Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 706: Jun Xiaohao

(Nine refining - Bo Yao book group: 484944228)

The monk’s life is so lonely and difficult.

A monk often has to bear forbearance in his life.

It is hard to suffer and suffer from hard work.

Hardships and hardships, Yu Yu Yu Cheng, is the most true portrayal of the monk's life.

Stealing Daye Island, Sun Hao began his new round of hard work.

Every day, from day to day, the sunset is full of interest, and the delicate and slightly thin figure has traveled all over Daye Island.

The refinery waste materials that the metallurgical plant dumped at will, without the waste materials entering the sea, were taken up by Sun Hao and picked up one by one. Then they went to the sea and endured the golden gas that was enough to erode the bones and threw them into the sea.

The golden gas of the Bohai Sea is the gas of waste gold, violent and sharp.

The silk eroded Sun Hao’s right lung.

The left lung has refining the gold light of the magnet, and it is difficult to invade the gold gas.

Sun Hao picks up the waste materials into the sea, while urging the round of gold, condensing the lungs of the right lung.

Sun Hao’s left lung has lost his ability to inhale. Now that he has begun to condense his right lung, the right lung is also generally uncomfortable.

In the right lung, it seems that a knife has been smashed at the moment, and the ability to inhale into the corpus callosum has been temporarily lost.

Both lungs lose their ability to inhale at the same time.

The clever Jindan monk has been able to breathe inside, and Sun Hao is still very unaccustomed.

Every time I walk, I will be breathless.

Moreover, the right lung is in the process of split reconstruction, and Sun Hao’s face is more pale than the patient with silicosis.

Sun Hao was originally a handsome juvenile shape, and now shows morbidity. It is slightly thin. Occasionally cough. It’s like a weak wind.

On Daye Island, the monks are high and high, and there are very few monks who pay attention to a handful of juveniles who are in charge of the sea.

There has never been a monk who would have thought that there would be a high-ranking Jindan real person who was stalking Daye Island, and he was self-declining and stayed on Daye Island, rushing to work as a diligent servant.

There are low-level monks who often envy the masters of the versatile monks. Standing upright at the top of the monk, accepting mortals and monks worship.

However, what they don't know is.

However, all generations of great powers, all through hardships and dangers, can not be accepted by ordinary people, and can not be tolerated by ordinary people. The so-called law in one dynasty is nothing but the result of "a hundred years of perseverance."

The world's monks, the true great perseverance and great wisdom of the generations, are actually rare.

of course. The monks must stand at the top of the mountain, and there is only great perseverance and great wisdom. Factors such as chance, resources, and savvy can often affect a monk's life.

For example, Zhong Xiaohao's several hairs, Wang Yuan, Zhu Ling and others, in order to restore the soul of the soul, struggling to pursue, several times into the soul of the forest, but in fact, is also a great perseverance, however, if it is not just met Sun Hao Maybe, in the end, the souls they have turned into can't be as good as they want.

This is the so-called opportunity.

For Sun Hao, it’s a chance to use the sea and waste gold. It’s just that it takes time to digest this opportunity, and it’s quite uncomfortable.

In addition to patience in this refining, there are no shortcuts.

Sun Hao’s refining repairs have just been promoted to the middle of Jindan, but they also need to be carefully polished.

It’s just right for you to experience the mentality of the miscellaneous service while you are in the sea.

Sun Hao's heart, patiently, against the waste of gold, absorb the refining and waste of golden light, and as a cover, Sun Hao's performance in Daye Island is remarkable and conscientious.

Xiong Er, the foreign affairs chief of Daye Island, who is responsible for managing the comrades, is quite satisfied with Zhong Xiaohao.

Since he has been Zhong Xiaohao, he feels that he has more peace of mind.

It is really rare for Zhong Xiaohao to be so dedicated.

Every day, the outside of the Bohai Sea will be cleaned up by Zhong Xiaohao, and there has never been any accumulation of waste metal.

In the past, the confidant disciples always cleaned up for a while, often because the outside could not accumulate, and then ran to push the deposits down the sea.

Xiong Er can only close one eye with one eye. The reason is very simple. It is not easy to recruit a cleaner to pick up the sea.

Often, the comrades who cleaned up the Bohai Sea could not stay for a few years and had to find another way to make a living.

Under the circumstance of waste gold light, unless it is a monk who is not desperate, every two or three years, the comrades must have to change a batch, and most of the disciples who have been exchanged are used to clean up once every three or five times. Otherwise, it is really not quite a few years.

This time, Zhong Xiaohao, really came to the extreme.

Clean up daily, never stop.

Xiong Er said that he was quite satisfied.

To this end, he specifically called Zhong Xiaohao over, chilling and warm, and side reminder: "Xiaohao, the gas of the sea is very violent, you have to be a little bit ah, if you can't stand, you can wait a little bit." ”

The bear two grows slightly fat, and the person is a little short. The most memorable one is his mouth. The mouth is very big. The characteristic is that his upper and lower lips are like two sausages, and he is swollen like a fan. In general, very thick and full of flesh.

I don't know why, I saw the meaty lips of Xiong Er, and Sun Hao’s mind appeared in the mind of Sun Hao.

The fleshy feelings of the bear's lips are even more dazzling than the heroes of He Xiongjie.

The bears are good, and they reminded Sun Hao to pay attention to the waste gas.

However, Sun Hao came to condense the golden gas. Naturally, he answered with the answer: "The general manager can add a little moon to Xiaohao. Xiaohao’s family meets the difficulties and urgently needs the stone to spare."

To be honest, Xiong Er was very disgusted with the opening of the squad, but he wanted to add a new moon. However, when he saw Zhong Xiaohao’s sincerity and thought of Zhong Xiaohao’s diligence, Xiong Er suddenly felt that it was time to give Zhong Xiaohao a new moon.

Raising his hand and patting Sun Hao's shoulder, Xiong Er sighed: "I understand, Xiaohao was originally so desperate for the younger generation at home. In this case, I am the master, giving you double the moon."

Sun Hao’s face was a bright smile, and his body glimpsed: “Thank you, the trouble manager.”

"No trouble, no trouble," Xiong Er took a picture of Sun Hao's shoulder and laughed: "Do your best. Hands up."

Finished. Look around. I feel that no one is eavesdropping on my own words. I put the big mouth in the ear of Sun Hao and whispered, "Xiao Hao, I don’t want you to say, my big brother, the big nose and the big bear, is the former General Manager of Daye. Red man, what's the matter. Say, say, low-key, low-key, I don't tell him."

Sun Hao made a stun expression with cooperation, and then whispered: "No wonder, no wonder, admire and admire, in the future, Xiaohao has to take care of the general manager. What is wrong, or use the place. The general manager only Command."

Xiong Er smiled and slaped Sun Hao’s shoulder.

Think of Sun Hao as his own person, talk and laugh, and finally, he still pays attention to Sun Hao’s rest, pay attention to work and rest, don’t make fun of the body.

Sun Hao smiled and said after leaving.

Xiong Eryi patted his head and slammed it: "Weird, why do you feel that this kid is so pleasing to the eye? It’s really strange, you have to go to the big bear, you have to give him a new moon..."

Outside the bear's second room, Sun Hao walked away, and his face showed a faint smile.

As a result, Sun Hao’s moon is bullish.

There are miscellaneous servants who raise objections. Xiong Er said with conviction, or else, do you change jobs with Zhong Xiaohao?

Immediately the murmur disappeared, and although the moon was high, it had to be destroyed. Many of the chores were already speculating, and Zhong Xiaohao was so capricious that he could stay in the sea for a long time.

Sun Hao still insists on cleaning up the Bohai Sea.

The lungs are occupied by the golden gas, and Sun Hao’s face is more and more pale.

For a period of time, it seems to be morbid, and many dissatisfied murders.

Play, have played, can't stand it.

But what is disappointing is that although Sun Hao is sick, although he is walking and panting, he is tenacious and firm.

Sometimes, it is obvious that Sun Hao is not good. He is coughing, coughing in the chest, and even seeing the bloodshot coughing from the corner of his mouth.

I thought that Sun Hao had finished playing here.

But the next morning, the boy appeared on time at sea.

Three months passed by.

The servants finally came to the end and came to the conclusion: "Don't look at Zhong Xiaohao's appearance of being alive and dead. In fact, he is very resistant. He can fight and serve."

Xiong Er did not trust, and called Sun Hao several times in the past.

However, Sun Hao said: "The general manager is so heavy, Xiaohao naturally can't let the manager disappoint. The general manager can rest assured that Xiaohao must use his own practical actions to let the little people who question the decision of the general manager have nothing to say..."

Then, Xiong Er felt that he had nothing to say.

In my heart, I sighed that Sun Hao had a gluten at the same time, but he was more and more kind to Sun Hao. When he repeatedly said that Sun Hao was in a wrong situation, he should pay attention to rest.

Then, business as usual.

Sun Hao’s sedentary cultivation career in Daye Island is officially on the right track.

See you every day, early in the morning, when the sun rises.

Sun Hao will take a small fire and appear on the beach on time.

Reflecting the Chaoyang, slowly pulling the posture, slowly punching, the boxing method is the eight methods of watching the sea.

The small fire will spit on the sun, absorb the sun purple, this is the cultivation method of swallowing the pulse.

After one person and one mouse are finished, they will wander around the Bohai Sea, but when they find the abandoned refining materials, they will sweep into the sea.

Zhong Xiaohao was only in the late stage of refining, but he had a good strength and a lot of ideas. He had a lot of discarded materials, but in the past few months, he never helped, and he solved it himself.

With Zhong Xiaohao, Xiong Er feels that he is really worried.

In the past, the Bohai Sea was always in a constant state, but since Zhong Xiaohao, everything has not been taken care of.

He found that although he added double moons to Zhong Xiaohao, in general, the cost of the Bohai Sea was actually greatly reduced.

To this end, he actually received the oral praise of the Daye Island Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The words conveyed to Sun Hao are: "Xiao Hao, the performance is good, my bear II has followed the face, even my older brother, the Ministry of the Interior has been greatly stressed, do it well, I am optimistic about you."

Sun Hao naturally said with a smile: "The general manager has won the prize. It should be, Xiaohao will definitely work harder and not let the manager disappointed."

In one year, Sun Hao was safely spent.

Various cultivations are carried out in an orderly manner, especially on a daily basis. Sun Hao can practice an hour in the Sui Ningkong Tower, turning it into a ten-day time, and a year will become a decade.

Sun Hao's nine major cultivation system has also made great progress in the past ten years.

In particular, the "sword-stricken scorpion" that has recently been cultivated is catching up with it. After ten years, it has reached the late stage of building a foundation.

Of course, the progress is so fast, and it is inseparable from the fact that the five elements of the wheel are coordinating the other elements of the true element and the full adjustment of the metallic true element.

One year is very short.

On Daye Island, everything is still the same, and there seems to be no change.

There is one more Zhong Xiaohao, and Daye Island has no feeling.

A miscellaneous disciple has little influence on Daye Island. Apart from the miscellaneous circle, there is really no one to notice that there is a chores that can actually enter and leave the sea every day, and it has been quite a year.

What is even more strange is that the little red mouse around him is actually playing in the sea, rolling and smashing, and one year, it is safe and sound. (To be continued.)


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