed to recognize him, paused a little, and said respectfully, "Master Prophet, we have heard of your selfless contribution to the kingdom and its strength on the battlefield, but the commander has profaned His Majesty, the guardian, and the military of the kingdom. At the meeting, we have to escrow him, please forgive me. "

Anyang nodded and said politely: "I will not embarrass you, I just want to say a few words with him. After all, we are also good friends and fought together .... I think your majesty will not reject me."

The soldier hesitated and nodded immediately: "Please as soon as possible!"

Anyang smiled at him and turned to look at Lothar and asked, "Are you sure?"

Losa finally raised her head, her eyes full of deep disappointment, and the stubble in that face would surely attract the hearts of some uncle-controlled girls.

His voice was low and hoarse: "I think I'm sure."

"So, you were caught in jail?"

"Oh, I thought what I did was just and correct. I used my life's war experience to suggest a full attack on the orcs, and rejected Medivh's useless withdrawal plan. Am I wrong?"

Anyang fell silent and pursed her lips and said, "You are right, you are right, but Medivh stimulated your pain and made you emotionally unstable. He is a wise mage, and the dark Titan is even more A treacherous deity, believe me, this is his intention, and you have been fooled by them. "

Lothar's eyes suddenly became sharper: "Don't let him succeed, you have a way, if they succeed in Azeroth, we can only fight back!"

Anyang pursed his lips: "Relax, His Majesty Ryan is a wise king. He can see the situation we are in. Your words have actually moved them. If we do not actively attack the orcs and destroy the Dark Portal, then The gushing orcs will crush Azeroth. So believe me, they will take the initiative to attack, if not, I will let them send troops "

After a pause, he lowered his voice again and leaned into Lothar's ear and said, "You are waiting for me in the big prison, I will come to take you out."

Lothar stared at him and was escorted away by a team of soldiers.

Anyang was silent, backing away a little bit, standing here looking at it from a distance, and saw that officers such as King Lane and Turalyon came out of the strategic command room before he turned around and left.

But did not see Medivh out, I do not know where to go with the teleportation array.

I have to say, this is really a convenient arcane energy circle!

Sure enough, the king decided to go out!

At about the afternoon, the army opened up and the atmosphere in Stormwind began to heat up.

The main road in the city was filled with civilians holding flowers. The queen and the children of the king were guarded by soldiers and stood near the gate of Stormwind City. They also held a bouquet of flowers in their hands.

When the king wore a platinum armor and a lion helmet and led a powerful knightly group across the avenue, the civilians next to him would drop the flowers solemnly. Obviously, they all knew what was happening, and what kind of enemies their kings and knights faced in this expedition, so they stared at the heroic and fearless fighters without saying a word.

The king went all the way and stopped only next to the queen.

His gaze followed the queen's hand, watching the queen throw flowers at his feet, and then raised his head to look at the queen's face, but did not speak, but turned his eyes to the young Prince Varian.

"Varian, you are already a man, so, in the days when I am away, you have to protect your siblings and mothers, I will entrust them to you, you know?"

Varian nodded solemnly.

The king and queen glanced at each other, revealing a smile of understanding.

Obviously, in their eyes this is a joke, an encouragement to children.

King Ryan naturally did not expect that he would die in this expedition. This joke became the last sentence he and Varian said, and Prince Varian also really took the throne from Lothar when he grew up. , Responsible for his family and people.

Medivh did not know when to appear at the gate of the city and asked King Lane: "Are you ready?"

King Lane nodded and nodded: "Okay, but it would be better if Lothar!"

Medivh pursed her lips and said, "It doesn't matter, I will help you."

King Lane nodded, still somewhat silent.

He has been used to Lothar's existence these years.

Medivh seemed to see his thoughts. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I'm going back to Karazhan to fight, you have to find me at the Dark Portal!"

King Lane agreed to come down, and Zema went forward.

The team of knights covered with silvery armor marched along, followed by heavy infantry. The heavy armor stepped on the ground and made a sound of sound, and the halberd was like a moving forest!

This mighty force walked out of the city and marched towards Elvin Forest.

Anyang stood in the distance and watched silently.

A huge statue of Medivh stands in Stormwind City, which is much taller than most of the buildings in the city to show respect for the guardians, but at this time it looks so dazzling.

Anyang turned calmly and walked into a remote corner.

At the same time, his body began to be covered with a layer of silver-white metal armor, and in a blink of an eye he was transformed from a mage wearing a white robe into a human-shaped armor. What about the new powerful race?

As he walked forward step by step, like a stroll in the court, a light blue arc flashed on this layer of metal, and this metal figure began to gradually disappear in the alley.


The stagnant water in a puddle suddenly spattered all around and wet a messy splash on the dry ground, as if someone had stepped on it from above! A flash of silver and white metal looming in the flashes of the electric flashes in the air, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Anyang walked steadily towards the prison of Stormwind City, passing all the guards indifferently, and stopped at the gate of the prison, waiting for Khadgar.

Sure enough, Khadgar came on a griffin soon.

In such a short period of time, this little mage has gone from the exclamation when he was riding the Griffon for the first time to the point of not changing his face while driving the Griffon alone. Riding a Griffon is so simple!

Anyang began chanting the spell in a low voice, pinching the seal of the hand, and when Khadgar was about to chant the sheep, he made a sleepy spell.

When Khadgar spit out two syllables, he saw the two soldiers fall to the ground and fell asleep. He couldn't help but open his eyes and looked down at his hands, a little unbelievable.

When can the sheep-changing technique faint?

And ... I haven't finished my spells yet, and the arcane energy hasn't been guided!

This ... this is simply amazing!

Immediately after a more magical thing happened, a light blue arc flashed in front of him, and a figure covered with silver and white metal appeared in front of him. The facial armor clicked open, revealing Anyang's face.

"Nerd, what are you doing? Are you not going to go find Losa?"

Khadgar was still a little bit dumbfounded, but the smell quickly reacted.

"Oh, yes, I'm here to find you. I was going to find you first, but I didn't get your news. I only heard that the commander was trapped in a big prison, so I was going to find him first."

"Well, what are we waiting for."

After Anyang finished speaking, he glanced down at the two guard soldiers, stooped down and took the key from one of them, inserted it into the big lock, and opened it with a slight twist.

Khadgar followed him into the jail, but was still surprised and curious: "Prophet, can you tell me what spell you just used, it seems to make people comatose, very good ability!"

Anyang responded casually: "This is called drowsiness ~ ~ As the name suggests, the effect is to make people drowsy, nothing good, your Azeroth's magic is even more bizarre. Right, this is the unimaginable effect in our spell system! "

"Really, that's really two completely different but equally interesting civilizations!"

"Let's talk nonsense, have you seen the contaminated Medivh and Alodi?"

"Yes, I rescued the guardian from the cliff and sent it back to Karazhan, but I saw the unconscious guardian woke up with a green light of evil energy in the blink of an eye, and then I remembered you and Alodi in the book. , So I went to the sky city of Dalaran to seek wisdom, where I saw the ancient Alodi, she once again confirmed to me that the guardian had been corrupted by evil energy, and she had reached the last moment, It just disappeared. "

"Well, the current guardian is completely controlled by Sargeras. He is no longer the original Medivh. While he still has a sense of kindness, we better destroy him now, otherwise there will be no one. Can block Sargeras and his Burning Legion who have mastered the power of the Olympiad! "

"I believe you!"

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