My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 485: Hoover Dam

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"At Hoover Dam!"

Anyang said decisively.

"Are you sure? 33?

"Yes, when US President Hoover ordered the construction of the dam when he was in office, the energy block was secretly kept under the dam, because the formation and water flow equivalent to several football fields can absorb all the radioactivity of the energy block. , You can't detect its location anyway. "

"It turns out so."

"And what I have to say is that Megatron was also frozen there, and the US government secretly established a seventh district to study it."

Optimus Prime hesitated and said slowly: "This, we have found that all the technology in this world is carrying the traces of Megatron."

"No wonder he secretly lays out everything even if he is frozen!"

Anyang is a little horrified, Megatron is undoubtedly a very great hero.

In his view, the Optimus Prime in the plot can defeat Megatron, it is definitely the protagonist aura is working!

Optimus was silent for a moment, and stepped on the ground to make a dull sound, and said, "Since this is the case, let's set off as soon as possible!"

Anyang pursed his lips, but delayed the next time, saying: "Then, the time will be tomorrow."

Optimus Prime agreed.

Suddenly, they turned into vehicles again. The bumblebee was responsible for sending Anyang back, and the rest disappeared on the streets.

Anyang sat in the car, listening to the soothing music from the radio, and buckled the window edge with his hand.

Thinking slowly in his head.

Transformers are a wise race. Although they are mechanical bodies, they also have life and soul, and a wise mind. To be precise, they are creatures with different forms created by the energy body, and their own remarks today are very abrupt, which may not necessarily make them believe.

But Optimus hesitated, and the other autos were shocked, indicating that there was still a chance.

After all, this is a process of boiling frogs in warm water, which cannot be rushed. Now he has at least one sounding reason to fight alongside them, which is equivalent to putting the frogs in the water. Their ability to convince them.

After all, Transformers are created by energy bodies, and they adore the power of energy bodies.

However, he used the puppet technique of the Taoist system to show them the ability of similar energy blocks. The shock caused by it is naturally beyond doubt.

The Autobots and Decepticons camp came to earth in search of energy blocks, and he pulled the same reason, as long as he can slowly prove the power of similar energy blocks in his later get along, prove that he really comes from Outland, there is a great possibility that Optimus believes.

This is a kind, loving, tolerant, and easy-to-trust leader.

For example, in the plot, they formed an unreserved alliance with humanity, and were eventually betrayed and hunted by human special forces ...

Anyang felt it was not difficult to reap the trust of Optimus Prime.

If he can prove that he really has the ability to protect and even destroy the energy block, it is not a problem to get the energy block from Optimus Prime without a shot.

At this time, the hornet had opened to his door.

Anyang opened the door and came down to see Sam, who was sleeping with arms folded against his fence.

He couldn't help laughing.

"This guy is really not afraid of death, no wonder it is the protagonist of the American blockbuster!"

The light of the headlights was dazzling, and there was a tendency to awaken Sam. He had already reached out and rubbed his eyes.

Anyang read a mantra and pinched his fingerprints.

Sam lowered his hands, rubbing his eyes, and continued to fall asleep again.

Only then did Anyang walk into the house.

After taking a bath, changing my pajamas, I lay on the deck chair of the balcony and began to think about the problem.

He thought about Optimus Prime trusting his results, but in case Optimus Prime was not willing to give him the energy block.

After all, now Cybertron has become a scorched earth, and the Transformers race is endangered. No matter whether Decepticons or Autobots want to revive the Transformers race, they must obtain energy blocks. Tianhu is because of racial justice.

And why did Optimus Prime in the original plot destroy the energy block?

The answer is simple.

Because of the threat of Megatron!

Megatron wanted to use energy blocks to destroy the earth and rule the universe, but Optimus was reluctant to see wars and creatures smeared, so he would rather destroy the energy blocks than get Megatron. In the end, although Megatron had been beaten into disability, but facing the threat of Decepticons to occupy the world, Optimus Prime chose to destroy the energy block in case it was later acquired by Decepticons.

Therefore, Anyang decided to leave for Hoover Dam tomorrow, which is equivalent to giving the Decepticons time in disguise and letting him release Megatron.

Only by weighing the two parties can the fisherman benefit!

In case of loss of control, you will have to use violent means.

Whenever I think of Anyang here, there is a frustration, why is the binding system of Tianbing mecha so difficult to break.

If there is a mech in hand now, he will definitely calm down a lot!

Even the sky-sword mecha with relatively weak firepower is good.

At least it has powerful mechanical power and energy guns, fusion missiles, an indestructible fuselage and energy shield, and powerful fuselage strength.

Instead of being as powerful as now, long-range attacks do not seem to be strong and domineering, relying on agile close combat and too embarrassing.

But now he doesn't have the power to fight and confront directly with these behemoths. Once he gets close, he can only fight for speed and agility.

Fortunately, he also carried a special laser sword.

Transformers' armor has a fragile reaction at high temperatures, and it has almost no resistance in front of the special laser sword that uses angel alloy as a material, has ultra-high temperature and ultra-high frequency shock properties, and can cut higher mechanical biological armor.

And their armor has little effect under the energy gun and electromagnetic gun, and it is easy to be destroyed or penetrated.

This was the only comfort to him, but it also made him feel that he was too weak.

An Yang just finished thinking and suddenly shouted in his ear.

He couldn't help looking out of the window, and saw that the hypnotized Sam had woke up again, and overturned his fence, trampling his lawn indiscriminately, and came under the window and waved at the bright window.

"Hey, didn't you wake me up?"

"Why should I wake you up?" Anyang asked lightly.

"I was waiting at your door and fell asleep accidentally. When did you come back?"

"Have I told you not to bother me?"

Anyang's tone was a bit chilly, making people shudder.

"Yeah, my car is gone, you are gone, and my instinct told me that it's about you, so I'll take a look."

"He is not your car, he is an alien."

"But I spent four thousand dollars!"

"Go back, he may not come back to you again."

Sam wanted to say something more, but a force swept like a shock wave, and immediately flew him out of the fence.

Anyang pushed open the window and frowned, releasing a dead wood technique.

In an instant, the grass that had been trampled on again grew up again, and it was flourishing.

Anyang glanced at it and was satisfied with his exquisite control, without causing the grass to grow or be uneven.

And looking at this greener plant, there is a faint sense of accomplishment.

He felt that he understood the psychology of the rabbit essence who was always attached to planting grass with the technique of dead wood.

"No, this kind of psychology doesn't work, how can you feel the same as a rabbit, that little thing is so unreliable!"

Anyang shook his mind and calmed down, took out a book and read it.

It did n’t take long for the Decepticons to find Sam ’s accident, secretly researching the energy block and Megatron ’s seventh area, and finding the Sam ’s house. After radioactive testing, it was confirmed that the Sam ’s house had contact with the aliens, but they only took them Sam alone.

After that, the streets stayed peaceful all night.

It seems that Optimus Prime already has considerable trust in himself, at least he gave up taking Sam's glasses.

It is estimated that only Optimus Prime can be so justice.

If you change to another auto person, the best way is to do two-hand preparation like the previous Bumblebee, double insurance, that is, do not deny him, nor give up taking Sam ’s glasses, at least to avoid the coordinates on the glasses from being deceptive get.

Optimus Prime chose to give up his glasses in order to trust him.

This can be said to be the charm of his leader, or perhaps the defect of his personality.

The next day, Anyang sat on a Peterbilt truck disguised by Optimus Prime, and went to Hoover Dam with five robots.

Optimus Prime's voice sounded: "Anyang, how are you going to get the source of fire?"

Anyang said lightly: "Take in, or reason with them and tell them from the Decepticons crisis."

"To be reasonable, I am worried that they will not agree with us."

"Relax, they have been attacked by Decepticons dizzy and suffered heavy losses, and they have also been in contact with Decepticons, as long as you speak eloquently ~ ~ The Minister of Defense will promise us, but Decepticons are very It may already be on the way to here, we must act fast. "

"So, who will convince them?"

Anyang shrugged: "Don't look at me. If it's me, I would rather choose to fight them."

"But I vowed never to harm humanity."

Anyang sneered: "As the leader of the Autobots, your kindness will often push your loyalists into the abyss. Sometimes for evil, you must use powerful means to tear them into pieces without having to care about having evil. Is it human or Transformers. "

Optimus Prime was silent for a while: "I think they are a young race and there is still much to learn."

Anyang shook his head and said he didn't want to talk to him.

As an independent personality, Optimus Prime's character is almost perfect, but as a leader, he is unqualified.

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