Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 1348: 3 floors

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Nightmare Assault Chapter 1348 Third Floor

There were doubts before and after, which gave Jiang Cheng the feeling that there was a road of no return. At this time, Jiang Cheng took a deep breath and made a bold decision. He decided to turn around and see what this mysterious shadow was going to do. What, after waiting for so long, the other party didn't hurt him.

Turning around, the shadow is standing in front of a door. This door is a double door, standing at the other end of the corridor, not like the door of the room, but like a safe passage.

More importantly, Jiang Cheng didn't remember that this location had a door.

To be precise, his impression of this end of the corridor was very vague, as if something was preventing him from remembering the arrangement here.

On the door, there are three clear scratches.

Hei Ying didn't make any movement, just stood firmly, his body was not very clear, his face was like before Some.

Jiang Cheng quickly understood that what Hei Ying was watching was Fatty and the others at the other end of the corridor.

What a ghost, Jiang Cheng picked up the phone and took a picture behind him. After seeing the picture, Jiang Cheng's heart was lifted. Fatty and the others all changed their faces, their faces were ashen, and a pair of milky white eyes were embedded in their eyes. Inside the hole, staring straight behind him, the resentment in it seems to be able to drill a hole in his back.

Just when Jiang Cheng was undecided, the shadow seemed to have broken through some kind of restriction and made an incomprehensible action towards Jiang Cheng.

Sombra raised his right hand with difficulty, and made a slashing motion towards the position a little above his waist.

In an instant, Jiang Cheng Tong Kong trembled, and then even his breathing stopped. The next second, Jiang Cheng raised his head, he recognized it, he really recognized it, the black shadow in front of him was not someone else, it was really him !


Can't be wrong, it must be him!

This action was a knife that Wu was slashed diagonally by the murderer, and this knife, which should have fallen on him, was blocked by Wuwei himself!

He also drew this scene in the picture book.

Hei Ying and Jiang Cheng seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection. After seeing Jiang Cheng's constantly shaking lips, Hei Ying slowly retreated, passing through the door behind him like a ghost, and the figure disappeared.

Jiang Cheng no longer hesitated, and immediately followed, stretched out his hand, and planned to push the unfamiliar door open. Now that Hei Ying's identity has been determined, Jiang Cheng has nothing to worry about, and will harm him.

At the same time, Fatty shouted from behind to wake him up and stop doing stupid things, Jiang Cheng completely ignored it.

After pushing the door open, he couldn't help but be stunned by what he saw. It was actually a stairwell, and what was even more incredible was that there was actually a staircase going up.

But this Hengtong Hotel has only 2 floors, and he is now on the 2nd floor.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across Jiang Cheng's mind, and he remembered that on the first night he stayed with Fatty and the others, the room the proprietress took them to was either the second floor or the third floor!

It's a room at the end of the third floor!

No. 2 and No. 13 live next door, also on the 3rd floor!

But when he woke up the next day, the hotel was filled with fog and empty, and he groped to go out in the fog without paying attention. He just walked along the corridor. He walked down the stairs two floors and came to the hotel. First floor foyer.

Going down two flights of stairs... That is to say, the room he was in at the time was on the 3rd floor!

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