Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 384: scream pit

The security guards came quickly.

Things were dealt with quickly, after all, there were two mysterious experts on the scene, as well as a private alien.

After taking notes at the scene, verifying the video and witness statements, the whole thing ended in an accidental death.

The half-fat man named Luo Sanjin bought the gun while traveling overseas and possessed it illegally.

The other men in sunglasses were punished by fighting and detained for half a month - Mu Chengen did not hold them accountable, he should have been afraid of being beaten by black guns.

It came in a hurry and left in a hurry, leaving only two pools of blood on the beach.

Mu Chengen experienced an event that was enough to be called a drastic change for ordinary people from beginning to end.

After he finished the transcript, he froze on the beach, while the other one and one bird were all calm.

After a long time, he said to Wen Rensheng's armored puppet: "Uncle, if you are a xenogeneic person, do you often encounter this kind of thing?"

"It doesn't happen often, but if you want to encounter it, you will encounter it. If you don't want to encounter it, there is a way not to encounter it." Wen Rensheng replied as a matter of course.

"..." Mu Chengen let out a long breath and seemed to be making a difficult decision.

The budgerigar hovered in mid-air, staring at each other.

Wen Rensheng thought of his own business. He came here, but he didn't do his business. He took care of it beforehand, but he also gained something. At least he witnessed the change history of the newcomers and aliens on the spot.

These are all important experiences.

He thought for a while, and said to the idle parrot, "Well, Xiao Mu's godfather, do you have any profitable business there?"

He's not a brat, so he can't come up and look for weird things, right? Then let the other party doubt his purpose?

Find a profitable business to do, no problem.

After all, the two sides have cooperated twice. If you add the previous treasure cave and the guardian of the Nishimaru country, the cooperation with the Sovereign Club has been four times.

The budgerigar looked at him with a surprised tone: "Why, do you want to join us?"

It thought to himself, it really is the black who is close to the ink, bah, it should be the red who is close to the vermillion.

This soft-hearted guy was finally bent, no, it was corrected.

"If you want to join or not, I really need money now." Wen Rensheng said solemnly.

"It's easy to want money, we have a lot of profitable businesses in our organization. Let me recommend a 'Screaming Mine' task for you, a gold mine located in Sanan, with a gold reserve of 435 tons, which has been put into production long ago, but After an accident, a mysterious disaster occurred, and no one has dealt with it for more than ten years. If you can deal with it, you can take one-third of the annual gold production." The budgerigar said.

Wen Rensheng was a little excited. As soon as he heard the name, he knew that it was strange and easy to satisfy the appetite of the mysterious seed.

One ton of gold is about 300 million to 500 million yuan, and a third of it is more than 30 billion yuan. Of course, it will take many years to achieve this.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "This business can still be done, how to go through the procedure?"

"Give me your cell phone, and I'll pull you into a group, and someone will contact you throughout the process." The budgerigar said enthusiastically.


After some troublesome tossing, Wen Rensheng and a dark-skinned girl came to the mine in front of him.

The miner's lamp overhead barely illuminated the deep, dark cave.

"Miss Karen, just send it here, I'll explore the rest of the way myself." Wen Rensheng said.

The black girl looked at the legendary figure beside her, no, the other party didn't seem to be human, because she couldn't feel any temperature.

Originally, she thought that this person would be very cold-hearted, just like those people before.

Those people only know how to dig for gold. When something goes wrong, they lock up the mine and seal all the miners inside. Then they run back to Europe and spend gold in those big houses, regardless of whether the people here live or die.

The original source of wealth has become a source of calamity, making it impossible to even farm the land nearby.

The person next to him who is said to be able to solve the problem seems to have a good heart.

"Well, sir, please be careful, there are already many volunteers who have died here..." The black girl bowed slightly to Wen Rensheng and said.

Wen Rensheng smiled, Mage, this is the land of Sanan, is it a common name for aliens?

Rather apt.

However, most of the dead should be counterfeit goods. If the real aliens know the danger here, they will not come in easily.

It's just gold after all.

The black girl turned back and left the mine step by step, leaving Wen Rensheng alone.

Just left.

Wen Rensheng controlled the armored puppet and played a real adventure.

Well, this hole looks dangerous, so let's drill in there...

Dead end, discarded tools removed, nothing found.

Follow the labyrinth map in memory and go backwards.

At this time, the benefits of extraordinary memory are highlighted.

As long as there is no external interference, if it is a static maze, as long as Wen Rensheng goes in, he will definitely be able to come out.

Every time he walked through a branch of the mine, it was equivalent to exploring a foggy area in the three-dimensional map in his mind.

Wen Rensheng finally triggered a mysterious event when he explored the 17th branch mine.

In front of them were two corpses hugging each other, and they were smashed by a large piece of gold.

Under the miner's lamp, the gold of the dog's head shone brightly.

Gold is a symbol of wealth that runs through human civilization.

Even the rise of a great power is inseparable from its support.

Industrialization, foreign exchange, imported industrial equipment... are all inseparable from gold.

This piece of dog-headed gold is very large, probably as long as Wen Rensheng's arm and as thick as a calf. It is very easy to kill a person, and the proportion of gold is very high.

Such a volume of dog head gold, if you take it out, it will definitely be a sensation.

Yet it was buried deep beneath the pit, and there were two martyrs.

However, after Wen Rensheng took a closer look, he found that these two people were not killed by this piece of bullshit.

These two corpses should have a close relationship. They are both men, probably brothers or relatives, so they hugged together before death to resist the fear before death.

"Screaming Mine: Gold, Undead, Mine... Behind it all hides a terrible secret."

"Mystery: 88."

"Mysterious composition:???"

Wen Rensheng stepped forward and glanced at Goutoujin, instead of reaching for it, he activated the "Mysterious Eagle Eye".

The 16-fold increase in effect made it easy for him to see the truth of kotoujin.

I saw a pale hand resting on the two corpses.

What a surprise.

Wen Rensheng shot out a purple mist and covered that hand.

Then, like cold water entering the frying pan, a "Zizi" heat burst out.

Then he knew why it was called the "Screaming Mine".

A piercing scream resounded from his mind.

Fortunately, he was just an armored puppet.

Screams that are enough to make any creature explode in an instant, have no effect.

Puppets are easy to use.

Otherwise, countries in the previous life desperately developed various demining robots.

After the damage, there is no need to bear high pensions and various public opinion pressures.

It takes 20 years to build a qualified soldier, but to build a demining robot, it can be mass-produced in factories.

Moreover, most of them can be recycled after being broken, and the real loss is not much.

Screaming was ineffective against the armored puppet, and Wen Rensheng quickly cleaned up the grievances on the bones.

The resentment of being sealed in the cave, the fear before death, hugging each other, the hope of surviving... All of them formed a mysterious disaster.

Anyone who comes in, or even gets close, will be attacked.

They hate other people and hate why didn't they come to save them sooner.

In previous lives, this hatred was meaningless, and death is death.

This world, this kind of hatred, mixed with mysterious power, can form the most terrifying backlash against the present world.

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