My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 723: York City Base

With a gun, Anyang routinely patrols the starship.

But this is actually only a necessary form, because there are few riots in the starship, and there are few armed conflicts.

On the eighteenth floor, there are frequent fights, but they usually solve it on their own. They do n’t need them to intervene. But for this starship that can be called a diplomatic carrier in the sea of ​​stars, this form is necessary and must be beautiful enough. If you are caught lazy by a security officer, you will definitely be reprimanded.

Anyang will not care about this, anyway, this starship will fall soon, and most people will die.

He was standing in front of a large enough window with a gun, looking at the starry sky beyond the starship with dark blue background, and he was shocked.

"Is this cruising speed?"

Anyang knows that the universe seen at this time is dark blue because there are many water molecules in this star field, and the light emitted by the stars hits the water molecules or other objects to cause scattering. Other light with longer wavelengths, such as red light, is more difficult to scatter because of its longer penetration, resulting in the scattering of light with shorter wavelengths such as purple and blue, so it appears dark blue.

This is why the sky is blue.

In fact, many areas of the universe are filled with light, but the human eye cannot actively capture the light, only the light actively enters the human eye.

Light normally flies in a straight line. If nothing causes it to refract, the human eye cannot see the light, so in a relatively empty universe, the background is black. Even when flying toward the star head-on, you can only see the star that emits light, or the planet illuminated by the light. The light in the rest of the area passes by in a hurry and will not be seen by the human eye.

Under this deep blue light screen, countless huge planets are moving backwards so fast that they are drawn into strips of light and shadow, and the human eye cannot even see clearly. One can imagine how fast.

So Anyang felt deeply shocked.

Relatively speaking, the starship has exceeded the speed of light at this time.

This is a speed that is difficult to be reached by the magicians who are part of the legendary books in the place of origin. If it is placed in the world of Shenzhou, such a fast speed is even a fantasy!

From an absolute point of view, the technology of curved speed still follows the principle that the speed of light cannot be surpassed in the theory of relativity. It uses the principle of space-time folding and relies on the antimatter energy engine of the starship to create an artificial force field that distorts space-time. Flying in space, in fact, the speed of the starship itself is not fast, or even static, what changes is space.

In any case, this is still a great technology.

In the real world, this only exists in theory. No one can prove its existence, and no one can deny it.

This creates a rogue theory.

But here, it appears!

Anyang had previously determined that this technology was feasible, similar to space transitions, instantaneous movements, wormholes, etc. Both Einstein ’s theory of relativity and the theory of space and time where the place of origin is fully capable of experimentation recognize that space can be folded and compressed However, because of the gap of academic knowledge after the silent tower migration, many experiments were difficult for him to carry out.

Many legendary magicians who are good at space science can use this to walk the figure through the universe and even shuttle planes.

From this point of view, there is no difference between a science-based civilization based on nature and a supernatural civilization. Roads are connected in different ways, and no civilization is inherently flawed.

Anyang stood for a short time before turning around and leaving.

The patrol is over and it's time to get off work.

Not long after returning to the room, the doorbell rang, and Anyang opened the door, and saw Muzi standing at the door.

"It's you, Muzi."

"Well, I'm worried that your body hasn't recovered. Come and see you." Although wearing a uniform, the tight skirt can still outline the girl's slim figure, full of youth.

Anyang smiled: "Just get off work."

"Yeah." Muzi nodded generously, but habitually stood on his feet, gazing over him and glancing into his room.

Anyang was speechless and asked, "Have you eaten?"

Muzi glanced back: "Not yet."

"Then eat together?"

Muzi's eyes brightened instantly: "Okay."

"I get something."


Seeing him turn into the room, but did not close the door, Muzi raised the corner of his mouth with a touch of arc. Why did this guy suddenly learn?

Soon, in the restaurant.

Muzi looked at the bottle of red wine and two goblets on the table with a surprised look: "Where did you get this thing!"

Anyang shrugged: "Found in the cabinet."

"God!" Muzi covered his mouth.

"what happened?"

"No, it doesn't matter." Muzi knew he had a slight memory loss, and didn't ask much, paused. "I was just surprised that you brought a bottle of red wine when you were on the starship, and it has been kept in the present. What's in my heart! "

Anyang was speechless: "Just drink, there is so much nonsense."

"Oh oh." Muzi was very happy. He lifted the goblet gracefully, bit his glass with red lips, and took a sip.

"It's nice!" Muzi put down his glass. "You know, it's been two years since this voyage. If you let those adults see this bottle of wine, you will be crazy."

Anyang smiled: "Let them go crazy."

Muzi smiled slightly, but said nothing.

In this space, in this starship, many common objects on weekdays have become very precious. Anyang is willing to take out the precious drinks in this precious and share with her, even if she has a good psychological quality. A sense of well-being that only a little girl can understand, and it is very comfortable.

Touching the glass with the red lips always leaves a faint crimson symbol. A few glasses of light drink also make the girl's face pale.

"Hey buddy, where did you get this?" An alien crew of the Star Federation yelled in front of him.

"I brought this, this bottle, not for sale."

This is already the third person to ask for wine. Anyang familiarly dismissed the alien (half-orc) with a huge beast head before looking at the woman who was drunk drunk.

"Muzi, I think I have something that I haven't remembered, which may affect my next job."

"What things, say, my sister will answer you!"

Anyang was a little speechless. After drinking two glasses of red wine, she began to call her sister: "For example, on which floor is the captain's room, where are the captains and chief mates in their activities, and so on."

"Oh, do you want to know what the high-level trends are?" Muzi drunk pointed out Anyang's purpose at once, making Anyang even frown, but fortunately, maybe it was because he was in a good mood and these glasses of red wine opened today Because of her precautions, she didn't struggle too much. "Of course the captain's room is on the top floor, the third ... the thirty-third floor, it seems."

Then she had a whole bunch of Barabara, without any precautions against Anyang. Of course, Anyang did not think about harming her or using her to do anything. Anyang was saving herself and her.

Red wine can be said to make her slightly drunk, but also can be said to be grateful to her.

Not long after, a bottle of red wine bottomed out and the dishes were finished.

Muzi was a little dizzy and his cheeks were flushed.

Anyang deliberately picked a bottle with a high alcohol content, and basically she was drunk, and she drank very little, so this result was also expected by him.

"Go, I will send you back."


"Where do you live?"

"Twenty-seventh floor, W12B."

A few minutes later, Anyang sent her back to the room, and at this time she fell asleep as soon as she fell out of bed because of an alcohol attack.

Looking at the girl wearing a tight uniform and a short skirt lying on the bed, Anyang wanted to leave directly, but hesitated, she took off her high heels, turned her over and straightened and covered it in the middle of the bed Put on the quilt before leaving.

For a few days, he thought of trying to see the captain, but he has never been able to do so. Once he was sent to the main control room to see him, but he did not have the opportunity to catch up with him.

But I also want to come, but that is about to be promoted to lieutenant general, and his current status is only a soldier.

Fortunately, he already knew the position of the captain's room.


On this day, there was excitement inside the starship.

Because the starship is about to arrive at the base of York City, it means that everyone can stop the boring interplanetary voyage and can give up their daily work for a few days to relax!

Anyang can see from the window that the starship sailed away from the meandering speed around 14 o'clock in the afternoon. The stars outside no longer show an indistinct streamer appearance, but reveal the original appearance, celestial bodies of different shapes or aura Dazzling, staying in people's sight for a long time, let people marvel at its beauty.

Or a slow-moving asteroid belt, or a huge white fireball, and the huge and deformed base of York City, showing the magnificent side of human civilization.

Only because of the angle, Anyang can't get a panoramic view of the starry sky base where millions of people live. After all, he is not the best position in the 33rd floor control room. He can only see the corner of this behemoth base that violates natural gravity, and the shield made of countless hexagonal crystals. From the outline, it can be seen that the shield is a huge circle.

"It's a really great building ~ ~ The starship slowly approached, flew into the base from a huge port, and anchored in a highly sci-fi port.

All the crew were finally relieved.

Anyang also left the starship along with the crowd from the interface channel of the starship and the port. As originally planned, they would supply and repair here, and then embark on the exploration journey again.

Here is a place similar to an airport, with a huge horn above the head with reminders, people around, there are a variety of different races. Anyang didn't feel much, but the crew members who had been in the starship for so long could all breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly merged into the crowd, leaving behind the reminder above his head, preparing to relax and relax!

Anyang also saw Spock and McCoy, but he couldn't find an excuse to insert their topic, and he didn't care much.

"Hey, Anyang!" A shout came from behind.

Anyang turned helplessly and waited for Muzi to join them together.

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