My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 724: rescue

York City is really big and very prosperous.

After all, this is a base that accommodates millions of people, and I have to mention that it is not a city exclusively for people.

Walking in York City, you can see the huge ring beams that cross the wrong direction everywhere in the sky, and on the top are inverted high-rise buildings and driveways, as if ignoring gravity. The entire York City is a huge whole formed by the crosses of countless circles and the protection cover. Each huge circle is filled with various buildings, regardless of up, down, left and right.

The wide street that Anyang and Muzi are now walking on seems to stand upside down at the bottom of the ring beam on the starship.

Or there is no reference object in space, and there is no absolute gravity.

"Wow, so lively!" Muzi sighed.

Anyang also smiled, pacing slowly, but quietly let go of the sensation, touching the top of the ring beam, down to the bottom of the feet, feeling the chaotic and regular gravity of York City.

This is undoubtedly a city only in science fiction.

About 100 meters, the downward gravitational force starts to change, and there is a gradual upward trend. It is not difficult to see that the center of each huge ring has its own gravity, so that the buildings and pedestrians on the surface of the ring are firmly grasped, so the air flow is often very chaotic in the vicinity of different rings.

Anyang looked up at the sky, his eyes deep.

The place of origin has also touched the outer space of the starry sky, and if you want to use spells to achieve this effect, you should ...

Suddenly, a hand shook in front of his eyes: "What are you thinking, so enchanted!"

Anyang recovered and smiled, "Nothing."

After a pause, he said again: "Listening to York City's bars is very good, I invite you to have a drink!"

Muzi stunned slightly: "Okay!"

"Then go."


When Anyang left the starship, he found a lot of cash in the drawer of the room, which was just used to invite Muzi to drink.

He is a person who rarely goes to the bar. Even if he goes, he goes to the bar to sit and sit, but Muzi is young and beautiful. Obviously he often goes to the bar to play, and he can be a good leader. But what disappointed him was that the Star Age bar was not much different from the Earth. It was just that many sci-fi devices were eye-catching and the concept did not change much. They were drinking and playing together.

Women in temptation costumes are walking around, aliens with strange appearances can be seen everywhere, and people of this age can actually appreciate them, and they talk and laugh with them.

Some people came to talk to Muzi, but they were rejected.

Even a woman with a fan-shaped head and blue skin wearing tight-fitting leather clothes to accost Anyang was also stunned by Anyang, although she was very attractive.

Muzi only wanted to smile when he saw Anyang's expression: "You have been on the starship for so long, haven't you seen an alien?"

Anyang was helpless: "It's weird."

"It's strange for others to look at you, but it's normal just to look at her habits. Just like the lady just now, she doesn't think your head is round, and she thinks you look handsome!" Muzi said with a smile. It looks like facing a redneck.

"Poof, farewell!"

Anyang's gaze still glanced everywhere, the stranger the more.

It ’s normal for aliens to look strange, but why do they all look the same as humans!

Because the headgear is cheaper ...

Anyang has a strange face.

Soon after, he raised his glass to Muzi and said, "You, if our starship is attacked while sailing and the other party wants to take hostages, how can you save your life?"

Muzi shook the ice cubes in the pale pink fruit wine with his glass: "No one should attack the Enterprising? This is a federal starship, and we are not a federal warship, just a starship for exploration and diplomacy. , No one will hit us, you can still run into the song if you do n’t know what to do. "

"If I am, I can't run away."

"You are a real crow mouth!"

"If the two engines are shot down, and the loss of the hull is too large, the escape cabin will be hijacked. What should you do?" Anyang asked with a smile.

"Wow, your mouth is really smelly." Muzi took a sip of fruit wine, but suddenly felt that Anyang had no deep meaning in her eyes, so she leaned on her chin and thought for a moment, "There is no way, staying in the starship will only be sucked by space. It sucked out from the rupture and there was only one way to death. The damage to the starship was only death, so even if it was robbed, you had to leave the starship. "

She paused again: "And since they did not directly destroy the escape capsule, they did not want to kill the crew. This is the only chance of survival in space warfare."

Anyang shook her head, in fact she was quite right, but in the next attack, she was hijacked and only died.

Because the villain in the play has a technique for transferring human energy to extend his life, he has to require a large number of living people to absorb the life energy of these people.

That kind of death is even more painful and cruel!

Muzi looked at him in deep thought and couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking about, are you being stupid by Brent? Haha, even if you are a security officer, you shouldn't fantasize about starships all day long. Destroy it! An, although space is indeed full of danger, the probability is very low! "

Anyang placed the wine glass on the table and turned to look at her lightly. Somehow, Muzi stopped his smile suddenly.

"Remember, if one day the starship gave birth to me, regardless of whether the other party hijacked the hostage, what you need to do is not to flee immediately, but to find me. As a reward for your help to me these days, I will guarantee you safety . "

"... Okay, I remember."

Muzi recovered from his brief solemnity, but only felt a whimper. What are the rewards for helping these days ...

Gee, young and shy boy!

"This is the agreement." Anyang continued.

"Come on, agree, agree." Muzi promised to coax like a child, and then he smiled with a glass of wine in his mouth, and smiled forward and backward.

"What are you laughing at?" Anyang was speechless.

"I remembered ... **** haha ​​... a ... a funny joke haha!" Muzi explained.

Anyang Yue became speechless and speechless.

Anyway, you will know in a few days.

He thought so.

And Muzi apparently regarded this sentence as a symbol of her success that touched Anyang ’s heart, and voila, this young boy has already made such an agreement with himself, although ... although this agreement sounds so naive, it seems that only It can be seen in girls and boring idol dramas, but it is not clear that his heart has gradually leaned towards himself?

It's just that she sat in the seat and waited for a long time, but she didn't wait for the next move of this elm head.


Shouldn't we continue to confess at this time?

Until the evening, the two personnel returned to the base for their crews and bid farewell to each other.

The girl living next to Muzi was still making fun of her and finally let the male crew member get it, it seems that it will not take long to say goodbye to living alone. Muzi chuckled and responded, but when he returned to the room, he sat on the bed for a while. He slapped the pillow fiercely from time to time, whispering something in his mouth, and rubbing his ankle from time to time.

Hanging out with a boy all day, it sounds romantic, but only she knows that this day is not spent in shopping or entertainment!

In addition to sitting in the bar for more than a long time, she basically spends the entire day with Anyang strolling around, experiencing all kinds of novelties, or exploring the principles of equipment. She feels that Anyang is full of curiosity like Grandma Liu's entering the Grand View Garden. No matter what, she has to go up to touch it and try it out.

"Ah, it's really helpless!"

"Elm's head, don't know how to do it!"

Just the next day, Captain Kirk gathered the crew urgently.

The crews who were supposed to be on vacation were assembled, and it was necessary to rescue an alien crashed starship in an emergency. However, due to the complex airspace, only the Enterprising could be able to go.

So everyone complained and returned to the starship.

Anyang also really felt the change of this starship from static to entering the song. Although there was no discomfort in the starship due to the inertial damper, he could still see the big port and York City for a moment. The scene disappearing behind ~ ~ can also experience the twisted space around and the absolute stillness of the spacecraft.

Before long, a whole-ship broadcast rang above his head.

"All crew members, please note that our mission is very clear this time. We are going to rescue crew members trapped in an unmarked airspace. The trajectory will pass through an unstable nebula. During this period, we will lose all communication with the interstellar fleet. You can only rely on yourself. The only thing that the Enterprising has that other starships do not have is the starship crew. "

"I also hope that everyone can understand that nothing is unknown, we just hide it for the time being."

"End of call!"

Anyang chuckled while standing in front of a window, this guy's words were really good!

And with Captain Kirk's words, the starship has left the voyage and turned into a chaotic nebula.

Surrounded by huge lightning and various planet debris, the huge cosmic dust floating in the air collided together under the action of the airflow, which can squeeze the starship into scrap iron at any time.

The enterprising number shuttles through it.

Anyang looked a little shocked.

Finally, the density of the nebula is changing, and the gap between the huge rubble is becoming larger. A blue planet in front of it is looming. If Anyang remembers correctly, this is the Otemeid star where the villain is located, and it is also the Kirk ship. The place where the alien spaceship crashed in the information center received by Chang.

Only because of Anyang's identity, he couldn't touch or negotiate on this series of upper-level things.

He had to wait quietly.

Until the whine, the starship alarm sounded, the red light kept flashing, and the crews of their respective duties were in a mess.


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