Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 801: solve

Wen Rensheng knew exactly what these people wanted to do.

In order to realize the idea of ​​sharing between different species in McCann, they finally hit the head of the Eastern Continent.

They hoped to use the power of the Eastern Continents to persecute the McCanns from the outside, and from the inside, they made a two-pronged approach to force the McCanns to change and implement a shared ownership of different species.

"Waidong to save wheat".

This kind of trick, he had seen many times in his previous life.

Western thinking is here, Eastern thinking emphasizes self-reliance, and Western thinking emphasizes internal problems and external solutions.

The reason why the people of Tianming Club fail is because they always impose their hopes on others.

First, it relied on the emperor's church, then it relied on the international situation, and then it broke down on its own, and part of it went to hold the stinky feet of the big powers and attacked Dongzhou to gain funds and goodwill.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng had a new way.

He said coldly, "I am very clear about your purpose, but I want to tell you that if you do this, it will have no effect other than wasting energy and creating internal friction. You are doomed to fail! You will not be able to go to heaven, not even soul fragments. It will be produced, and it will only be meaninglessly annihilated in this air!"

"Impossible, we do this for the sake of all mankind!" the opposite roared.

Obviously, Wen Rensheng's words hit his pain point.

"For the sake of all mankind? Well, it's actually for a small group of upper-class people who have long since taken refuge with McCann? Dongzhou came to force McCann to implement the measures of 'Xenogeneity'."

Wen Rensheng sneered,

"And another group of people wants to use the former to blackmail resources from Dongzhou, but in the end, it's just you ignorant cannon fodder!"

"Heavenly help those who help themselves, if you really want to succeed, Nanzhou, Rezhou... There are many unmanaged sites. You, the Destiny Society, can manage and build it yourself, and no one will stop you!"

"A group of parasites, who only want to force others to achieve their goals, can they be said to be for all mankind?"

As soon as these words came out, the other side was completely silent.

A small voice reached Wen Rensheng's ears.

"Is what he said right? Lu Huai?" The fanatical male voice was a little distrustful at this moment.

In Wen Rensheng's mind, he sketched the appearance of the master of the male voice.

A white man, very fluent in Chinese.

The third person to hide should be Lu Huai.

The senior figures of the Tianming Society all use the "tree name" as the code name.

He remembered a "Daddy Maple", a radical who instigated the commonality of different species.

Then Wen Rensheng heard the voice of the green locust.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Our plan is the only feasible solution. If we do as he says, how long will it take? Now only by forcing the Dongzhou people to show their strength can we quickly resolve the matter on McCann's side. ."

"The McCanns have already started pitching, and they've made a new deal with those two colossus, catastrophic forwards."

"We're running out of time now."

Wen Rensheng was disdainful when he heard this. In the past, when there was a lot of time, you also thought the same way.

The consistent thinking of Xiaoqing people is that people do things because of people, and they dare not let go.

At this moment, he heard another scream.

"Number two, what are you doing?" Lu Huai said in a panic.

"He's right! I just realized that before, we all did useless work, we just jumped back and forth, but we didn't try to build a solid site. Now that there are so many open spaces, why should we expect others to contribute? ?"

This is the voice of that cowardly bag just now!

I didn't expect him to be the one with the strongest will.

"Hmph, it's no wonder that your faction would also support it during the initial discussion, in order to beg for leftovers from your master!" No. 2 said fiercely.

"You, you will not end well!" Lu Huai was furious.

He didn't seem to have thought that, just because of the opponent's words, the dead man among his own people would kill him in turn!

"I will personally verify that person's statement, and I will meet you in hell!" Number Two said indifferently.

"Brother, did you kill him?" The fanatical male voice couldn't believe it.

"Yes, he and we are not the same. It should have been completely separated. It is because some upper-level people always have illusions, and this is why they stick together."

"Today I finally understand that if we want to be successful, we have to start from the bottom, on our own territory, to practice our own ideas instead of relying on others. The truth is very simple, I knew it before, but it's just fear Do it." No. 2 said lightly.

"What should we do now?"

"It's okay, surrender to them, at least we are fighting back, and we should take it lightly."

"Okay, I'll listen to you, and I also think that what that person said makes sense. He just scolded us for being too harsh, not a decent person."

I've always been decent.

Wen Rensheng retorted in his heart.

Then he said to Teacher Qin next to him, "Okay, after a while they will wake up and release the hostages."

"You, aren't you kidding me? Just those two voices just now, can you solve the problem?" Teacher Qin couldn't believe it.

"I'm an honest person, I never lie." Wen Rensheng spread his hands.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a voice on the opposite side.

"Okay, we'll listen to you and let them go. You guys don't shoot..."

Then, in the dense jungle, four people walked out.

An elderly couple in their 70s, their hands were tied and tape was attached to their mouths.

In the back is a pair of white twins, who are very similar in appearance.

Immediately, a security guard stepped forward and separated the old couple from the two of them.

Someone else went over and copped the twins.

Everything was done very simply and smoothly.

"Thank you, thank you." The old couple burst into tears as they hugged the security guard who rescued them.

They had no hope of surviving, after all, the positions of the two sides could not be reached at all.

And the security guard was embarrassed, after all, he didn't make much effort.

"This is all due to our xenogeneic experts..." The security guard pointed at Teacher Qin and said.

"Thank you, thank you." The old gentleman, supported by the security guard, came over to thank him.

"Okay, old man, don't get too excited, let's take you to the hospital for a check-up first." After all, Mr. Qin is experienced, so he hurriedly instructed the people next to him.

The old couple was then taken to the hospital.

And the twins were escorted over.

One of the younger ones looked up at Wen Rensheng and Teacher Qin, and finally his eyes fell on Wen Rensheng.

"I will personally practice what you said. If you are lying to us, I will not let you go." He said firmly.

"I read a lot, so I won't lie to you." Wen Rensheng smiled slightly.

"That's the best."

"Take it away." Teacher Qin waved his hand.

"There is another person inside. He opposes our release of the We killed him. Is this a crime and meritorious service?" Another white man, who was slightly older, hurriedly said.

Teacher Qin was slightly startled, making people stop temporarily.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, as expected, the younger brother is the most stubborn one.

"Let's go in and have a look." Teacher Qin said to Wen Rensheng.

The two then entered the jungle.

Following the traces they walked out, they soon found a col.

The location is very good, the vegetation is prosperous, and it can block all the sight outside.

At this moment, a black man fell to the ground with a deep blood hole in his chest.

There was a look of disbelief on his face, like he never thought the two would betray.

"You are so strong? I can say those words too, why don't they listen to me?" Teacher Qin frowned.

"Of course it's because I'm good-looking and can give people a sense of trust." Wen Rensheng said confidently.

"Stop talking nonsense, they can't see you at all."

"You can also hear it by listening to the voice. Good-looking people have a pleasant voice."

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