Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 343: electronic reconnaissance ship

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In a certain community on the island, there is a sea view villa.

Wen Rensheng controlled the armored puppet. After walking in, he saw two people sitting in the living room.

No, it should actually be four people, because there are two more, similar to armor puppets.

But the two puppets were animals, one was a golden retriever and the other was a budgerigar.

"Haha, it seems that Brother Yan's methods are really good, and we have found someone who can go to the front line." The two people sitting stood up at the same time, and one of them, an old man with a gray beard, said with a smile.

"My dear Tang Jia, I have seen you two." The armored puppet, still in a robe, bowed to the two of them.

"It's easy to say, the old surname is Lian, Lian Po's Lian, this is the ancestor brother." The old man surnamed Lian briefly introduced.

That grandfather brother, about forty years old, with dull eyes, like a fool, did not say hello to Wen Rensheng when he heard the introduction.

"Then these two?" Wen Rensheng asked, looking at the dog and the bird.

"We don't need to introduce, after all, we are not human," said the budgerigar impatiently, "don't waste your time, everyone's time is very valuable, and you don't need to be friends, it's a one-shot deal."

The golden retriever nods the dog's head again and again.

Yan Ze smiled "haha": "That's not necessarily true. If you did a good job this time, you can continue to do it next time. This business will not be interrupted that day."

"When you die, the business will be cut off." The budgerigar said sharply.

Yan Ze was said to be like this, but it didn't happen. Instead, he said: "Okay, then let's get to the point immediately. This time the target is the northwest corner of the Ocean Cemetery, a newly launched electronic reconnaissance ship by John Bull. The ship was developed jointly with America, and there must be a lot of high-priced technology on it."

"Brother Yan, this goal is not bad. But the old man heard that in order to prevent theft, they are now equipped with safety devices on key technical equipment, and will regularly send letters to a satellite. Self-destruction." The old man surnamed Lian shook his head.

"Don't worry, we have a mature process for dealing with those things, and we will naturally have a way to bring them back." Yan Ze assured.

"Then I can rest assured. This time, I will listen to my brother's arrangement and just wait for a fortune." The old man surnamed Lian said with bright eyes.

Wen Rensheng was speechless, why does everyone love money so much? Even such a senior expert can't hold back.

Why can't you be indifferent to fame and fortune like yourself?

Really high and low.

Yan Ze then explained the action plan to several people.

In fact, the plan looks very simple, that is, a few puppets rush to the front line to control the ship, and the other three are behind the scenes.

Including positioning, obfuscation, post-processing...

Just like slaughtering pigs, there is a long-established process, and it seems that they do not less of this kind of work.

Wen Rensheng understands why such a big organization is getting money so fast, and it has already been industrialized.

For such a warship, the simple cost is only a few hundred million, not to mention the technology contained in it, many technologies cannot be bought with money.


In the end, it was divided into two groups of people, who acted separately. Wen Rensheng and a dog and a bird acted at the same time, while Yan Ze and the middle-aged ancestral surname and the old surnamed Lian belonged to a group of three.

Wen Rensheng was sitting on a seaplane, and the dog was flying the plane... It's really worrying.

But the parrot doesn't seem to care, yes, it can fly anyway.

"I said, boy, we'll land when we find the target, and then confuse the ordinary soldiers above, and then kill them all. If you encounter aliens, then retreat urgently." The budgerigar warned. .

"It's good to grab something, but don't kill people, it will save you extra trouble." Wen Rensheng refused.

"Naughty, do you know that killing people is more expensive? Killing people is better than killing people. If you let them report back, you will be in big trouble afterwards." Budgerigar insisted.

Wen Rensheng was slightly shocked, and faintly felt that something was not right.

Of course he doesn't reject killing people, but there must be a legitimate reason for it. Whether it's defensive counter-killing or fighting on the battlefield, it doesn't matter.

But this kind of robbing of modern weapons from other countries, although there is a factor of competing for profit for the country, he still does not want to kill those soldiers indiscriminately, after all, the two sides are not at war yet.

"A gentleman has something to do, something he doesn't do." Wen Rensheng still refused.

The budgie sneered at the moment: "If you were a real gentleman, you wouldn't follow Yan Ze to participate in this kind of thing. You really think that you are serving the country, we just understand that robbing money is bullying others, and you have never been a **** gentleman. …”

"Stop talking nonsense, I will do what I say, otherwise, I will throw you out!" Wen Rensheng scolded.

"Hey, you're pretty good, can you drop it and take a look?" the budgerigar said disdainfully.

Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed its two wings, and tied them together with a rope.

The budgerigar was stunned: "How can you be so fast?"

"You just know? Be honest with me now." Wen Rensheng closed his eyes.

The budgie didn't speak again, and although it could easily break free of the rope, it didn't do that.

This armored puppet, in its eyes, seems to have special power.

After an unknown period of time, Yan Ze's voice sounded on the communication channel on the plane.

"Found the target, in your 6 o'clock direction, 242 kilometers away."

At this time, the seaplane had already flown over the Ocean Cemetery, and Wen Rensheng looked down, only to see a piece of fog shrouded.

Looking carefully at the fog, it was about a few hundred meters high, which was already very scary.

The sound of gunfire and some screams could be heard faintly in the fog.

Rather, there are many people who want to enter there to hunt for treasures.

It's just that those scenes are extremely terrifying to ordinary people.

The warships were bombarding each other, and it was easy to die.

That is, the aliens, who can jump off the ship and escape at any time, have a high survival rate.

But if you are or you are not vigilant enough to hit your body with a single shot, you will end up in pieces.

Just thinking about it, Wen Rensheng heard a reminder of "Wang". He looked down from the driver's window and saw a very eye-catching ship slowly driving below.

It is blue and black, with a prominent mainmast, plus four more prominent spherical satellite communication antennas.

Exactly as in the photo, this is John Bull's electronic reconnaissance ship.

Obviously, it appeared to collect information about this ocean cemetery, to collect some electromagnetic signals.

It's just that it's bad luck and has been targeted.

On its left and right sides, there is a destroyer to **** it, and the distance is not far or near, about one kilometer or so.

Wen Rensheng said to the communication channel: "Find the target, find the target."

"Okay, let's start now, the first step is to create fog."

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