Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 342: plot

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Wen Rensheng wasn't ready to personally resolve this new incident. After all, he was going to **** the others back tomorrow, so he didn't have time to stay.

So he activated his puppet armor, which was consigned to the island with the plane, but no one else knew about it.

His puppet technique is only a little away from advancing to the intermediate level. I believe it will take a while to advance.

His skill advancement plan is to learn as much as possible first, learn the elementary level, and then look at luck, whichever encounters good luck can quickly advance to the intermediate level.

As for becoming an expert, this has to be time-honed. Like everyone else, it takes three years and five years to grind, and if you have a special talent, you can achieve expert-level skills.

In fact, he has not yet honed a skill to the expert level, which shows that the difficulty is high.

Of course, this is also related to his energy being too scattered. From the outsiders' eyes, he learns skills like a bear breaking corn, breaking one and throwing one away.

After making plans, Wen Rensheng asked the armored puppet to follow the couple, and went back with his family on the private plane.

On the plane, everyone gathered in the cabin and talked about the harvest with great interest.

Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen also recovered from the shadow of the previous counterattack and murder, but they seem to be more mature.

Since you enjoy the power of the aliens, you must bear the price of using it.

In a sense, this is actually the biggest gain for the two of them this time.

In order to protect oneself, decisively use one's own power to kill the opponent. It seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. Without training and preparation, most people will hesitate and put themselves in danger.

"I feel like I'm going to retreat when I go back. After two months of retreat, I can become a mystery expert." Ouyang Ling, who has always been low-key, said most excitedly.

"Uh, then you are the third mystery expert in our family..." Wen Rende envied.

The family status will be reduced by one.

Wait, it seems that compared to the original, there is no change, it is originally low.

Wen Rende thought to himself.

Wen Rensheng congratulated: "Then I really want to congratulate Mother Mother. If you have anything during this time, leave it to us."

"It's okay, I'm a drop of water, I'm not as good as you." Ouyang Ling pretended to be modest, but she was actually very proud.

"Congratulations Auntie, Aunt Hexi, Auntie will never grow old." Zhao Han hurriedly patted the horse.

"Okay, learn Chinese well," Wang Wenwen said with contempt, then held up a cup of coffee and said, "Auntie, you drink coffee."

Everyone laughed.

Wu Liansong followed with a smile. He was very relieved at first, but suddenly a trace of sadness came to his heart.

No one could have imagined that this strong middle-aged man was thinking at this moment:

Always gather less and leave more, never laugh for long.

How long can these days last?

In a cabin next to her, Wei Yiqing listened to the laughter of the crowd and lowered her head to play with her mobile phone.

These things have always been insulated from her.

After the meeting, everyone went to rest, ready to sleep and go home.

Wen Rensheng started to control his armored puppet.


In the Harbour Hotel just left, the armored puppet left from a room.

He was going to find the couple.

It is easy to find the two of them. They have their names and portraits. As long as they go through the local police station, they can be found through the ubiquitous surveillance network.

This kind of island with a military base has very developed surveillance. After all, it is necessary to guard against all kinds of malicious people.

He had just arrived in front of the police station when the cell phone dedicated to this identity rang.

The caller is Yan Ze.

"Brother Tang, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"I closed for a while, is there something wrong?"

"It turns out that it's no wonder that I didn't contact you. I didn't say that last time, I have a project in hand, and I want to ask my brothers to cooperate."

"Is it about robbing modern weapons?"

"Good memory, that's what happened. There was a good opportunity recently, Dayang Cemetery, have you heard of it?"

Not only heard of it, but also just left.

Wen Rensheng thought about it this way, and then replied: "Of course I have heard of it. I have already arrived on a nearby island."

"That's a coincidence. I also came to that island. Which hotel are you staying in?"

Wen Rensheng reported a name, and then found that the two hotels were located in the south and the north, no wonder they hadn't met before.

Half an hour later, the two met in a cafe near the police station.

During this period of time, Wen Rensheng had already inquired about the couple's movements through the police station.

Mu Chengen and Xu Mei, a 27-year-old and a 26-year-old, are not married.

This morning, I just went to sea with a group of people on a boat, the direction is the Ocean Cemetery.

"Brother, did you do everything in the security just now? Is there anything I can help you with?" Yan Ze said attentively.

"No, I just looked for two people, and I found them now." Wen Rensheng refused.

"That's good, the project I just mentioned, there is a good opportunity now. Near the Ocean Cemetery, there are many advanced modern weapons, America, Europa, all sent new warships that are in service, and even some The latest unmanned electronic reconnaissance aircraft, trying to enter the exploration." Yan Ze said seriously.

"Well, the chances are good." Wen Rensheng remembered the foreign warships he had seen before, and the other party didn't lie.

Lying has nothing to lose, after all, this is just a puppet body.

"Well, we have gathered five people to seize a ship, and we can also put the blame on that cemetery, so that we can be invisible." Yan Ze began to explain.

Wen Rensheng asked: "The other party also has the prophecy, how do you guys fight?"

"We have concealment. As long as we have master-level concealment and some camouflage, we can fight against their prophecy. It's just an ordinary warship, and they won't go to war." Yan Ze said confidently.

Wen Rensheng nodded slowly.

This is the world of aliens, and things like this happened occasionally in previous lives, but they all happened between big countries. Private behaviors, at most, pirates robbed cargo ships.

But it is impossible for a private person to take action on the warship in service. If it is done, it will be a major event that will shock the world, and it is absolutely impossible to let it go.

And this world is completely different.

Only four or five people dare to do such a shocking event.

The key is that there are endless mysterious disasters in this world. Every year, planes and ships disappear inexplicably.

Just like the Bermuda legend of the previous life.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yan Ze is sure that the other party will not go to war.

As long as the other party can't confirm the robber, he can't pursue it to the end. He can only blame it on mysterious factors, and finally let it go and admit his loss.

After thinking about it clearly, Wen Rensheng nodded and said, "Okay, I have done this, what is the specific plan?"

"Very good, brother is really a cheerful person, this is not the place to talk, please come with me." Yan Ze said excitedly.

Soon the two left the cafe and walked towards a sinful path.

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