Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 705: Island Daye

(Nine refining - Bo Yao book group: 484944228)

Yunhaiyu Tianbianwei, flying to the east Wanli.

There is the island of Daye.

Daye Island is one of the core islands of the Nanyang Island Alliance.

However, the origin of Daye Island is quite mysterious.

According to legend, Daye Island is one of the most mysterious sea forces in the sea, one of the affiliates of the Temple of the Sea.

The Temple of the Sea, one of the top sects of the mainland, is hidden above the sea. It is named after the sea and is very mysterious. It is one of the top three gates of the mainland.

The mainland ancestral gates, the top ones are "the Eight Palaces of the Second Palace", among which the second house is ethereal, the three halls are mysterious, the bright side, the mainland, and the eight things, such as the southern continent, it is composed of the Tao. The top sectarians, even the big sects like Qingyunmen, have to be influenced by the most advanced sects of the South China: "one sect" temperance.

The Nanyang forces are intricate and complex. Daye Island has been established for thousands of years and has been standing still.

Legend is that it is attached to the Temple of the Sea, but it also has its truth, but some monks suspect that Daye Island is actually the industry of the "Tiangong".

Whose industry, no matter who is affiliated with it.

In short, Daye Island is very strong and cannot be violated.

Moreover, for thousands of years, Daye Island has become one of the landmark islands of the South Sea, and it has become one of the fundamentals of Nanyang monks who can live in the sea.

Whoever dares to move Daye is to go through with the entire Nanyang monk.

Without him, the large and small sea vessels in the entire South Sea, 90% from Daye Island.

Half of the spiritual treasures of the Nanyang monks are from Daye.

Daye, the smelting of the big.

There is Island Daye.

The island is big, it can be built, and it can be Guo.

There is Island Daye.

The island is bustling, see Malone. If people weave.

There is Island Daye.

The wonders of the monks, the feat of change.

The huge Daye Island is like a huge construction site.

Inside the open-air metallurgical plant. The monks were busy and piled up with steel. Piles of smelting and refining materials are neatly and orderly piled up in the factory, still in the sea ship that is being smelted, lying on the island, like a huge seabird.

Enter Daye Island.

It is to enter the smelting work site, the smelting paradise.

There is a magic flash everywhere, and it is the monk who uses special means to make the ship.

There are roaring sounds from time to time, that is, the monks are testing various magic weapons.

Busy. Bustling.

There is Island Daye.

In contrast, the most silent of the entire Daye Island is Daye Island North.

Above the island, floating fine metal particles.

Filled with layers of golden fog that are not scattered.

This is gold gas.

The yang of the metal generated by the accumulation of metal.

Gold gas is also a kind of cultivation resource. Many monks, especially swordsmen, need to condense gold into the body and deepen their understanding of metal, especially Feijian.

However, the golden gas in the north of Daye Island has not been visited by monks. Instead, any monk shunned the gold gas in Daye Island North, fearing contamination.

the reason is simple.

The gold gas in the north of Daye Island is the day after tomorrow.

acquired. Man-made long-term, mottled and messy gold.

There is no harm in the golden gas.

North of Daye Island, originally a deep blue sea.

After Daye Island, the abandoned metallurgical materials and the magic weaponry for the failure of refining were chosen to fall into the sea in the north of the island.

For thousands of years, generations of monks, generations of Daye people, used to naturally turn Daye Island North into an abandoned land.

Going for thousands of years. The deep sea is gradually filled with discarded metal.

Above the deep blue sea, it naturally evokes the mottled metal gas.

Gold gas is a breeding ground for waste metals.

Among the scrap metal. There are often unformed magic weapons, unwilling. Or the negative temperament of dissatisfaction is full of them.

For a long time, it has caused the gold gas not only messy and impure, but also extremely violent, extremely harmful to the monks.

Daye Island North, in Daye Island, also known as: "Bohai".

The Bohai Sea, the refiner of the 冢.

The golden gas of the 冢海奇特 has had a great impact on Daye Island. For the Daye monk, dumping waste materials has become a chore.

Monks who dump waste materials all year round, as long as they are exposed to too much metal particles, the lungs will be involuntarily eroded by particles and difficult to remove.

A mortal miner who mines will get a disease called lung disease.

The monk who dumped the waste material in Daye will get the silicosis of the monk world.

After the formation of silicosis, it is very troublesome. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the Daye Island monks are very reluctant to engage in dumping of waste materials.

However, there are so many discarded refining materials on Daye Island that it is impossible to accumulate on the island.

No way, Daye Island will recruit some chores every few years to manage Daye Island North.

The requirements for miscellaneous service are not high, and the medium-term refining can be repaired.

The Bohai Sea is very dangerous. Once you have a silicosis, the monks will not be killed, and they will be tortured every day.

When Daye Island recruited the chores, it also clearly explained the hazards.

Of course, the conditions given by Daye Island are good. Although it is dangerous, there are still monks, some monks who have no hope of progress, or some monks who need to exchange resources for the children of the rest of the generation to come to work as a servant.

The Bohai Sea is also the first choice for Sun Hao’s refining.

Of course, after the land reclamation in the ancient Shuhai area, Sun Hao did not rush to Daye Island for the first time.

Driving the wind and opening the wind and breaking the waves, in less than three months, Sun Hao returned to Qingyun Port.

During the three-month period, Yu did not want to organize several trading activities again, and exchanged a lot of spirits from Sun Hao with a large number of sea animals.

Sun Hao’s Suzuki condensate tower also stored quite aura.

After returning to Qingyun Port, Sun Hao specially went back to Qingyunmen and arranged some things. After seeing Xuanyuanhong and Yunziyan, they explained their whereabouts, and then sent them in Yunziyan and Xuanyuan. In the long gaze, he returned to Qingyun Port with a quick return to Daewoo.

After arranging Daewoo on the Fengyun and setting up everything, Sun Hao was not in a hurry and mixed into a sea boat.

Then, as the sea boat came to Daye Island.

With the blue wooden medal of Sun Guochun, Sun Hao successfully became a small handicraft in Daye Island.

His main responsibilities are only one, cleaning up the north of Daye Island.

The main purpose of Sun Hao’s coming to Daye Island is to use the gold gas of Daye Island to rotate his right lung.

This arrangement is just right.

Daye Island is deeply unpredictable and has a deep background. Qingyunmen simply cannot suppress it. Sun Hao does not want to make extra-budgets. He does not want to alarm anyone. He does not want to attract attention from others. He only wants to complete the right lung rotation as soon as possible.

As for the smelting technology of Daye Island, depending on the situation, you can learn and learn. If you don’t have the chance, you can study again after completing the round of gold.

Silently, Sun Hao entered the Daye Island with a small fire.

Fengyun was under the leadership of Jin Li and the leader of Daewoo. He was expected to take a break again after a few months of rest.

Originally, according to Sun Hao’s prediction, it will not take long for him to condense the gold gas, and it is expected to be a few months to a year.

The refining of the magnetic gold light is only three months before and after.

However, after entering Daye Island.

Sun Hao found that his plan may have changed a little.

The stagnation of the sea is violent and mottled and impure.

The difficulty of condensing is far more than that of the magnetic element. After Sun Hao inhaled the golden gas, he found that his own condensing did not come for a few years.

Moreover, the extremely violent golden gas makes Sun Hao's entire condensing process never too good.

Standing on Daye Island, I feel that the majestic people of the Terran monks have changed their landscapes, and they feel that it is not easy for the monks to cultivate. Then, Sun Hao sinks his heart and quietly, silently and meticulously on Daye Island. The iron rod is ground into a needle and begins to condense in the right lung.

Of course, the length of time is a little beyond Sun Hao’s expectations. Sun Hao must also make corresponding adjustments.

While refining the golden lungs, other cultivations have to keep up.

The most important thing is the aura resources in the condensate tower. After Master’s youth, I learned that the aura resources harvested in the ancient sea area are expected to support Sun Hao’s annual expenses. Within one year, Sun Hao can be daily. Open an hour, one hour is equivalent to the ten-day flow rate.

A year later, Sun Hao had to find another way to get resources.

Then there are various types of cultivation arrangements.

The golden rule is the first to bear the brunt.

On the basis of the three-character real-life cultivation, the cultivation of the metal-strength "Sword-Fighting" has also been put on the agenda.

Jianqi is a metalwork that Sun Hao chose from Qingyunmen to cultivate to the Yuan Ying period.

The level of merit is only the top grade It is characterized by Zhongzheng Pinghe, which can be used to repair most other metallic exercises. Moreover, it has a reinforcing effect on the monk's sword, and also implements Sun Hao's usual cultivation habits. It is a practice that attaches great importance to accumulation.

Refining the heart and refining the spirit continue to borrow the white public to enter the dream and work hard.

Daye is an island, which is extremely beneficial to the cultivation of the Eight Diagrams of the Sea. Sun Hao expects that he can have a further understanding of this refining.

Alchemy, refining, refining, refining...

Sun Hao took care of his work and carefully arranged his cultivation. After being arranged in an orderly manner, he officially took up his post and began to perform his duties in a diligent manner.

Every day, when the sun rises, like the foggy metal particles of Daye Island North, Sun Hao’s busy figure will appear on time.

Scattered metal, one by one, and then poured into the sea.

Meticulously, Sun Hao began his own career. (To be continued.)


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