Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 39: wait a long time

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"Because countless wicked natures are all in him, and fate is like a prostitute, intending to flirt with traitors, but all this is powerless, and he does not care about fate's joy and anger, wielding his **** sword like a ghost He slashed all the way like a star, until he was in front of the minion..."

"Admiral Blood" Senor swept the notes presented by the wealthy businessman with a strange expression.

He was more like a ghost than a human, with a sneering smile on his bloodless face, and kicked the businessman who flinched and imagined that he could still get out of his body.

The smiling sailor dragged away the businessman who was kicked to the ground. Senor watched as the note was swept away by the **** sea breeze from his hand. When the paper was about to come off his fingertips, he hesitated again. Arousing the cold wind, he honestly took it back and stuffed it into his red jacket.

Although no one in this world can understand Emperor Roselle's ghost-drawing talisman, for some reason, the senior management of the "Rose Sect" attaches great importance to these heavenly books, and seems to always want to find some clues from it.

In fact, if "Mystery" or Klein happened to see the content on the paper at this time, they would definitely recognize the lines written in "Macbeth" by a writer named Shakespeare.

It's a pity that Senor doesn't understand the meaning behind these fonts and sentences, let alone think about the circumstances under which Roselle borrowed the writer's language in his later years, and what kind of emotional fundamentals he is expressing.

Of course, Senor doesn't even know a few Tanwen in the Southern Continent, and he doesn't think so much.

He stopped at the edge of the deck and looked at the blue mountain island in the distance of the vast sea, only showing the outline of the lake. It was not until he heard the report of the navigator that he recovered.

"How do I get to shore?"


The navigator with his upper body naked, with the blood tree totem tattooed on his back, swallowed and spit, trying to figure out the uncertain attitude of his captain, only to feel that he asked a stupid question and felt uneasy.

"You don't have to dock."

Senor snorted, did not show his ferocity as usual, ignored the dazed navigator, and left the deck without looking back.

On the "Blood Treasure Tree", as the captain left, the pirate who had endured for a long time tore the last inch of his restraint, and the wealthy businessman, who was also dragged by several sailors, was disemboweled in a blink of an eye, along with his family and entourage. Not spared, the smell of depraved indulgence swept the entire deck.

The altar piled with flesh and bones in the captain's room occupied most of the room. Senor, who had just walked in, first reverently faced the center of the altar, and the puppet left by Saint Zavent bowed slightly, and then walked to the chart, rubbing his fingers slowly. Move slowly, and finally stop at the destination that is about to arrive.

"Half an hour left..."


"someone is coming!"

In Klein's rented room, Danitz, who was standing by the window with binoculars in both hands, was suddenly excited and waved to the adventurer in the chair.

Diagonally across the street, on the second floor of the "Red Oak" Hotel, a woman with long flaxen hair carefully looked inside the room. After confirming that there were no traps, she lifted the hem of her robe and left a letter on the table at the back of the room. letter, then stepped back and walked out.

Inside the telescope, Klein looked at the other party's serious look before closing the door to check whether there was any missing hair, raised his eyebrows calmly, and threw the telescope in his hand back to Danitz.

"Go and get that letter back."

This is the disadvantage of not having messenger and communication capabilities, and many times it can only rely on manpower.

"What if "Lieutenant General Disease" is nearby?"

Danitz laughed dryly and coughed, obviously unwilling to take the risk.

What do you mean, you're more afraid of her than me?

Klein didn't respond. He just stared at Danitz silently with his indifferent and gentle face, staring at the well-known pirate's heart. After holding on for two minutes, he ran out of the room with a dry smile.

Seeing Danitz leaving, Klein didn't intend to be idle. He quickly and neatly adjusted the Beyonder items on his body, instilling most of his spirituality into his right hand, and the range of the "substitute" radiation instantly expanded to the limit.

Immediately afterwards, he stared at the leaves hanging on the flagpole at the top of the "Red Oak" hotel's exterior wall, and snapped his fingers.

A cluster of sparks devoured the leaves instantly, Klein's figure

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Flashing from the flame, he immediately got into the shadow on the side, the five fingers of the right hand folded together, and the left hand holding the cane swiped, the shadow and darkness floating around him surged in an instant, and the air rippled, distorting the optical color. .

Under the double cover of illusion and shadow magic, Klein breathed a sigh of relief, and monitored the situation in the room on the second floor through the "spiritual body line" vision.

Sure enough, near the third room from the right on the second floor, there were two bright and spiritual light groups. Among them, the crimson light group was traveling, hovering back near the door of the room, hesitating to go any further.

The other is deliberately gathering his spirituality and squatting next to the room.

If Klein guessed correctly, the maid who is separated from Danitz by a wall must be ready at this moment. As long as the "Lieutenant General Disease" gives an order, Danitz can be chilled.

However, it was clear that "Lieutenant General Disease" did not mean to break the contract. Danitz successfully took the envelope and the maid quietly left. After looking around for a week, Klein, who had not found any other dangers, didn't stop and jumped into the flames and returned. Across the street.

"Damn, I suspect that any woman didn't leave at all. I always thought someone was looking at me just now, but I just don't know where..."

Danitz walked into the main house, and saw Gehrman leaning on the chair leisurely, complaining a few words in his heart, while handing over the letter in a hurry.

The letters from "Lieutenant General Illness" were as straightforward as her own, without too much embellishment.

She made the point clear in the first line, causing Klein, who was reading the letter, to frown, and couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

"...The sect has approved our cooperation, but will not offer any assistance, if there is no doubt, see you at the Big Mouth Turtle bar in ten minutes."

Klein nodded slightly, then looked on.

"Considering the recent escalation between the natives and the Church of the Storm, I can tell you some secrets for free."

"I didn't lose the "Death", but stored it in the indigenous underground port. If I guessed correctly, the port itself also has other functions, probably related to the so-called sea **** sacrifice."

"And the reward you want to get, I didn't carry the Death God document with me, it was hidden somewhere in the "Death", if you succeed in hunting Senor, I hope you can join me Take back the "Death"."

Of course, after hunting for Senor, the sect will also send demigods, so there is no need to worry about the threat of the sea god... At the end of the letter, Klein chewed the last sentence that was both a support and a threat, and the corners of his mouth rose.

Free secret... Klein snorted, rubbing his fingers to ignite his spirituality, and the blue-blue flame engulfed the letter for a moment.

Free is often the most expensive, not to mention secrets that can be written on paper. Is that still called a secret?

But I didn't expect "Lieutenant General Disease" to write well, but the grammar is not very good... Kleindo glanced at the few characters on the envelope and signaled Danitz to clean it up together.

It is not uncommon to write well these days, but it is very strange that pirates have culture. After all, every captain cannot be required to be like "Lieutenant General Iceberg" and will teach the crew in person.

In this "Red Sea" era when most of the pirates still maintain their "innocence" and struggle every day among the church, the navy and the four kings and seven generals, it is a bit unrealistic to ask for the overall cultural level of the pirates.

"How about it, Lieutenant General Disease agreed?"

Danitz has been paying attention to Gehrman's reaction, and then he was surprised to find that this usually cold-blooded adventurer showed emotions other than excitement, madness, and greed when he read the letter, showing a touch of indifference but true Peace of existence?

What did "Lieutenant General of Disease" write, or did Gehrman actually like the witch's mouth?

Klein didn't have the ability to read minds, so naturally he didn't know what was going on in Danitz's mind. He just restrained his thoughts of smiling and complaining, and returned to his cold appearance.

"The Big Mouth Turtle bar?"

Danitz thought for a while and answered honestly:

"A bar that faces pirates and has relatively few locals, but many things secretly indicate that the investor behind the bar should be a rich indigenous businessman. It is estimated that it was the work of the rebel army."

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"Lieutenant General Disease" mortgaged his flagship to the indigenous church in exchange for the opportunity to hide, and now he has to meet in a bar that is suspected to be supported by the rebel army, which is very tricky.

Klein stood up straight, took the cane leaning against the table, and squinted at Danitz.

"lead the way."


The billiard room in the Big Mouth Turtle Bar.

The natives in jackets and the pirates with linen shirts slanted around their waists shouted to each other, waving clubs in their hands, trying to see who could hit the solitary black ball on the table first.

Wooden chips were piled up in front of them, and the spectators, who surrounded the table, also grabbed a few gold and silver coins, and shouted hi.

Tristan watched this novel form of entertainment, and after using divination to figure out the winner, he only felt bored for a while.

He was sitting in a temporarily cut space, Yin Fulin was sitting beside him, quietly holding a book,

In fact, Danitz's intuition just now was correct. In the room of the "Red Oak" Hotel, someone was secretly spying on him, and there was more than one.

In fact, during this day, all the processes of Klein's contact with Vice Admiral Disease were under the supervision of Tristan.

He also naturally knew that the two would meet at the "Big Mouth Turtle" bar.

Suddenly, Yin Fulin, who was sitting on the side reading a book, raised her head and touched the bored Tristan with her elbow.

The demigod who was encountered didn't need to say anything more to his partner, and sat up straight. The few drinkers outside the billiard hall suddenly moved delicately, and at the same time got up and walked to the bathroom.

A moment later, a gentleman in a black trench coat with sharp facial features walked out, followed by a man with yellow hair and blue eyes in a turban. It was Klein and Danitz who had been disguised to a certain extent.

The two secret dolls, controlled by Tristan, took a few seconds to get used to the avatar, and then walked straight to the cubicle where the three relatively low figures were seated.

As the two slowly walked away, the door of the bathroom was pushed open again, and three relatively short figures in long robes walked out, occupying another compartment.

During this process, Tracy, who had been watching the inside of the bar in the cubicle, was unaware. The demigod-level illusion obscured her cognition. A false self also appeared in the bar, and was about to meet the adventurer in his place.

"Fairy Wood"

At the other end of the bar, in the only compartment of the "Big Mouth Turtle", Tracy, the Miuppet, glanced at Yin Lianhe with obvious "Hunter" characteristics beside her, and couldn't help but snort.

"Klein Moretti is okay, how to deal with the extraordinary ability of "Witch"?"

The puppet Yin Lian showed disdain for Tracy that would never appear on the face of the real thing.

"It's also a secret puppet, why is the IQ so different?"

She sneered and explained:

"Have you forgotten? We are "Mystic Mage" in Sequence Four, and the close-up of "Divinator" above "Crafty Mage" can share the ability between the same body."

"We can completely simulate the ability of the "Witch" and cooperate with illusions to ensure that Klein Moretti will not notice any problems."

Puppet Tracy nodded secretly, and Yin Lian, the puppet on the side, saw that Klein had not arrived yet, and said casually:

"And Tracy doesn't have to be so troublesome. Even if the Lord treats her, oh no, if she succeeds, she should call him, and she is a little interested in the role he can play in the future, so it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

"We can completely become the "Saint of White", and we can even directly copy her abilities, which is not difficult."

Mio Tracy listened to another plan of her own and smiled wickedly.

"I have to say, this plan is very attractive to me."

"After all, there are only a handful of saints of our time alive now, not to mention an old friend like Katerina who has died."

They invariably thought of the "Pale Disaster" when the two sides were hostile.

But the leisure of reminiscing the past was soon destroyed, and the adventurer in black walked into the bar with his entourage.

Miu Tracy, Miu Yinlian and Gang

Provide you with the fastest update of "Mystery: The Ancient God Is Myself" of the owl that does not eat meat!

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The secret puppet Annie, who didn't say a word, looked at each other, UU reading www. Mistress Annie got up knowingly and walked towards the adventurer who knew nothing about the truth.


"Annie", who helped make a ponytail with the long hair at the back of her head and dressed up as a wandering adventurer, glanced at Danitz beside Klein with a bad expression on her face.

The pirates in the background of the bar were still noisy, but the atmosphere between the two had dropped to freezing point. Danitz looked at the maid who had attacked him without fear, then glanced carefully at Gehrman's face, and turned away with a smile. head.

Klein silently ignored the well-known pirate's anger, and nodded coldly.

"What about "Lieutenant General of Disease"?"

Annie, who was a head shorter than the adventurer, didn't answer immediately, she was strangely silent, and suddenly showed a smile.

"It's there, I've been waiting for a long time."

Provide you with the fastest update of "Mystery: The Ancient God Is Myself" of the owl that does not eat meat!

Chapter 39 Free to read for a long time: https://,!


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