Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 442: disperse

Wen Rensheng listened carefully to the method that the monster said. Although the other party only said a small part of the beginning, there was no humanity at all from the beginning to the end.

It's also quite normal. Some people have negative numbers for other people's humanity, not to mention this guy who is not human at all?

The content he heard now is definitely taboo content in the mysterious realm.

Wen Rensheng knew very well that if he hadn't been listening, he might have been tempted by other mysterious experts.

Ten thousand years of body, what a great temptation is this?

With the development of technology up to now, one ten thousandth of the mystery of the human body has not been cracked, and the technology is far from reaching those imagined levels. Otherwise, the aliens would not be so sought after.

After all, for many people, strength is second, and can be obtained through other means, only lifespan and health are difficult to obtain.

Gene adjustment, increasing the number of cell divisions... These methods based on some scientific and technological theories seem to be very reliable, but some mysterious experts specializing in this field, after many attempts, have to announce that they are now The ability is not enough to perfectly interfere with the rules of the world with mysterious power, at least not for a long time.

But he would not be tempted, because he has a way to solve this problem.

He would not choose such a dirty method.

Moreover, this monster must have hidden evil intentions, how could it possibly teach others the correct method?

Hearing the end, Wen Rensheng nodded slightly, then asked, "Are you finished?"

"Of course I haven't finished speaking. You need to let me go before you talk about the rest." The headless monster turned around and made a sound.

"Well, I'll let you go now and let you go back to the world you're supposed to go to." Wen Rensheng said in his hands, and through the puppet, he increased the output of power.

This is the power of dispelling.


The white smoke rose, like cold water entering a hot oil pan.

"How could you not be tempted? You know those people, they are all tempted." The monster's body was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Of course they will be tempted, after all, they are not me." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

Those who are tempted should be the elders of this village, or some people who discovered monsters. The peaceful life, while isolating the turmoil outside, also gave birth to their new greed.

And dealing with demons is what humans are good at.

"This is impossible!"

The monster screamed in agony at first, and then changed its tone when it found out that the matter was irreversible: "Hmph, it doesn't matter, even if you destroy my body, what will you do? Do you really think that I will go to a strange world and will Put all your body into it?"

"No, I will come back. I have already remembered your face, your smell, and everything about you. At that time, you will face the most tragic fate!"

Wen Rensheng was noncommittal about its threat: "I'll just wait here."

When the other party returns again, he has already ascended the Holy See, and he is still afraid of a defeated general?

The threat disappeared, and everything disappeared.

At this moment, a new voice also appeared in his mind.

"The Destruction of the Desolate Village: Completed. The disappearance of the village comes from greed. After the peaceful days are too long, more coveted will be born."

"Mystery: 200."

"Mysterious composition: mutated villagers, the intersection of the two worlds, the mutation of the body (disabled)."

"You solved a high-difficulty event, you gained 5 mystery points, and your mystery limit was raised from 360 to 365 points."

It's good, it's a very satisfactory number, the number of a year.

Wen Rensheng thought happily in the midst of suffering.

The gains this time are not small. First, I broke through the bottleneck, second, I improved my spiritual skills, and third, I have mastered more information about the mysterious world.

The body mutation technique... is also a potential thing, aside from its cruel formation process, knowledge itself is still useful.

While thinking about it, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance:

"Be merciful!"

Wen Rensheng controlled the puppet and looked up.

I saw a large team, with hundreds of people, marching mightily towards the village.

He saw Jiang Yuanxia three people at a glance, they were among them.

Counting the time, it's almost time.

After all, when the monster was talking about mutation techniques just now, he talked endlessly, thinking about finding a chance to slip away.

At the front of the large group, two people were running fast, one of them was shouting and running the fastest.

Strange, since you are in a hurry, why don't you use a helicopter?

Maybe there is a problem here, after all, there is a lot of air in the mountains.

It was too late for the other party to shout, because Wen Rensheng had already killed all the people who should have been killed. As for those villagers, of course he would not do anything.

In fact, after the monster was dispersed, the headless villagers disappeared one by one.

They are just the spirit bodies of ordinary people, how can they last for hundreds of years and appear, it is all thanks to that monster.

The two leading men finally ran to the puppet.

They looked down at the disappearing trace of white smoke, with pity in their eyes.

"Didn't I ask you to be merciful? How can you make your own decisions? Do you know how precious you have destroyed?" The man in front, a middle-aged man, immediately rebuked loudly.

Wen Rensheng's tone turned cold: "I want to do whatever I want, so you can yell here?"

Besides, when he destroyed that monster, the other party hadn't even appeared.

The middle-aged man had a plain appearance and wore a pair of glasses, which was rare among aliens. After all, after the body was strengthened, it was very difficult to be nearsighted.

"You, who are you? Where are you from, dare to speak to me like this?" The middle-aged man with glasses was exasperated and immediately accused.

At this time Jiang Yuanxia and the three have come again.

"Mr. Luo, this is the one who saved me. He probably doesn't know what's going on inside, and that monster can't show mercy." Jiang Yuanxia explained.

The middle-aged man with glasses grumbled, and then stopped pestering.

His full name is Luo Cheng. On the way here, as soon as he heard the description of the escaped three people, he knew that he had met a big guy.

It's a big guy from another world, this is an extremely precious material.

Whether it is news or the other party itself, they are rare things.

It's a pity that this is in a mountainous area with few people, there are no roads, and the air flow is complicated, and the helicopter cannot pass through, and the risk is very high.

So they had to use their original two legs to travel, which is quite common. When the technology like the McCanns is stationed in many places, they have to rely on donkeys to transport goods.

However, it didn't catch up in the end.

He only felt a powerful force disappear from a distance.

It was something he dreamed of.

As he got closer, he realized that he had been dispersed by someone.

How could he not be angry when such a precious thing was wasted like this?

He doesn't care who the other party is or what his background is, in short, he has to speak out.

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