Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 1347: self-injection

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Without hesitation, he found the stairs, and Jiang Cheng rushed upstairs quickly. The corridor was still the same as he was familiar with, and the overhead light emitted a soft light. Everything was so harmonious and normal.

But the more this happened, the more uneasiness in Jiang Cheng's heart. He found himself and Fatty's room, took a deep breath, pressed the door handle, and accompanied by a slight knocking sound, a scene that surprised him appeared. , the door was not locked.

The door slowly opened, and the scene in the room was presented in front of him. The two messy single beds were exposed, the quilts were piled on one side, the air was filled with the smell of alcohol, and a few beer cans were left alone on the ground.

The scene in front of him completely matched the room in Jiang Cheng's impression. It was so far away that he even remembered which beer can was empty and which one had leftover wine.

Of course, just like what he saw, there was no one in the room, let alone the sleeping self as he had imagined.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng was a little panicked. He quickly exited the room and came to the next door. This is room No. 2 and No. 13, but this time the door was not opened directly, and the room was locked.

The dimmed eyes lit up, as if he had caught the last straw, Jiang Cheng raised his leg without hesitation, and kicked the door with a savage kick. The old wooden door could not resist this, and opened in response, Jiang Cheng He broke in, but the scene in the room made his heart complicated.

This room was messier than theirs. The empty wine bottles were lined up beside the bed. It seemed that the people who used to live here were more messy than him and Fatty. Likewise, the room was empty.


Both rooms were empty.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng's inner perseverance was shaken. For the first time, he felt panic, maybe... maybe he was wrong, wrong from the beginning, that mysterious shadow was the culprit!

The visions on Fatty and Luo Yunshan are all fake. He is indeed troubled by the illusion, but it is not Fatty Luo Yunshan and the others who cast the illusion, but the shadow!

It was the shadow that made him suspect Fatty Luo Yunshan and others, and based on these suspicions, he seduced him step by step, and the other party's purpose was to return him to this Hengtong Hotel!

In an instant, a storm surged in Jiang Cheng's mind, but before he could think about it, at the same time, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps downstairs, the footsteps moved quickly, and rushed up the stairs.

Jiang Cheng turned around and ran out of the room. In the corridor, he happened to see Fatty and the others appearing at the end of the corridor.

At this time, Fatty and the others were very embarrassed. Their bodies were covered with black ashes and their faces were dirty. They thought it was the fire just now. Xie Du asked: "Doctor, what's wrong with you, doctor? They said you set the fire, how could you..."

Jiang Cheng didn't answer, and this time he didn't have anything to hide. He took out his phone and took a picture of Fatty and the others. In the photo, whether it was Fatty or Luo Yunshan, No. 2 and No. 13, they were all very different. normal.

After putting down the phone, facing Fatty's eyes, Jiang Cheng had mixed feelings in his heart. Because of his own misjudgment, the entire team suffered losses and the plan to enter the mountain was delayed. The chain reaction caused by this was terrible, even It will endanger the lives of Lin Wan'er and others.

If...if all he finds after entering the mountain is the bodies of Lin Wan'er and others, then Jiang Cheng may not be able to forgive himself in this life.


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