Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 255: Small accidents and peace

"Get up, emergency." Ryan suddenly heard a roar in his ear while sleeping soundly. He subconsciously grabbed the wand and sat up.

"What happened? Where did it happen?" Ron, who was sleeping in the upper bunk, also woke up and asked his father after lighting his wand and glancing at him.

"I'm not sure for now. I can only see the outbreak of fighting in the direction of the camp manager's hut. Although we are far away from us, we still have to prepare." Mr. Weasley said solemnly.

After Ryan grabbed his wand and climbed out of the tent, he found that the singing around him had stopped, and there was a faint cry in the distance. He even saw some tents lit in the direction of the campkeeper's cabin in the distance.

"Damn, the children pulled out your wand, it should be an emergency now!" Sirius ran over Harry at this time, and the crumpled pants on them showed that they were also sleeping in clothes.

At this time, everyone had gathered at the door of the tent. After listening to Sirius's words, they formed a circle to protect the girl in the middle and raised their wand. Some people in pajamas also crawled out of the surrounding tents at this time. After they came out, these people mostly panicked and asked what happened to the people around them. However, because the riots are far away, people around can still stay calm and stand in front of their tents to observe the development of the situation.

After waiting for a while, the movements in the distance gradually slowed down. It seems that this riot is not as powerful as in the original. Sirius also discovered this. He put down his wand and said to the people around him: "I think the tense should be calm down. You can sit down and wait, there is no need to be so nervous." After he finished, he pulled a piece of moisture-proof The mat took the lead and sat on the ground.

Lean after they looked at it, they sat down one after another, and those around them also learned something. The anxiety soon disappeared, and some people even brewed some hot cocoa in hot water for everyone.

Soon afterwards, the movements of the battle disappeared completely, and Percy's shirt came a little messy. After saying hello to his family and friends, he pulled out his wand and pointed it at his throat. "The voice is loud!"

Then what he said was like thunder so everyone around could hear clearly. "Someone got drunk and made trouble just now, but with the efforts of the Ministry of Magic, the riots have now subsided. The troublemakers have been dispelled and the order has been restored. So everyone can continue to rest now."

Percy then lifted the magic and turned to his father: "After I reminded Director Boones, she ordered several key areas where our few staff ambushed. Half an hour ago, there was a group of masks in black robes The people raided the camp manager ’s hut, but fortunately we ambushed ahead of time so that they did n’t succeed. Later, the group watched that the staff of the Ministry of Reinforcement increased and all of them escaped. After the situation subsided, the Ministry of Magic All strikers and Aurors were urgently recalled to maintain order. Those of us who work overtime temporarily were put back. "

"Very good, you did very well today." Mr. Weasley said after patting Percy's narration and patting Percy's shoulder.

This time Ryan also gained 4 offset points, although not many, but this should also be just the beginning. After all, Batty Crouch Jr. needs to brush a copy of the entire school year, so the initial task score is also low.

In the middle of the night, everyone who had a lingering fear just wore a coat and lay in the tent's living room for a few hours. At dawn, they collected the tent and took a door key and returned to Ferret Mountain.

"Arthur-are you all right?" As soon as they walked into the courtyard of the Burrow, they saw Mrs. Weasley, who was nervous, came out to greet them, still holding a rolled-up Daily Prophet. Ryan could see Fudge on the front page of the Daily Prophet waving alive and waving to the surroundings. The title next to it read: Minister Fudge was fully prepared and successfully quelled the riots.

"Oh, it's grabbing merit again. Obviously it was Ms. Burns' credit yesterday." The Prophet Daily used several pages to tout Fudge, and even described him as a savior of the unknown prophet. This made Percy, who was busy most of the night yesterday, very dissatisfied.

"The Ministry of Magic has always been like this, you have to adapt more." Sirius said in an ironic tone. He and Harry also came to the Burrow together. After all, when the door key was just collected, the more people in a place, the more they could get it first.

After eating, Sirius took Harry back to his residence. In the following week, Mr. Weasley and Percy were rarely at home. Every morning, when the rest of the family hadn't gotten up, the two of them left the house and didn't come back long after dinner. However, Ryan had a good time during this time. He and Hermione finally analyzed and mastered some knowledge about body deformation, making it possible for some bodies to be animalized.

"Although this riot has quickly subsided, after all, it made us lose face internationally. So now Fudge wants all of us to work overtime to restore our reputation. Although I think this kind of behavior is stupid, but since this Just follow the order and do it anyway. Anyway, when we are in the field and can go to work, we can go to a coffee shop or fast food restaurant to take a break. Just pay attention to stop talking about Quidditch when Muggle comes over. Hurry up, "Percy said at dinner.

"It is estimated that there is no drama." Mr. Weasley just walked in with a tired face at this time. "Lastaskit didn't find enough news last time, so she has been camping in the Ministry of Magic recently. Now that she has found the missing old Bertha, it seems that this is the headline for Tomorrow Daily. "

"Oh, my God." Percy rolled his eyes. "Persa Jorkins has a memory like a leaky crucible. This is not the first time she has disappeared. Every time he disappears, he will disappear for a month or two. It seems that my holiday is in trouble again."

Because tomorrow is the day to go to school, Ryan quickly went upstairs to check their luggage. After taking a count, he found that Mrs. Weasley had helped herself to buy all textbooks and supplies and some potions and consumables.

As he put these things in the suitcase, Ron's fuss was heard behind him.

"What kind of play is this?" Ron held a weird-looking dress in his hand, which looked to Ryan like a sauce-purple velvet dress with a ruffle like a moldy ruffle on the neckline. There are also matching laces on the cuffs.

"I've seen similar clothes on oil paintings in museums. This should be a dress. Doesn't everyone have to bring a dress gown this year? I think this is your dress gown." Ryan glanced at it. Know what happened ~ ~ Museum, God, how old is this dress? By the way, what does your dress gown look like? "

Lean took out a folded garment from the box and unfolded it. This is a dark blue dress robe with a very simple top. There is nothing but a little silver pattern on the edge. It looks like a school uniform robe.

"I bought it before I went to Brazil last year. This year is a bit short. I don't want to waste money on buying one. I changed it a little with alchemy and then wore it this year." Lane pointed to his dress.

"I think it would be more luxurious to change it with alchemy than to buy another one." Ron shrugged, then looked at his dress helplessly: "I would rather not wear this shirtless."

"Not at all." Ryan said. "If you are willing to pay the raw material fee, I can help you to change it." He finished looking at Ron's robe: "At least one Gallon and three Sike."

"Here, I hope it looks better." Ron thought and gritted his teeth. He took 20 Seaco from a loose floor and handed it to Ryan. Then he went out and looked away.

After ten minutes, Ron heard Ryan shouting in the room: "You can come in and see."

Ron came in and found that his clothes became almost unknown to her: the whole dress became bright purple, and the unsightly lace became a simple style with silver edges. The overall look was a bit like Ryan ’s own robe .

"Thank you so much, otherwise I will definitely be ashamed." After that, Ron happily packed his luggage.

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