Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 385: greedy

After the hand was removed, the golden gleaming gold of the dog's head also disappeared.

Wen Rensheng was not disappointed, he bypassed the two corpses and moved on.

As I was walking, I heard the ringing of the landline.

When the bell stopped, an old voice sounded: "Boss, you can't dig any more ahead. If you dig again, it will collapse. You have to increase investment and strengthen support to continue the work."

"Then when will you wait? Continue to dig for me. The survey map shows that the mines with the highest gold content are ahead, and it is easiest to dig out new gold. As long as you can dig gold, each person will be rewarded five dollars more per day!" A greedy voice sounded.

Before long, bursts of screams were heard, mixed with the rumbling of the collapse of the pothole.

"Run, the hole is about to collapse!"


"Damn, we're all going to be killed by that Ge Langtai!"

Wen Rensheng looked up and saw a collapsed mine in front of him. The miner's lamp on his head, shining on it, reflected pieces of ore with golden dots.

Really high gold content.

Looking faintly, I saw layers of black mist floating on the ore.

Wen Rensheng approached, and the black fog gradually condensed into a human shape. If there was no miner's lamp, it would be difficult for Wen Rensheng to detect the existence of the other party in this dark environment. It belongs to the primary concealment technique.

"Outsideer, what are you doing here? Do you also want gold?" The Black Mist Humanoid asked.

Wen Rensheng had seen wiser resentful spirits, so of course he didn't wonder why the other party could ask questions.

"I'm just here to dig for the truth, not for gold." Wen Rensheng said originally.

He didn't lie.

The Black Mist figure was silent, as if to observe whether Wen Rensheng was telling the truth or a lie.

After a while, he nodded and said, "I can tell you part of the truth first, and when you help me kill someone, I will tell you the rest of the truth."

"Who is he and where is he?"

"His name is Hans Glander. Of course, this is not his real name. No one knows his real name, and I don't know where he is. He has probably returned to Europe." The black mist figure slowly said.

"Why kill him?"

"He, being greedy, killed all the miners for gold." The tone of the black mist figure suddenly became resentful.

"It seems that the truth is very simple." Wen Rensheng pondered.

"Yes, many terrifying things, the truth is very simple, greedy, distorting people's hearts, doing countless cruel things." The black fog humanoid emphasized.

"Understood." Wen Rensheng nodded and seemed to accept the explanation.

"Remember, Hans Gronder, find him, kill him..."

"kill him……"

The Black Mist Doll repeatedly emphasized, and seemed to be caught in a chaotic thought.

Wen Rensheng passed the other side and continued to explore the remaining mines.

Soon a familiar voice came from the front.

"Damn, I shouldn't believe that group of liars, thieves, slobs... They cheated me of the last dollar, but I didn't dig out a single gold! I should find some hard-working East Islanders to come and work."

This voice seems to be the voice of the previous boss.

"Boss, you can't do it without hiring these lazy people. The locals won't let us mine here."

"Damn, I really miss 300 years ago, when I could dig as much as I wanted here, and there was no restriction at all."

"Boss, the miners just called and they finally found gold."

"Great, I need them to dig out gold for me right away, or I'll go bankrupt!"

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng followed the sound and walked over.

In front of it is a corner, there is a room, on the broken door, there is a label in English - "xx manages **** lounge".

Some of the handwriting is unclear, it should be an underground resting place in the mine.

He pushed open the door directly and entered, only to see two bones, pounced in front of the door, desperately digging the door, and there were deep scratches on the door.

It's a lot like being gassed to death.

There is not only the danger of collapse, but also various deadly poisonous gases, such as carbon monoxide, methane...

But why can't they open the door?

Wen Rensheng looked at the broken door that was just pushed open. An unlocked lock hung on it alone, as if it had been locked from the outside.

The story is more complicated.

Wen Rensheng glanced at the room, and saw that there were beds, a TV, and a wired telephone.

He looked at the two corpses, but unfortunately there were no resentful spirits on them.

Where did the sound just now come from?

Soon he found the source of the sound - the old TV.

The TV was an old-fashioned, picture tube TV with a very thick rear.

At this point it began to repeat the sound just now.

"Boss, don't hire..."

Wen Rensheng's eyes lit up, he controlled the armored puppet and touched the back of the TV.

A purple mist penetrated.

"The Weird TV: Antique Technology Combined With Mystery, It Keeps Repeating The Last Conversations."

"Mystery: 15."

"Mysterious composition: energy transformation, mysterious technology."

Yes, there is still such a harvest. If you sell it to the Inspection Division, there must be a good price.

Wen Rensheng asked the armored puppet to put the big TV on its back.

Alas, utensils without storage are trouble.

Fortunately, he does not need to do the coolie himself.

After bringing the picture tube TV, Wen Rensheng continued to investigate.

The mine was not very long, and after half a day, he finally finished his exploration.

There are three mysterious places.

The first place is the earliest white hand, the second place is the black mist human figure, and the third place is the weird TV.

In all fairness, the stakes here are not too high.

This is similar to his previous guess.

The people who came here to solve the incident were all ordinary people. They came to try their luck and died inside.

No mysterious experts came to investigate, otherwise, this place should have been solved long ago.

This is very common. There are too many mysterious events and too few mysterious experts. There are problems everywhere that have not been solved for many years. Just like the previous life, seemingly simple problems often remain unsolved for more than ten years.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and reached out to touch the pillar of the mine.

When the mist penetrates, the material composition is quickly analyzed and clearly defined.

He thought about it, of course he couldn't use his cell phone in the mine, and he couldn't access the Internet either.

He disconnected the control of the armored puppet, and took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet at home.

As usual, search to solve the problem.

"Qualified building material components are..."

Sure enough.

Wen Rensheng looked at the above description and understood the source of this tragedy.

Greed, yes, it was greed that led to this tragedy.

Three hours later, the armored puppet came out of the mine.

He used his cell phone to contact the budgerigar.

"Help me find someone, the mine owner of the screaming pit, and the relevant production information..."

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