Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 800: Method

When Wen Rensheng observed, Teacher Qin looked at him nervously.

As for the ordinary security guards who were hiding in various key points, many people were also very worried, and they were talking softly on the walkie-talkie.

"Mr. Qin seems to have no choice. After so many days, I can't do anything, so I finally invited foreign aid."

"The foreign aid seems familiar to me, but I just can't remember it."

"Any foreign aid is useless. In the current situation, there is only one way to kill the kidnappers and ignore the hostages." Someone said in frustration.

"Yeah, those two guys don't eat hard and soft. Teacher Qin has used so many mysterious methods to no avail. It is impossible to rescue the hostages safely."

"Don't be a **** bullshit, everyone cheers me up! Although we are not black-shirted people specializing in special affairs, we are also a formal police patrol system, don't chat like ordinary people here! Let people see It's a joke!"

A man wearing a captain's epaulet scolded his subordinates on the walkie-talkie.

The performance of these people is completely humiliating for him.

Years and months of safe life, these subordinates have completely lost their due elite temperament.

The vigilantes fell silent for a moment, but many actually lost hope.

After all, the request made by the kidnappers is too outrageous, let alone kidnapping the parents of the aliens, or kidnapping the aliens themselves, it is impossible to agree.

And the two kidnappers don't use all kinds of mysterious methods. Teacher Qin is already very strong. Unless they can dispatch stronger aliens, there is a glimmer of hope.

However, it was too late for those powerful aliens to fight the flames. They could no longer be as rich in manpower as they were in previous years, and they could take time to solve a problem that was not too big or too small.

They don't think that this new young man can be strong. It is probably that Teacher Qin hired him to take the blame...

Insert an app: a perfect replica of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

In the past, they were not qualified to play at all, and now they have to start to play the role.

Pushing others by themselves, they think the same is true of this arrogant and outrageous young man, who is probably just a rookie who didn't have the chance to play before, but now he has a chance.

At this time, Wen Rensheng had completely grasped the situation on the spot.

Not two kidnappers, but a third person.

There were only two people who spoke, and they deliberately showed one tough and one cowardly.

This is to attract the attention of others, so that everyone can focus on breaking the counselor!

Teacher Qin still has two brushes.

His initial guess was wrong, and both of them were indeed dead men, very fanatical ones.

Faith is terrifying, he can turn a man's spirit into steel.

People with faith can do all kinds of incredible things.

The third person, who has been silent all the time, but the tiny smell emanating from his body betrayed him.

This kind of smell, ordinary aliens can't perceive it at all.

When Wen Rensheng magnified his five senses skills to a thousand times, he could easily find the other party.

There are five people hidden in the center of this forest, three kidnappers, and two elderly people in their seventies and eighties.

He thought about it, and now there are two ways.

One is to let the Seed of Illusion take action to simulate the illusion.

Another way is to use the big teaching academic.

Now teaching is at the expert level. Although there is no breakthrough, it is now close to the master level. This is the result obtained after the tempering of the hot spring pool.

Because in the end, he found that those illusions can also be educated... Under his mouth, the attack weakened a lot.

All things have spirits, and those who have spirits can teach them.

For human civilization, the mentor in any field is the person with the highest status, and there is no one.

What emperor generals, warrior kings and gods of war can't be compared with them.

Wen Rensheng decided to see if a thousand-fold increase in the teaching of academics could reverse these fanatical beliefs and diametrically opposed stances.

He had played against some guys who took the opposite position before, and it didn't work well.

It might be different now.

He can't always let the little girl take action, otherwise, that guy will be arrogant and more reluctant to learn.

After making a decision, Wen Rensheng activated "teaching academia" and began to shout inside.

"Listen to the people inside, you have nowhere to go. Putting down your weapons and releasing the hostages is your only way out!"

The voice echoed in the forest, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Some security guards couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, that's all?

Sure enough, it's not reliable. Teacher Qin put some smoke and sneaked in once or twice.

This new strange young man can only talk shit...

They will do this too.

Teacher Qin also frowned and said, "It's useless, Xiao Wen, these two kidnappers are diehards. I told them a lot just now, but they didn't listen at all, and they didn't even reply..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a fanatical male voice in the forest, and responded in fluent Chinese with a slight accent:

"Stop talking nonsense, you selfish bastards! You only care about your own safety, but don't care about the entire human world! You obviously have powerful power and advanced technology, why don't you share it!"

"It is clear that human beings have reached the most dangerous moment. You are still holding your own selfishness, or you are still behind closed doors. What qualifications do you have to teach us a lesson!"

Well said, very correct, I would also like to ask McCann in my previous life about this.

Wen Rensheng sneered in his heart, and then noticed that the people around him seemed to have a trace of shame on their faces.

Shame ashamed?

He really wanted to scold him, but considering his past demeanor, he endured it.

Different from this world's Dongzhou people, he has a complete memory of another world and deeply understands the curve of human development.

The Great Harmony in the world is far from the time, and for a long time, it is still dominated by regional and ethnic competition.

Now that disaster is imminent, so what?

At present, Dongzhou has made the best response strategy.

It is impossible to save, only by running faster than others can you make your own people survive!

Part of the materials and manpower can be used for unified response, but that must be to reduce the casualties of one's own people.

You must not mess up this priority, squander your own lives, and save others.

Because the rescued never appreciates the rescuer for a long time, and only saves people with kindness, and the only thing they gain in the end is grief.

He has endured too many such suffocating things in his previous life.

Others change their positions because of their own interests, but you save others out of kindness. When you don’t feel suffocated, who will succumb?

Wen Rensheng thought clearly in his heart, but said on his mouth: "You said it well, but what are you doing yourself? Kidnapping innocents and wielding butcher knives at the weak, you are even more despicable and shameless. If you have the kind, It's time to join the Disaster Elimination Federation and fight the disaster, instead of pointing the butcher knife at ordinary people."

"That place is the organization for international cooperation to fight against disasters. Dongzhou has also invested a lot of manpower and funds in it. How can you say that you are self-isolating?"

The fanatical male voice sank, but soon picked up again: "Compared to the power you really have, it is only a drop in the bucket. You are so powerful, you should use your power to save those innocent people who die every day!"


Wen Rensheng sneered in his heart.

I have power and a lot of wealth, but I can at least organize them and maintain a peaceful environment when I distribute them to people of my own ethnic group.

And what can you gain by giving power and wealth to those outsiders?

Take a little out as a lube, but if you want more, be a fool.

However, it seems that teaching academics is really not a delusional technique, nor is it memory modification.

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