Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

: Share 1 information that I wrote with colleagues

Chapter 1 For the people of the Southern Continent, live, maintain a peaceful life, and live like a human being. To this end, they can give everything to take revenge on the colonists of the Northern Continent, or live a very servile life under the self-satisfied life.

Backlund is divided into two parts by the Tussock River that flows to the southeast estuary, and is connected by the Backlund Bridge and the Ferry Bridge (with a population of more than five million. The air environment is extremely poor, and the place is full of yellowish fog.

The clown's playing rules (although he can predict the fate a little, but still feel helpless to the fate, so he uses a smiling face to cover all the sadness, pain, confusion and depression)

Townhouse, 15 Minsk Street, Chorwood District, rent 18 soules per week

Backlund's acquaintances, Lolota (Grave Digger), Al Hassan (Nightmare), Bolkiah (Sleepless)

The headquarters of the Backlund Parish in the dark night, "Saint Samuel Church", is located in the North District, while the Queens and West Districts have the best security and strictest supervision (the gathering places for nobles and top wealthy businessmen, the former is more inclined to Queens)

There are factory areas and wharf areas scattered around, the east area where the poor gather and the Backlund Bridge area

Hillston District is the gathering place of the Backlund Stock Exchange, the Clearinghouse, the Futures Center, the headquarters of the seven major banks, various trust funds, railway companies, and major commodity trading companies. and financial center

The Chorwood area is full of small companies and many houses, mostly for the middle class.

The Backlund Metro first connected both sides of the 12 Tussock River, and later spread to major areas

When Klein first arrived in Backlund, he met Ian, who was being hunted down by gangsters on the subway to Chorwood (instructed by Ambassador Intis)

Ps: Plateau people are located in the middle of the North Continent, at the beginning of Hornages Mountain. It is a plateau with a dry climate. Most of it belongs to the Kingdom of Fenepot, and the west is attributed to the Republic of Teas. En kingdom occupied. The aborigines are thin and barbaric but brave and good at fighting. After the advent of advanced firearms, most of the plateau people entered the prosperous cities and ports of Backlund, Trier, Feneport City and the Northern Continent, some became workers, and some became local gangsters. fresh blood

Chapter 2 Klein's landlord, Starling Summer, lives at 17 Minsk Street, Chowood District (next door to 15)

Mrs. Summer's husband, Luke Summer, works as a manager of Coim's company, but is an amateur machine enthusiast and a member of the Kingdom Soot Reduction Association. (The Maid, Julian)

Klein refused Mrs Somer £50 a year when renting, and finally chose to rent £25 for half a year

The character created by Klein is Sherlock Moriarty, a private detective from Midsea County who has attended grammar school.

Klein initially spent 30 pounds on the Backlund Post and subscribed to a small advertisement for a month

Chapter 3 Backlund's first tarot meeting, The Hanged Man was about to complete the digestion of Sequence 7 and submitted 19 pages of Roselle's diary. (Due to memory limit problem, only six pages will be submitted at a time) Audrey is about to be promoted to Sequence 8 (poor pituitary)

During this gathering, Klein obtained the diary about Mr. Door, and Roselle learned a part of the history of the Quaternary Epoch.

Chapter 4 According to Roselle's diary, Klein learned about the Battle of the Four Emperors, the Pale Disaster, and the laws of Beyonder characteristics and other occult secret knowledge, so Klein also made many wrong conjectures

On the third page of the diary, Roselle complained that he had chosen the generalist path while introducing the characteristics of Craftsman 9-6, and even the combat characteristics of this path.

The fourth page of Roselle's diary mainly talks about the fact that Intis has provoked disputes many times, but he is unable to defeat Feysac. Ruen and Fenepot are in debt, and the economy is close to collapse. Roselle reached an agreement with the artisans and the Church of the Eternal Sun to prepare to usurp the state power by quelling the rebellion. A few days later, Zarathul visits Roselle (June 4th)

In 1192, at the end of his 20th year as the consul, Roselle proclaimed himself emperor. Less than six years later, he fell to the White Maple Palace.

On page 6, Roselle decides to send someone to investigate the Secret Order in an attempt to counter Zaratu (April 8)

Klein informed the Tarot Society of the Law of Indestructibility of Extraordinary Characteristics and the Law of Conservation of Extraordinary Characteristics in similar sequences (and also briefly talked about the former chief of the City of Silver)

Chapter 7 Klein is going to let the members of the Tarot Club try the sacrificial ceremony, and Audrey recommends Hugh and Foles to the Fool

Chapter 8 Alger held a sacrifice ceremony, and Audrey received the pituitary gland of the colorful lizard dragon. Klein made a trip to the East End before dinner.

Chapter 9 Klein received a request from lawyer Jurgen and Mrs. Doris to find Brody in the morning. Saw Ian on the way home, was involved in the case of Ambassador Intis related to Mr. Zerell Victor Lee, and was entrusted to find the missing Mr. Zerrell. At night, Klein sneaked into Mr. Zerrell's house, and found three people lurking in Mr. Zerrell's bedroom outside the bedroom. After using the spell to hypnotize the three people, Klein entered the bedroom, and after a search, obtained Zerrell. a few hairs

Chapter 11 Klein learned through divination that Detective Zeriel had died in the sewers of Backlund, and his body had decayed. After learning of Zeriel's whereabouts, Klein entered the dream of the surveillance man, and learned that Meursault sent someone to try to arrest Ian, but he did not ask who instructed Meursault (Meursault is Zimanger). party executioner)

After leaving, Klein found Zeriel's body in a sewer in the East District, and found that Zerel's death had the participation of supernatural forces (the spirit was dealt with)

Chapter 12 Klein withdrew from the sewer immediately after hearing a sound in the sewer. The next morning, Ian came to visit. Klein took Ian to see Zeriel's body, and was surprised to find that Zerel's body was eaten by large animals. Ian told Klein to find Caspars Canlinin in the Backlund Bridge area, Iron Gate Street, and the Brave Bar in order to fulfill the promise made when he was entrusted.

After the two left, Klein returned alone. Two or three minutes later, Ian returned alone. Klein found out what he was searching for on Zeriel.

Taking advantage of the payment paid to Hugh and Fols to investigate Qilingus, Audrey led Hugh to discover the honorary name of the Fool hidden in the "History of the Loen Kingdom Nobility" in Viscount Grelint's house. When reading a book, I accidentally recited the Fool's honorable name

Chapter 13 Klein was planning to design an investment bike and found someone praying. Xio was very terrified after reciting the honorable name silently. In the evening, Klein pulled Xiu into the gray fog in order to try.

Chapter 14 Klein met Meursault when he was having breakfast at home and asked him to find Ian. Klein did not betray Ian out of professional ethics.

On St George's Street, Sanin, Klein visits Rapad JV to develop bicycles

After returning home, in the bathroom, Klein found Meursault who was going to assassinate him.

Chapter 15 Klein killed Meursault. When he found out during the psychic process, Ambassador Intis sent Meursault to look for Ian Wright because Ian was involved in a lost important item.

Chapter 16 After Klein recovered Meursault's hunter characteristics, Klein sent related items to the gray fog, and deliberately delayed the psychic time, and took the initiative to report the crime on the street

Queens, Hugh and Foles get the sheriff's recipe at Mr. A's party, and find the Sun's followers to purify, ready to exorcise the Fool's influence

Chapter 17 Klein was vetted by interrogators at the police station, identifying Intis' ambassador

Chapter 18 After paying bail, Klein followed Jurgen back to Minsk Street

After Klein came home, he was invited by Mrs. Summer to talk about the broken furniture

At the party (the same Mr. A's) Hugh was invited by MI9's secret line

Chapter 19 MI9's secret line invites Hugh to be their downline

Klein went to Caspers Canlinen and said that the old man introduced him. He bought a pistol and asked if there were strong bodyguards

Chapter 20 Klein met Maric and told him that he was eager to hire a bodyguard to protect himself because he had provoked a big man representing the country

Klein foresighted Ian's whereabouts, and later found out that Xiu and Foles had tried to clear the influence of Seiji Castle, and saw the image of Xiu being recruited by MI9. It is deduced from this that the ceremony can strengthen the connection with Origin Castle

Chapter 21 Klein conducted a dream divination, found that there was an organization behind Zeril and Ian, and divination the hunter's potion formula, and got clues about Ian in the area where the Eastern District and the Backlund Bridge area meet

Foles suffers from Mr. Door's ravings again

On Monday morning, Klein woke up and found the paper on his desk turned in a different direction. He realized that Intis' intelligence officers had invaded his home and read the divination (Ian's whereabouts) on his paper.

Through divination, Klein learned that the person embedded in his house last night was probably not a human being

Chapter 22 Klein and Jurgen have dinner and formally sign a lawyer contract

The Tussock Newspaper of the Chorwood District Public Library in Klein found Intis Ambassador Béclan Jean Mardan.

Klein's divination in Yuanbao found that the nematode that was infiltrated yesterday was a nematode manipulated by the puppet master, and conducted a tarot meeting after the divination

Audrey was promoted to a mind reader, Alger handed in a six-page diary, and found out about the Secret Order (the Secret Order is the intelligence agency of Intis)

Chapter 23 Klein used the Fool to issue a mission at the Tarot Club to assassinate Intis ambassador Becquerrent Jean Mardan. Under the guidance of The Hanged Man, Audrey accepted the mission and planned to hire Mr. A to assassinate him

Chapter 24 Roselle's Diary

Zaratul visited Roselle again and told Roselle the diviner Sequence Two Miracle Master, Roselle asked Zaratul if the miracle was a miracle of fate, and if the diviner was a way to master and manipulate fate, Zaratul asked. Avoiding the problem, I just said that monsters are the main way to control fate. I told him the names of fate sequences 7, 5, 2, and 1, told him some information about the School of Life, and said meaningfully that the School of Life worships fate. (Klein also learned about the generalist alchemist and the esoteric scholar, the sequence names of these two 3.4

Matilda is pregnant, Roselle is worried, and Klein learns about the continuation rules of supernatural beings

Roselle met Savigny Solomon, in order to help him advance to the high rank as a bargaining chip, and entrusted him to attack other countries' shipping, Roselle named him a palace earl, and believed that Nast Solomon would be a cross-border

Derrick asks for the Singer recipe at the party

Chapter 25 The sun obtained the recipe of the man of light, Audrey and Derrick exchanged information about the dragon, and Klein learned about the dragon of fantasy and the dragon of nightmares.

After the party, Audrey learned that Alfred, far away in the southern continent, had sent two colorful lizard dragons.

Chapter 26 Audrey, in order to contact Intis Ambassador prepares to attend the Countess Carriea who was resigned before

Alger attended a pirate party in Bayam

Klein reasoned in front of the desk on the 15th in Minsk who had sneaked into his house yesterday, and guessed that he could obtain the follow-up formula of the fortune-teller, and planned to go to the Brave Bar to contact other Beyonders through Kaspanin, and use this Hire Bodyguards, Sell Meursault Traits

Klein took two lists to get into the Wisdom Eye party

The Apothecary at the party in Chapter 27 is commissioned to clean up the beasts that suddenly appear in the sewers, and the hooded lady sells two weapons, the Runesteel Sword (500 pounds or the barbarian recipe) and the Meat Saw (25 pounds)

Klein was going to sell the characteristics of a hunter. He deliberately said that he didn't know what it was, and was finally bought by the Eye of Wisdom.

Klein wanted to recruit bodyguards at the party. After being rejected, Klein bought the Listener's relic

Chapter 28 Klein completed the transaction about the Listener's relic, and after Klein left the party, Maqiri's living corpse went out of control

Klein foresighted the relic on the Origin Castle, and when he heard the ravings of the Hanged Man, the relic was restored to a spell.

Chapter 29 Klein reads the newspaper and sees a shootout in Red Brick Lane in the East District (where Ian was hiding before)

After breakfast, Mrs. Somer brings her friend Mary Gale to visit Klein and entrusts him with the **** (investigation of her husband and mistress)

In the hall of Earl Wolff's house, Audrey came into contact with Beckland. After collecting a lot of information, Audrey found Grelint again and planned to let him contact Hugh and Fors.


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