My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 722: Enter the plot

"You ..." Anyang frowned.

Just now he almost instinctively asked, "Do you know me?" 'Fortunately, the response was quick enough, and I didn't say it.

"What the **** are you! You dare to come here, the courage is big enough!" The man snorted, with a fierce face, walked directly out of the room and rushed towards him quickly.

"Brant, stop it!" The woman shouted quickly.

Seeing how they both knew each other, Anyang called an egg hurt. So I do n’t know anything!

Turning to look at this man, the typical white man is about one meter eight or eight in height, has a strong physique, and can be regarded as a good figure among security personnel, and looks good.

But there seems to be a deep hatred between the two, causing him to disregard the gun in Anyang's hands!

You must know that Anyang has security tasks in her body. You can shoot directly if you are hit by violence. If the situation is serious, you will not be punished even if you kill someone!

In an instant, Brandt rushed to Anyang.

The woman tried to block, but Brant pushed away with one hand.

"Step aside!"


A powerful boxing came.

In Chinese practice, hitting a person does not hit the face, but in international practice, hitting a person must hit the face first, then hit the abdomen!

But Anyang only took a step back lightly, avoiding these two combos just right, and at the same time, the posture of the hands holding the gun unchanged, suddenly kicked to Brant's abdomen.


There was a dull sound.

Brant backed away at a rapid speed, and stopped until he slammed against the metal wall, his face twisted in pain.

The woman next to him was stunned.

She went to La Brandt because she knew that Anyang could not beat him, but she was afraid that Anyang would shoot. After all, no matter who is right or who is wrong, things are hard to clean up.

But things were so unexpected to her!

Anyang glanced at the two of them and said with a deep voice: "We are here to do quarantine for you. If you can keep your mind awake, it is best to cooperate well and hear it?"

The woman reacted and immediately pulled him slightly, and whispered: "Okay, don't stimulate him anymore."

Anyang nodded and listened to her very much.

After all, he has stimulated Blatter ...

"Damn it!"

Brandt scolded, rubbed his abdomen, gritted his teeth and walked down the wall. He looked at Anyang in disbelief and squeezed his fists. Do it for me! Well, I didn't expect you to have this courage. Usually you should hide behind Muzi, haha, **** little white face! "

"Now! I won't care anymore!"

Brant suddenly rushed towards Anyang, his arms spread like wings, and at the same time he kicked him horizontally first!


The two immediately fought fiercely.

Anyang sometimes pushed Brent down on the wall, sometimes hit him, and even dropped his gun, and evolved into a full-scale fight with Brent: "Stupid pig!"

"Don't you dare scold me!"

"Stupid pig, weak chicken!"

"You're a shit, dare to say this to me, it was the last time you got hurt, so did you forget the pain?"

"Last time I made you deliberately!"


The two fists and fists, and at the same time mixed with verbal abuse.

It looks like an enemy fight!

"Ah !!! Don't fight anymore!"

"Come and help!"

"Anyang, Brant, don't fight anymore!"

Muzi looked anxious and didn't dare to get close, so he kept shouting beside him, but with little success.

She dared not inform the starship security personnel anymore, because the two had already been punished for the battle. If such things happen again, the punishment will undoubtedly be much worse than last time!

Or the two are the starship security personnel. The starship security personnel came to watch the news beside them, but they were only in groups of two and two, standing on the periphery with their hands clasped, just like watching the two fighting with a lively gesture. With a ridiculous smile on his face, he made two remarks from time to time, and even fanned the flames.

"Brent, aren't you usually crazy, why can't you even beat a thin guy now?"

"Haha, block, block with your right arm!"

"Is this guy the guy who had a conflict with Brent before and caused Brent to be punished?"

"I heard there was a dirty grudge between them, ha!"

"Be quiet, don't be heard by Brent!"

"What happened to you, did you see that this guy couldn't even beat a girl, it was pretended before!"

Muzi heard a cold heart beside him.

She just remembered that this is a security staff dormitory area similar to a military barracks. Even if the starship is strictly managed, it may be common for people here to fight.

It is impossible to expect them to pull a frame!

At this time, Anyang stooped to avoid Brent's whip leg, and then slammed. I don't know how many times he punched Brant on the wall, and even spattered blood!

"Good! Good fight!"


The onlookers kept yelling.

Brant ’s face was no longer underestimated, but now he ca n’t back away, he can only keep punching and punching up, exerting his powerful fighting ability, concentrating on the fight, fighting for the white face that was once his own defeat. ! However, reality always disappoints him. Whenever he sees the hope of victory, Anyang will push him against the wall again!

The fight between the two didn't last long, but this conflict was extremely exhausting, and soon Brant gasped for breath.

At this time, his face was full of injuries and swelling!

Until a bang!

Anyang kicked him into his room.

Brant stepped back and forth again and again until he hit his small desk before falling flat on the ground.

"Damn it!"

He gnawed at his mouth full of blood foam.

This guy was obviously not so powerful before!

At this time, Anyang stood at the door and looked at him with cold eyes: "Remember this lesson, stupid pig, now, come immediately to cooperate with Muzi quarantine. If you do not follow, you will be miserable."

Brandt gritted his teeth and returned a fierce look.

He has grown so old that he has not suffered such insults, and is insulted by so many people in the presence of a lady!

Suddenly, an armrest that had almost stopped on the desk that could not be shaken behind him rolled down. When it hit him on the leg, he grinned!

After fangs grinned, he stared at the cold, looked at Anyang who turned away, and looked at the arm strength.

"Thank God! Go die!"

Brant grabbed his arm and rushed towards Anyang!

"Ah! Be careful with Anyang!" Muzi yelled.

Anyang also turned around quickly, but it was too late.


There was another muffled noise, and Anyang fell directly.

Muzi immediately rushed over him, protected him, and turned his head to stare at Brant shouting, "Are you crazy?"

"Humph!" Brandt threw away his armrest. "I have a point. This little white face just fainted. The stick won't kill him, just a lesson!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a boo sounded around him.

Muzi turned his head and coldly glanced at the onlookers. Without hesitation, he immediately started calling the Starship Medical Center and the Security Department.

Brandt stood indifferently without fear.

He knew that he was afraid of misery.

But who cares!

When there were not many people, the medical center came, and a few security personnel also came to meet Brant.

"Are you fighting again?"


No amount of Anyang could hear it, because he had been carried on a stretcher by several nurses and went to the medical center.

No one saw him, his lips wriggled slightly.

"Seventeen, modify the body model parameters to achieve the effect of changing the body's performance symptoms, is this not difficult?"

"Change physical performance symptoms?"

"Let the external detection be a blow to my head."

"As you wish, it's very simple."


Anyang fell silent.

Soon after, he opened his eyes again.

The Asian girl named Muzi stood beside him, his emotions were very low, and when he woke up, his eyes lit up again.

"Are you awake?"

Anyang made a confused expression: "Huh?"

"The doctor said that your head was severely hit and there was a slight concussion. You can rest assured that this matter is purely provocative by Brent. You are only passively defensive. The people in the security department have investigated and gave Brant a response. You are fine. By the way, how are you doing now? "Muzi Barbara said a lot and continued to stare at him again.

Anyang still showed a confused expression: "Ah?"

Muzi was stunned for a moment, and after a while, she swallowed: "You, you will not lose memory, will you?"

"Amnesia ..." Anyang muttered to himself.

"It's over, it's over!" Muzi looked dull.

After a few minutes of testing, the medical officer also came and used the instrument, and finally confirmed that Anyang was really amnestic.

Brant's punishment will undoubtedly be a bit bigger!

Soon, the medical officer left and the ward was quiet.

At the moment, Muzi was sitting on the bedside of Anyang, holding an apple and cutting it, which was very valuable in space.

"Relax, it will be fine soon."

"The medical officer said it is likely to be a temporary memory loss."

"But why did you shoot him at that time, don't you have a gun in your hand, why don't you shoot!"

"It's a real brain!"

"Not knowing anything!"

"Nothing to do!"

Muzi kept chopping up his thoughts while cutting apples.

Anyang was silent in bed.

shot? Why shoot?

How do you lose memory after shooting?

In this starship, even though he has the status of a crew member, he has no relevant memory at all. How can he get it mixed? Is he going to tell the medical officer that he has lost his memory when he wakes up? Not being treated as a mental illness and staying in York City for treatment will also be treated as wanting to escape! Or is he going to clash with the starship? Kill all the crew or be thrown into space?

Of course, fighting against people and being severely hit on the head and temporarily losing memory is not the best way, he just follows the trend.

"Well, eat apples."

"Thank you."

Anyang took the bite of the apple and found that it was not delicious.

However, in space, this is considered a luxury, it is estimated that the girl in front of me also took a lot of effort to get it.

The medical room in the starship is not luxurious. Although there are also beds, but there is no "inpatient" except for the critically ill patients who have to be kept under the care of the nurse. After receiving treatment, the medical officer came to the service, so Anyang was soon discharged.

He had no problem except for slight memory loss, and Muzi didn't help him, just walked side by side with him.

"Those things that I don't remember, tell me about it. The medical officer said that this will also help my recovery."

"Okay, what do you remember?"

"Uh, you say a little."


When walking slowly to the room, Muzi said a lot, and Anyang knew a little about himself.

He did arrive at the beginning of the movie plot, even some time before the plot. Because Muzi said that the starship had just received the request of the Republic of Fubian a few days ago, Captain Kirk was still preparing to travel to the Tynakhi territory to convey the will of peace on his behalf. Anyang, however, is an 'internal' security officer, which is essentially different from the 18th floor of external force.

Accurately speaking, Anyang should be a special police, and Brant's talents are the army on the starship. It's just that the boundaries are not obvious here, and the special police have to be on the battlefield when necessary.

The security officer replaced by Anyang had a clash with Brent two months ago, and the fight was fierce. In the end, both of them were punished, and Liang Zi ended at this time.

At that time, Brent was also a ‘internal’ security officer.

There is no doubt that he has lost this identity.

However, Anyang's punishment was lighter, but he was only fined for confinement and labor, and has not yet been assigned to the 18th floor.

Soon, he walked outside the door of his room.

Muzi turned to look at him, with his hands down before him: "Okay, I'll take you here. If you have any questions, please call the infirmary and notify me. When you go out, turn left and then turn left. , The restaurant is next to the cafe, you remember to eat on time. In addition, you should have routinely patrolled tomorrow, but now it is no longer used. "

Anyang lowered his head slightly and looked at the Barbara Chase girl: "I know, thank you."

"I'm leaving."



Muzi's tall and thin figure soon disappeared into the deep corridor.

Anyang returned to the room, closed the door, and immediately swept away the appearance of the previous illness, sitting at the desk and thinking.

This starship is called Enterprising, and it is the flagship of the Interstellar Federation. It is also a proud signboard with advanced technology and a status similar to that of Zheng He ’s flagship during the Ming Dynasty.

(It is also translated into an enterprise number.)

According to the progress of the plot, the enterprising ship at this time is carrying out an interplanetary voyage called the "five-year mission". The main purpose is to explore unknown civilizations and establish diplomatic relations. When the enterprising starship is resupplying one of the most advanced star bases near the frontier territory of the Federation, it will receive an unknown space signal, and the plot will begin from then on.

Later, the Enterprising will be raided deep in a nebula and eventually crash, and the star base will also be attacked.

For his own safety, Anyang seems to avoid being attacked by the Enterprising, but this road is not open.

Because this is not a brainless movie. The villain's plan was elaborate and flawless, and even his prophet could not find any entry point, and telling Captain Kirk that the help received was a conspiracy without evidence would only be treated as nonsense. Unless he can control people's hearts like some mutants, he can't avoid this deep space exploration.

After all, it ’s not a child ’s play, it ’s true or false, and you ca n’t tell with a few words. Even if you really confirm that there is an enemy hiding behind the nebula, they must go to investigate and destroy.

So he can only ask himself to survive when the Enterprising is raided.

And he believes that he can't fight the drone swarms of the villains, and it is difficult to survive in space for too long, so it depends on the luck of whether he can survive.

Unfortunately, it's okay to be hit. If you are involved in space, the armor and the newly promoted demon body can't help him to save his life!

In this vast starry sky, whether it is a third-order academic or not, it has been so weak for almost three hundred years.

Keeping up with the main characters is the top priority!

Anyang tapped his finger on the desktop ~ ~ looking calm.

"So how do you get in touch with them?"

The next day, Muzi came to visit him and brought Captain Kirk to the Tynakhi territory to convey the intention of peace but was torn by Mr. Tynakhi's clothes.

Anyang also cares about where she got the news.

For these boring women all day long, there are always more gossip channels than the intelligence agencies of some countries!

The next day, he ‘recovered’ some memories. Although not yet complete, he was able to cope with the normal patrol of the starship after being diagnosed by the medical officer, and then he could recover naturally.

And at this time there are a few days away from York City!

[The big chapter of four thousand five hundred characters, whoever said he was killed shortly! 】

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