Annual school day.

But the weather is so bad now-Ryan saw the pouring rain and the window slamming against the window when she got up.

After breakfast, Mr. Weasley decided to drive everyone to King ’s Cross Station in London, and Bill and Charlie decided to send them to King ’s Cross Station together. Percy was about to go, but a serious incident happened in Plymouth. He had to eat a bite of bread in a hurry and left in a coat.

"Percy's work is good, but there are too many such emergencies." After watching Percy's phantom disappearing into the rain curtain, Mrs. Weasley said distressedly.

"It's the same way to do a career. When I first entered the Ministry of Magic, I didn't work overtime for three days." Mr. Weasley stepped forward and hugged Molly comfortingly.

"Yeah, how capable you were at that time." Mo Li started to recall the past, and then quickly responded. "The children are all here, I have to clean up the house."

Everyone here felt like they were stuffed with dog food. After dinner, everyone rushed to London in that classic car. Unfortunately, the weather in London is just as bad. When you got off at Kings Cross Station, the rain outside was even heavier than before, and you could not even see the scene outside the window. After opening the door, raindrops poured on them with their faces covered. When they carried the suitcase across the busy street and entered the station, they were soaked.

Today the weather is terrible. After entering the platform of nine and three quarters, many Hogwarts students and parents on the platform can be seen as a dark ghost shadow under the thick smoke from the front of the car.

After finding one to put the luggage in, Ryan ran to the platform to say goodbye to Mrs. Weasley, Bill and Charlie. When Charlie hugged Ginny and said goodbye to her, he revealed a message that this year he is likely to see everyone in the school soon. Later, under the enquiry of the twins, he revealed that Hogwarts might hold a major event this year. It's a pity that she blew the whistle before she finished, and everyone could only get on the bus quickly.

"Thank you for staying with us, Mrs. Weasley." Hermione said. At this time they had boarded the train and closed the door. She leaned out of the window and talked to Mrs. Weasley.

"Indeed this summer vacation will be a very good memory of my student stage, Mrs. Weasley." Lane said.

After thanking him and drying his clothes with magic. Ryan sat in his seat and began to recall certain things: "This morning Moody was not attacked, it means that things have changed. But the disappearance of Pesha shows that Voldemort's return has become a reality. But what method will Voldemort use to resurrect What about it? "After losing the prophetic advantage, Ryan felt that the future seemed to be hidden in a mist.

Afterwards, Harry also came to the carriage and told about the nightmare he had about Voldemort during the summer vacation. Ron and Hermione only thought that Harry might be too nervous, and only Ryan knew that this represented Voldemort's return to the countdown. But he didn't tell the story because the story has changed. Without knowing where the enemy is lurking, it is said that this has no effect except being treated as a lunatic.

Was very plain along the way, only Malfoy came in to provoke a wave. This made Lane doubt the tutor of the pure-blood family again. But what Malfoy said was really hurtful, and when the train arrived at Hogsmeade station, Ron was still sullen.

The weather outside is also in the same mood as Ron: Even if they took a half-day train from the south of the UK to the north of the UK, the weather has not improved, and it can even be worse. It rained violently and fiercely, as if buckets of cold water kept pouring on their heads.

Ryan took the owl cage in Hermione's hands at this time and added a waterproof spell to the friends around him. Then he walked on the carriage with a pile of water.

"God, this weather is a boat ride across the lake. It would be dangerous if there is no magic." Hermione looked at the back of Hagrid's walk to the lake with the first-year freshman through the window after getting in the car. With emotion.

"Magic is also dangerous. I remember turning over the boat in this weather. Fortunately, the squid in the lake saved everyone in time." Ron adjusted his mood at this time, so the three on the carriage were not in magic. People born in the world explained.

When the castle entered the hall, Pippi began to throw balloons filled with water. Fortunately, Ryan had already prepared to help herself and Hermione to stop all the water droplets. But Harry was unlucky enough to be hit by a water polo on his head, so that when he walked into the restaurant, his hair was still dripping down.

As everyone knows, Pippi Ghost represents the soul formed by the suppressed emotions of all the children in this school, similar to Dementors. So unlike other ghosts, he can pick up various objects but can also be attacked by various objects.

But because Pippi's qualifications are too old, even if Dumbledore was a student when Pippi was already here, so the teachers only limited the management of Pippi so that he did not overdo it. Of course, there are also reasons why Pippi Ghost is directly bound to Hogwarts Castle. As long as the castle exists, Pippi Ghost will always exist.

However, to the best of Ryan ’s knowledge, the most important information about Pippi was Hogwarts, a school history about the unsuccessful expulsion of him in 1876. The administrator at the time used a scimitar, crossbow, short gun and a cannon at Hogwarts. But he failed. Pippi even shot the window at random after escaping the trap, putting everyone in danger, and the castle was evacuated. Until then the headmaster Euplasia Moore made a concession.

You have to know that in 1876, the guns have entered the era of metal shells loaded with guns. After seeing this record in the book, Lane confirmed two points: First, Hogwarts could not use electronic products because of powerful magic radiation. , Which is similar to the electromagnetic pulse bomb and causes serious interference to all electronic products. Not the anti-Muggle items or anti-technological spells imposed by some colleagues in the previous life from the level of world rules.

Second, look at the description that the Pippi ghost shot in the book puts everyone in danger of life. Muggle weapons can indeed pose a sufficient threat to wizards, at least little wizards. This conclusion prompted Ryan to bomb the group of black wizards with fat bombs in the pyramid. However, the dark wizards who survived the explosion in the pyramid at the time also proved that the Muggle weapons threatened almost zero for some powerful wizards, which also dispelled Ryan's plan to give Voldemort a fat nuclear bomb.

After everyone walked into the auditorium, the upper grades started to help the lower grades organize their clothes after drying their clothes. After all, today is the opening ceremony of the school, so sloppy and sloppy is definitely not appropriate.

After finishing the clothes, everyone started talking. Colin Crivy told Ryan that his brother also enrolled in school this year. Ryan deeply suspected that their parents might not be Muggles but dumb cannons ~ ~ Because for Mage wizards, the probability of both brothers becoming wizards is too small.

A man with a fake wound was sitting in the position of the black magic defense class teacher on the rostrum. Many people also noticed this. Ron whispered after seeing it, "God, Mad-eyed Hammoudi. Is this the black magic defense teacher this year?"

"Crazy-eyed Moody? Who is this?" Harry asked curiously on the side.

"A retired top Auror." Ron explained to the people around him: "My father admires him, but it's no wonder that half of the cells in Azkaban are filled by him. It's just Because there are so many enemies in this way, he slowly becomes a little neurotic. After someone once planned to shake hands with him but was mistaken for him as an attack and injured him, he retired. I did n’t expect Dumbledore. This year I will invite him to be a professor of black magic defense. "

"PTSD patients." Ryan concluded.

"P-what's that?" Ron was confused now.

"Post-traumatic stress disorder is often found in people who have experienced war. Because past experiences have made them irritable, over-alert, amnestic, and frightened. This is the case with an Iraqi patient of my parents." He Min explained on the side.

"Indeed, Moody's is like this." After listening to Hermione's narration, Ron expressed her absolute agreement with her.

They just finished the discussion on this topic, and the door of the auditorium opened. This also represents the official start of the opening ceremony.

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