Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 224: chance encounter

"Is Jason Beria really dead?"

Carl stared at Dunn in disbelief, and after a while, he was surprised:

"Jason Beria is of course dead. The Archbishop has personally verified his identity. It is indeed the corpse of a 'devil'."

The young man who wears a monocle-shaped sealed object in his right eye and is in charge of the team's investigation and analysis work frowns tightly and says with a serious face:

"Although we found a very realistic human skin on Jason Beria's corpse at that time, we once suspected that he was a scapegoat used by the 'devil'. After all, the other party's last behavior was tantamount to suicide."

"But there are indications that he is the real Jason Beria, and even the truth shown by Arrodes can prove it."

The mirror that claims to be Arrodes can achieve effects in certain areas that ordinary demigods cannot achieve, and the results it gives are very convincing within the Church of Steam.

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Dunn looked at the corpse on the iron bed again, and carefully observed every wound with a scrutinizing gaze.

"This is more like the bite of a large beast than a knife wound, and as far as I know, the Siviras Field itself is also using this reason to prevaricate the people."

Dunn raised his head and stared at Carl's eyes, biting every word very clearly.

"And it was also the Heart of Mechanics who first identified that the pusher behind the new attack was related to the 'Blood Worship'. You even came up with the idea of ​​​​giving the reason for pushing it to large beasts, right?"

This...Under the pressure of Dunn, Carl subconsciously took a half step back.

However, he quickly adjusted his state and tried to avoid the topic with a stern face.

"We only found the remnants of the 'devil' ritual at the scene, so we can confirm that there is also a shadow of blood worship behind the new attack."

"But the reasons used by Siviras to prevaricate the media are not provided by us. We have no ability or willingness to influence the public relations of the Kingdom's police agency. To be honest, it's just the house that Jason Beria left behind recently. Exploding for no reason is enough to give us a headache."

Speaking of which, Carl took off the monocle from his right eye socket and gently kneaded his temple, obviously unwilling to continue this topic.

After a moment of silence, he took off his gloves. After Dunn checked his cuffs to make sure there was nothing dirty, he suddenly mentioned to Carl:

"Can I apply to use Arrodes?"

Carl was a little surprised, but nodded anyway.

"You can apply to the captain. When Arrodes is used, there must be a witness. This is usually the responsibility of the captain. I don't think it's a big problem."

"I will apply." Dunn took a breath and walked out of the morgue without saying a word.


"The Crazy Ripper Rising?" The tragic death of a female worker was found again in the bridge area"

Klein was reading the evening newspaper, and his pace gradually slowed down.

Crazy Ripper Rising?

I remember that Jason Beria has been dealt with by the Heart of Mechanism. Could it be the "devil" behind him who has been re-supported, or the "witch" that Prince Edsack secretly cultivated.

When he thought that the unknown "witch" had a main material provided by himself when he was promoted to Sequence Six, Klein couldn't help but feel a surge of brains.

Although the role of "The Witch of Pleasure" should be more closely related to the love of the bed just by hearing the name, no one can guarantee whether the "Witch" will have some minor mental illnesses that are unique to her. What about experiencing joy in killing?

As a senior Beyonder who had dealt with two "witches", Klein could well understand the psychopath of this path Beyonder, not to mention that Prince Edsack himself had a relationship with a terrifying person. There is a certain connection between the evil existences.

But in the final analysis, the probability of a "witch" committing a crime is not high. Judging from the description in the newspaper and the "truth" given by the Siviras Field, wounds similar to those caused by large beasts are more inclined to the "werewolf" of the alien pathway. And this is indeed in line with the behavioral habits of the "indulgence faction", and their demigods have just arrived in Backlund recently.

"Huh, no matter what, it's hard for me to intervene at the moment..." Klein, who was walking on the river bank, put away the newspaper and let the cane in his palm fall down by gravity. After swaying for a while, Pointed diagonally forward.

After knocking out a gang member at the dock and making sure that the other party was not branded with any strange marks and would not touch the nerves of the "indulgence" demigod, Klein very considerately made a set of divinations to the gang member. , psychic, bundled one-stop service, not only got the information he needed, but also ensured that before tomorrow morning, this poor unlucky **** would not be discovered by others.

After "cane divination", he roughly determined the location of the nearest gang leader at the dock, and looked at the two-story building that was incompatible with the surrounding buildings. Klein familiarly took off the bracelet wrapped around his wrist and wrapped it silently again. go back.

In the face of the alien pathway, a special demigod who can be closely connected with the spiritual world in Sequence Five, his existing methods simply cannot obtain accurate divination results.

The big deal is that if you lose, you will go to the big one... Klein sneered at himself. The illusion covered by the body has doubled. With the enhancement of physical fitness brought by the "clown", he has dexterously turned over. On the courtyard wall outside the second-story building, the chain-blade cane was tucked under the arm, and the hands and feet were used together. After a few brushes, it turned over to the second-story window of the small building.

Grabbing the outer edge of the wall with one hand, Klein took the cane back into his free palm. Klein pushed and pulled at the closed window. With a bang, he controlled the pull and unlocked the lock on the window, without covering his face. The "Clown" turned over deftly, tapped his toes on the ground, and silently entered the corridor.

There was a lack of lighting in the corridor, which was about ten meters long. Only a warm, dim yellow light appeared under the door of the room at the end. It squeezed out along the crack of the door. From time to time, shadows flashed above, making a few vague outlines.

Klein held his breath, the cat walked steadily forward, his left hand was buckled on the handle of the chain-blade, and the long double-breasted coat was dragged on the ground with a rustling sound.

The light that slipped through the crack of the door was getting closer. With his sensitive hearing, Klein heard the heavy breathing in the room, and stopped to the sound of his limbs struggling against the seat and hemp rope. He heard and watched it through his spiritual vision. To the other two figures.

He looked at the two figures in his spiritual vision with a surprised look. The "substitute" that had just lit up in his right palm slowly went out. The cat's arched back was straight, and he stood on the light that slipped out under the crack of the door. A little helpless for a while.


The twisting sound of the hinge connection between the door and the door frame was extremely harsh at night. Maric, whose eyes were full of malice, stood inside the door, frowning at this strange face, and said with a wary expression:

"Sherlock Moriarty?"

"If there wasn't a second detective named Sherlock Moriarty, it would have been me."

Klein nodded slightly numbly, and turned his gaze to Maric who was blocking his eyes.

In the room where the elegant gas lamps gave off a warm glow, the little leader he had seen in the memories of the gang members was being tied to a chair, and beside her, Miss Sharon, who was wearing a complicated palace dress, came coldly. Looking at him, he nodded slightly as usual.

Seeing that Klein was still in a daze, Maric pulled him in. After closing the door again, he asked in a low voice:

"Why are you here?"

Shouldn't I ask you this?

Klein, who had exposed his disguise to the effect of Maric, flashed a wry smile and said half-truth:

"I saw your wanted notice in the East District, and it happened that this gangster also had some conflicts with me. Stop by and investigate the situation."

Maric glanced at him quickly, walked to the little gang leader, and snapped his neck neatly.

"Sharon felt the invasion as soon as you entered the second floor. If it was Jakes who was guarding here, you would be dead."

"Jakes is the demigod chasing us."

Suddenly, habitually kept silent, Sharon, who restrained her desire to "express" her desire, said in a cold voice.

Klein watched the little gang leader stand up swaying again under Maric's control, and said unhurriedly:

"In front of such a demigod, no matter how much I pretend to be, it's useless, isn't it?"

Feeling that Maric glanced at his face from time to time, Klein twitched the corner of his mouth and asked instead:

"It's time for me to ask you, why are you here, aren't you afraid of being discovered by that demigod?"

Maric rolled his eyes at Thanks to the robber 'Dark Emperor', the demigods of MI9 have been wandering in the Eastern District recently. If not, Jakes could have done a quick investigation regardless of the cost. Then solve us instead of using the power of local gangsters as we do now. "

In other words, the demigod's activities are now subject to a lot of restrictions... The robber "Dark Emperor" himself laughed twice, and then pretended to be unintentional:

"If the demigods of MI9 should start with the Caping case in order to capture the robber 'Dark Emperor', why should they wander in the Eastern District?"

In fact, after being seen by the military demigod and the Archbishop of the Storm, Klein once suspected that Louis Evans would inform the possible church behind him that he was the "Dark Emperor", but unexpectedly, the other party was very With professional quality, until now, only three people know the details of the "Black Emperor" of the robber.

"Warehouse." Sharon's cold voice suddenly intervened in the conversation between the two. I don't know when, the "Resentful Soul" lady had already reached a higher table in the room, with her palm resting on her cheeks, silently watching Maric and Ke Communication between Ryan.

"Yes, the warehouse, Kapin's warehouse in the East District was also attacked at the same time. The things there seem to be more important, and recently there have been variants of the Aurora Society's teachings here. The military may also be suppressing the Aurora Society's secret expansion. "

The corpse of the gang leader smashed the lampshade of the gas lamp under Maric's control, and moved himself to the half-opened window.

Sharon, who was sitting on the table, disappeared in an instant. With the greeting of Maric, he and Klein walked out of the cabin on the second floor one after the other, leaving the living corpse alone in the window, and quietly lit up. matches.

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