Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 1346: Look for

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Nightmare Assault Chapter 1346 Search

Yes... fat man!

Although there was such a guess, but when Meng Ran saw this scene in the picture, Jiang Cheng felt cold all over his body, and his blood vessels seemed to be full of ice balls. The fat man beside him also had problems, and this time he was completely isolated.

Subconsciously turned his head to look at Fatty, the other party was still asleep, as if he knew nothing about what he had exposed. After a few seconds, Jiang Cheng seemed to remember something, and immediately looked away, pretending to be very worried and unable to sleep. He looks like he is playing with his mobile phone, but he can't help but be afraid.

He forgot, forgot that the fat man beside him was not a human being, even if the other person seemed to be asleep now, but in fact... it is very likely...

Turning on the camera function of the mobile phone, Jiang Cheng pretended to move his arms inadvertently, and secretly swept the camera in the direction of Fatty. During this time, Fatty did not show any abnormality. Constantly ups and downs, sleep soundly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng's heart dropped a little, but after he opened the video he just recorded, everything came to an abrupt end.

The fat man in the video has completely changed his appearance, his face is blue, and his white eyes full of resentment are staring at his bed, as if he is worried that his prey will run away.

The ghost knew how much courage Jiang Cheng had used to suppress the fear in his heart, and he fiddled with the phone with a very natural expression, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Cheng knew in his heart that although the other party didn't hurt him for the time being, it definitely didn't mean that the other party didn't mean it. The other party just wanted to introduce himself into the trap they set. Angered to kill himself, Jiang Cheng is not sure.

After calming down, in order to reassure Fatty, Jiang Cheng turned off his mobile phone, lay on the bed, pulled the quilt to his chin, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

This is the most correct way to do it now. Now Jiang Cheng is not only thinking about how to survive, but also how to break the game. He is sure that the key to breaking the game must be related to the mysterious shadow.

And there is one more thing Jiangcheng needs to confirm: when did he enter the game?

To be more precise, at what moment did Fatty and the others around him get replaced? And where are the real fat people now?

The first thing Jiang Cheng thought of was the phone call from Li Bai. She said that the mission was not over yet, so let's assume that what she said was true, then there are two types of this is not over.

The first is that they are still in the mission world, and everything around them is just an illusion created by the newspaper man.

Second, they have indeed left the task world dominated by newspaper men and returned to the real world, and the status quo they are facing now is a brand new supernatural event.

After thinking about it, Jiang Cheng was more inclined towards the second type, which was a brand-new supernatural event that had nothing to do with the newspaper man.

The reason is as follows.

First of all, if they are still in the world where the newspaper man is, then from the perspective of their environment, the four survivors of them are all separated, and each is in a relatively independent world, just like the first pass in the mirror status.

If this is the case, they will definitely not be able to communicate with each other, and Li Bai has no reason to make a phone call to inform himself that the mission is not over yet.

And the most important point is that the bus appeared, and they were the real world who took that bus back to the real world. No matter how powerful the newspaper man was, he was just a law enforcement officer on the bus. In essence, he was similar to other prisoners. Under the control of the car, it is impossible for him to have the ability to control the bus.

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As long as they board that car, it means the mission is over, and it means they are absolutely safe.

Jiang Cheng also thought about whether the so-called bus was fake, and it was just an illusion created by a newspaper man, but soon, he overturned this idea. The atmosphere on the bus was very special, Jiang Cheng Having never felt a similar aura on any ghost or disciple, he could be sure that the car they boarded was the real thing.

Then the problem entered the next stage, they did leave the world of newspaper men and were involved in a brand new paranormal event.

Forget about others, when did the fat man who always stayed by his side get ripped off?

Jiang Cheng first ruled out the two days spent in the studio after leaving the mission, because it was too quiet, and the beginning of all this should have been after the night on the 2nd and the 3rd.

It was also from there that they really came into contact with the mysterious disappearance of Xieming Mountain, and then drove all the way to the town at the foot of Xieming Mountain, and stayed at Hengtong Hotel late at night.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng shuddered, UU reading www. Hengtong Hotel!

This is the Hengtong Hotel again!

My mind seems to be torn apart, and the pictures are played back and forth like a slideshow. The mysterious man in the dream appeared in the Hengtong Hotel, standing on the second floor of the hotel. Yao, Shunyu's photos also appeared in this hotel. The same bed sheets in the company, and... and the morning when I woke up in the hotel, there was no one in the hotel. Test yourself, and tell yourself that Wu has already been recruited, and even almost kidnapped himself...

Slowly, all the information was gathered, and all the spearheads pointed to this humble Hengtong Hotel. As time passed, a bold guess took shape in Jiang Cheng's mind. He suspected that he had not woken up at all. Everything I have experienced is a dream, and the real me is lying on the bed with the orchid picture printed on it, in the Hengtong Hotel!

This is what the mysterious man wants to remind himself of!

Jiang Cheng once heard such a saying that dreams are divided into different levels, and the deeper the dream, the more real it is, and it is also more difficult to wake up. He even suspected that if he died in such a dream, then in reality, He will also die with it, just like Yao, Shun, and Yu.

Cold sweat broke out behind him, and the mysterious man appeared several times before the danger came. Although Jiang Cheng was not sure of the identity of the other party, the other party was undoubtedly on his side.

Having figured this out, Jiang Cheng felt a lot more at ease. In this world, he can be considered a trustworthy companion. Now there is still one question. What do the three traces drawn by the mysterious man represent?

The other party must be trying to tell him something, and it is very important. Jiang Cheng is convinced that this is the key to breaking the game.

After thinking about it, there was no clue. Just in the middle of thinking, Jiang Cheng fell into a deep sleep.

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