My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 486: That was a challenge to me

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

When he arrived at the Hoover Dam, Anyang got off the car and looked around. No signs of Decepticons were found.

31 "It seems that we have come early."

"What do you mean?"

"Optimus, listen, I know you are upright, but some means can avoid many troubles when necessary, and a few losses can avoid greater losses."

"What do you want to do?"

Anyang got on the bus and thought about it, said: "I give you two options. First, while the army has not arrived yet, I know the location of the energy block. I and you directly attacked the research base under the dam and got Energy block, during this period, it is not allowed to keep hands on humans. "

"Go on."

"Second, you pretend to be a predatory tiger pretending to attack the dam. I went to persuade the Secretary of Defense who was in the dam, but your firepower must be fierce, so as to cause enough pressure on this group of people and make my persuasion work easier."

"Is there a third, maybe, we can negotiate with them."

"That's too much trouble, Megatron is back to life when you negotiate properly, and you ignore the inferior roots of human beings. Compared to negotiating with you, I guess they took the opportunity to fire on you and freeze you into the laboratory. More likely, unless they recognize your strength. "

Optimus was silent, looking at his eyes, and said for a long time: "It seems that I can only choose the second one."

Anyang grinned: "So, let's split up."

Optimus Prime worriedly asked: "How do you enter their base?"

Anyang waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about this."

Then, under Optimus Prime's gaze, he murmured the spell with his fingerprints, and his figure disappeared.

If it weren't for Anyang's weight still on his seat, Optimus Prime would never find out that he was still in the car.

Unfortunately, Optimus Prime is not equipped with infrared scanners, sonar detectors, miniature radars and other equipment. If he is equipped, he will find that after Anyang hides for a few seconds, a mysterious murmur sounds, even the detection equipment It is also difficult to find someone here.

The door opened and closed again.

"Magic ability!"

Optimus paused and began to summon ambulances, jazz, ironhide and hornet.

After a click of a mechanical sound, this gorgeous and calm domineering tow truck head began to transform into a cool, starting from the front engine, quickly turned into a nearly ten meters high, blue and red machine giant.

He stood side by side with his companion, who was also deformed into a human form, and looked at the dam ahead.

"We need to attack the power station in front of us and bring out all the firepower, we must cover our allies."

"Guarantee to complete the task!"

"It's up to me, I will use my cannon to blast them into scum!"

"Autobots, ready to fight!"

Optimus Prime's right hand quickly shrank and transformed into an energy cannon, aiming at a distance was a shot.


The fiery red fireball roared across the sky, hitting the power station on the mountain beside the dam, and suddenly caused a blast.

The struck building collapsed instantaneously and turned into fly ash to raise the sky and dust.

Then, the Hornet, Jazz, Ironhide, and Ambulance were all fully fired, and the missiles and shells fired at the power station.

Especially Ironhide, as a weapon expert in the commando team led by Optimus Prime, he carried very strong firepower, turned into a red cannon in one hand, a round of missiles around the barrel, and another model of the other hand The gun barrel exudes a blue light, and the double tubes bombard alternately forward.

"Boom ..."

The earth seemed to tremble, and the cannon struck an arc on the ground building in the distance, destroying the power facilities.

People inside and outside the dam were terrified, screaming and fleeing around, thinking that a small war had occurred.

Shells still draw beautiful traces in the air, but when they land, they turn the buildings into nothingness.

Beautiful fireworks.

In the original plot, the deceptive red spider single-handedly attacked the Hoover Dam. Now five autobots have been replaced, and the firepower is naturally stronger!

In the Hoover Dam, the armed personnel belonging to the seventh district and the army special forces responsible for the garrison immediately gathered up and began to be on alert. All armed forces were mobilized urgently. Troops equipped with heavy firepower and tanks rushed out of the dam.

They naturally didn't notice that a completely invisible figure walked into the dam.

Anyang walked calmly sideways, and a black compact military off-road vehicle roared past him, causing a gust of wind.

These small-sized off-road vehicles are very cool, the lines are cool and arrogant, with the domineering of the army, the top of the car is equipped with a seatless gun, and the body is densely packed with soldiers, all without exception With a grenade gun and a single rocket launcher, it was obviously specifically for the Transformers.

Anyang pursed his lips, took out a bunch of bells, read a string of mysterious spells in his mouth, and shook his hand gently.

The mysterious mantra on the surface of the bell began to glow with a string of red light, which spread rapidly like electricity, and the air suddenly opened a circle of aura fluctuations.

"Jingle Bell……"

The delicate sound wave swayed, but this group of mortals instantly fainted.

"Bang! Bang! ..."

A series of out-of-control vehicles collided together and made a muffled noise, anchoring all over the road.

Anyang picked up the bell himself and walked forward without stopping for a moment. He didn't look back even if he glanced. He didn't seem to care.

These mortals are too weak in his eyes, even if they have powerful technological weapons, but before they solve their own fragility, they are also vulnerable.

He just went hand in hand and helped his "ally" alleviate a little pressure to avoid that Optimus Prime had already suffered heavy losses when he came out.

Suddenly, a metal door in front blocked the way.

Anyang took out the special laser sword and pierced it with a sword against the metal door brush. It was as easy as cutting tofu, and then made a square hole.


The door to the research base below was forced to open, and the indestructible barrier was such a play.

Anyang retracted the kicked foot and stooped into the hole.

As he waved his hand, a simple ancient sword with a jasper as its handle flew out. Fingerprints accompanied the air mantra. The ancient sword volleyed into four whizzes, piercing the chests of four soldiers who had not yet responded Spilling blood on the ground is also when the ancient sword disappears.

Anyang passed them lightly and went on.

It is estimated that it is difficult for outsiders to imagine that there is such a huge base hidden under the Hoover Dam.

Especially Americans who are advocating democracy and freedom, which means that the government quietly took their money to do such a large project without telling them.

The bottom secret research institute.

Defence Minister John Keller, Tom Bennett, Head of the Seventh District, Agent Seymour Simmons, and Army Special Forces Captain William Lennox walked in together. Surprisingly, the Sam, who was captured in District 7, is also here.

I thought it was because he had been in frequent contact with Transformers recently, and Megatron ’s discoverer was his grandfather, causing suspicion in District 7.

Tom walked in quickly, subconsciously serious.

"What you are about to see is highly confidential!"

The Minister of Defence, Sam, William and others followed, but immediately they were shocked, staring staringly ahead.

There was a huge laboratory in front of me. The mechanical precision was suffocating. There was a high platform in the middle, on which stood a ten-meter-high robot. Several mechanical arms continuously sprayed frozen gas at him, wearing chemical protective clothing. The staff was busy, and sparks burst from time to time.

"God, what is this?"

"We think that when he flew over the North Pole, the gravity of the earth disturbed his navigation system, he fell into the ice, probably thousands of years ago, we transported him here in 1934, we called him NBE- 1!"

"It's been frozen since 1935, Sam, yes, it's you, your great-grandfather discovered the greatest discovery in human history. It is also a source of modernization, microchips, laser technology, space flight, cars , Are the results of reverse engineering analysis of him. "

The Defense Secretary listened and suddenly frowned, "Don't you think the US military needs to know that you have frozen such a big robot deep underground?"

The head of the seventh district, Tom, calmly replied: "Before our military base and global network were recently attacked by its companions, we do not think its existence poses any problems for national security or even world security.

The Minister of Defence seemed annoyed, but he hadn't had time to speak, and another young voice rang next to him.

"But now the problem is great!"

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and turned to look at an oriental man in casual clothes standing in the corner.

He couldn't see any weapons in his body, and he looked up at the mighty Megatron, but no one knew when he came here.

Simon took the lead and stopped in front of Anyang: "Who are you, but this is a state secret place, how can you appear here?"

Anyang glanced at him and said lightly: "I'll tell you the truth!"

Simon suddenly pulled out his pistol from his waist and aimed at him: "I asked who you are and how you came here. If you refuse to speak, I have the right to kill you here, you can try Challenge the majesty of the seventh district! "

Anyang's eyes were slightly cold, and he stared at the US military standard M1911 pistol: "Is this the only thing?"

Having said that, his first pistol was the M1911 A1 pistol, but it seems that it has not been used for a long time.

Simon felt as if he had been insulted, and opened the pistol safe with a click, staring fiercely at his eyes.

Anyang narrowed his eyes ~ ~ At the moment when the sound of the safety insurance opening sounded, he kicked out immediately.


Simon's tall body, like a broken kite, flew back several meters and hit the wall, making a muffled noise before falling down again.

The pistol fell to the ground.

Captain William responded promptly to the Secretary of Defense behind him.

His lieutenant Robert and several soldiers who followed followed quickly reacted, pulling out pistols from his waist and aiming at Anyang.

"Hold your hand above your head, otherwise we will shoot!"

Anyang lowered his head and closed his eyes, muttering the spell, and opened his eyes after a circle of transparent ripples swayed in the air.

"I don't like people pointing at me with a gun, that would be a challenge to me!"

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