Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 443: undercurrent

Afterwards, Jiang Yuanxia's large team began to work quickly.

Their goal, of course, is the remnant that remains.

It's a pity that after the battle before Wen Rensheng, there were very few things left to them, at most some mutated bones.

Of course, Jiang Yuanxia didn't forget to thank the puppet, and Wen Rensheng didn't reveal her identity, although the identity of the puppet was different from that of the big cat, and it was filed with the inspection department.

But he didn't want to tell other people casually.

"Thank you, gentleman. If it wasn't for you, the three of us, teachers and students, would probably be buried here. This is a little thought, please accept it." Jiang Yuanxia took out a check and a research note and handed it to the puppet man. .

Wen Rensheng looked down and saw that the check was 60 million, which was not a lot. It should be all Jiang Yuanxia's current wealth. Some mysterious experts were also very poor, earning a lot and spending more.

As for the research notes, he was very interested, and on the cover was written "A Preliminary Study of Biological Variation and Evolution in New Environments".

"The notes are what I have learned over the years and are not classified documents. But it will take a few more decades to sort them out before I publish them publicly. I think my husband is here to investigate, and I should have some interest in this field, so I will leave it to the gentleman. ." Jiang Yuanxia explained.

The two students behind her, Wei Jiang and Fei He, were jealous.

It was the teacher's hard work for many years, so it was left to outsiders to observe, and they didn't even have a chance.

Many senior researchers are like this. They accumulate some unique discoveries and organize them properly before publishing them, and some even publish them after death, because if they publish before their death, they worry that there may be fatal mistakes in them, and they will be exposed by others. Wanton refutation, face can not bear.

There are gold mines in here.

Wen Rensheng looked down at the notes, nodded and said, "Then I'll be ashamed."

At this moment, Luo Cheng's frantic voice came from a distance:

"No, no, no more!"

Of course Wen Rensheng knew what the other party was talking about, and he didn't feel any guilt. How could that kind of monster stay?

He himself is not tempted, but he can't help but be prepared that some people will be tempted by it.

Although this is only a drop in the bucket, but the ancestors said it is good, not to be good and small.

If everyone feels that the good deeds they have done are useless, then the overall lower limit will be greatly reduced.

As soon as Luo Cheng's words came out, Jiang Yuanxia's face showed embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo is a person who is devoted to research, please forgive me." She said apologetically.

"Forget it, there are some areas that humans cannot touch temporarily. Sooner or later, he will understand the truth." Wen Rensheng said indifferently.

Sometimes, exploring too far is not a good thing.

Just like the emperor of a feudal society, if he had mushrooms in his hands, the world would have been destroyed long ago.

"Probably so." Jiang Yuanxia agreed with lingering fears.

This time, she just went too far. For the amazing discovery, she forgot her personal safety. Three people with little combat power came to explore such a place.

At this moment, Luo Cheng, who was wearing glasses, ran over to Wen Rensheng again, opened his mouth and asked:

"What did you destroy here before?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Wen Rensheng replied mercilessly.

"Damn, I'm a top expert in the study of the relationship between the two worlds! Even the director of each place has to give me some face. Who are you?" Luo Cheng said angrily.

"When others give you face, that's because they have self-discipline. I won't be used to a person like you." Wen Rensheng sneered.

"Wait, don't go if you have any ideas!" Luo Cheng immediately took out his satellite phone and started making calls.

"I want to see, who can you invite." Of course Wen Rensheng wouldn't leave. If he did, it would appear that he was afraid of the other party.

Luo Cheng called angrily.

"Xiaoxing, I have something here, you have to give me an explanation..." He went on and on for a while, and then he started roaring at the phone.

Director Xing?

Wen Rensheng suddenly thought of the shrewd and capable young director, who had far-reaching vision and was very knowledgeable about cultivating talents.

The two had a meeting together before because of the transaction gate, and they had a dinner together after the meeting.

"Oh, Mr. Luo, I just found out about it. That gentleman, the person who saved you was just a little careless. After all, outsiders don't know the importance of your things. Since it's been destroyed, that's it, you The old man should be more concerned." Luo Cheng's voice came from the phone, it was the voice of the young Director Xing.

Of course, the so-called "young" refers to a person under the age of 80. This person may be 75 years old, or it may be a 21-year-old like Wen Rensheng.

Similarly, the middle-aged men among the aliens are over 120 years old.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you know that if you can get that thing, it will be worth it if you die a few more people, a few experts, and even a master! Even if he saves people, he can't make up for the loss he caused. You don't even know what happened here! So you won't feel pity." Luo Cheng continued to roar.

When Jiang Yuanxia and the three heard this, their faces were extremely ugly.

Although everyone understands that at a critical time, everyone is just a consumption figure, but being told this in person, that feeling is no different from calling you a piece of trash.

They are all high-ranking aliens, or researchers with heavy responsibilities, and are complimented and valued by countless people.

At this time, it was regarded as garbage. Is it strange that you can feel better?

"Okay, I'll send someone to investigate, you always pay attention to safety." Director Xing said perfunctorily at last.

Luo Cheng was satisfied, hung up the phone, pointed at Wen Rensheng's puppet and said, "Wait, I don't care who is behind you, you have to give me an explanation!"

I'll give you a fart...

Of course Wen Rensheng couldn't say it like this, he could only swear in his heart.

There's no way, this world is off to a good start, it's not a hangover from the previous life, and you can't speak as you like in the previous life, you have to pretend to be a noble.

It's really tiring.


Wen Rensheng thought about it this way, then controlled the puppet and said disdainfully, "Some people always think that they are important, but he doesn't know at all. What he calls important is actually just that."

After he finished speaking, he controlled the puppet and walked away, not giving the other a chance to respond.

There is no way, and he can't kill the opponent directly. The opponent is not a monster, and he is not an unscrupulous person.

"Damn!" Luo Cheng could only stomp his feet, and he had nothing to do with the puppet.

You can't beat the opponent even if you fight, so let someone check it out, it will take but the opponent can't escape.

At this moment, the companion who initially ran wild with him, also a middle-aged man, came over.

When the man opened his mouth, he complained to him: "Lao Luo, you only care about venting your grievances, when will this problem be corrected? Obviously things have happened, what we have to do is to admit the reality, not to let things change because of venting grievances. It's even worse. I could have gotten some news from the gentleman, but now it's good, they just ran away. The person who saved us didn't get a word of thanks, but instead was scolded by you like this, who can stand it? "

"Don't blame me!" Luo Cheng angrily walked away.

"Old bastard, why are you mad at me, sooner or later you will have to be unlucky." The man said to Luo Cheng's back, then looked at the figure of the puppet, and hurriedly chased after him.

It's a pity that Wen Rensheng's puppet walked faster and faster, and he couldn't catch up. He shouted a few words, but the other party didn't answer, and he didn't stop.

He could only return angrily, complaining a few more words to Luo Cheng.

This person is very clear that the researchers in the mysterious field are now like the Great Song Dynasty, who are high in culture and low in martial arts, and look down on those mysterious experts who are armed with force.

So today's conflict between Luo Cheng and the puppet seems to be just a coincidence, but in fact it is caused by this undercurrent that has been flooding in the mysterious expert circle for a long time.

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