One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 481 Explanation (2)

There are only three words in everyone's mind, Ma Maipi! ! !

Especially the anger in Sihuang BIGMOM's heart. From the very beginning, he paid attention to this kid who sneaked in, but the captain reminded himself not to hurt anyone, so he tolerated the other party until he came here.

The problem is that it doesn't appreciate it when I am so generous, challenging my patience over and over again!

Really bullying the Four Emperors too much!

So BIGMOM rounded his big mouth, aimed at the side of Chopper and slapped it.

With a loud bang, the ground received a second attack, and the force caused by the attack was stronger than the wave, directly blowing Chopper away, going back and forth from nowhere.

"It's terrible, it's really terrible!!!" Chopper, who had personally experienced the power of the Four Emperors, said with snot and tears. Obviously, it is impossible to try it a second time in this state.

"Are you all right, Brother Joe?" Garrot the Rabbit looked concerned.

Nami on the side was relatively calm, looking at Chopper's state and said seriously: "It seems that it is better to change."

Hearing this, Garrett's eyes lit up and he said, "Yoxi, leave the rest to me!"

As he said that, he picked up the substitute that had fallen aside, and set off when the condition was adjusted to the best.


At the same time, the voice of commentary came in due time.

"Okay, welcome back, that is, the second contestant has also entered after the failure of Chopper. The half-human, half-beast beauty in front of me is named Garrot. She belongs to the fur tribe and is not a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, but the relationship between them is different. It's excellent."

"As for her performance, let us wait and see!"

The commentary card was just right, and the personal information had just ended, and Garrett also started the rescue operation.

The powerful talent of the fur family made her jump to the bed where BIGMOM slept.

"Oh my god, it should be said that it is indeed a rabbit. This jumping ability is an absolute world record if it participates in the Olympic Games!"

"However, what will she do next? You must know that the road ahead is blocked by BIGMOM's huge snot bubble. Although there is such an instant shrinkage, it is an extremely test of a person's ability to predict and grasp the timing. If there is a slight mistake and the rescue mission fails, life is even more threatened!"

After a moment of observation, the explanation continued.

"That's right, this one's performance is indeed better than that of Chopper. I can see that Garrott is not in a hurry to act but is prioritizing the changes in the snot bubbles. I personally feel that this level can't stop her!"

As if to prove the commentator's conjecture, Garrett, who saw the timing right, made a leap with his legs, and came to Brook the moment the snot bubble shrank.

"Look, what I said, I said she can do it, right?!"

"So can she successfully rescue Brooke and complete the mission? Let's keep reading!"

Garrett, who came to Brook, hurriedly called him.

"Brooke, Brook, wake up, wake up."

However, before Garrett woke up Brook, the snot bubble behind him grew bigger again, but Garrett didn't notice it.

"Oops, the snot bubble is getting bigger again!"

"Run away!"

Nami and Pedro, who were watching in the mirror world, exclaimed, their eyes full of nervousness and worry.

"Will it hit? Will it really hit?" The nervous commentary sounded again.

The next moment, Garrot, who failed to react in time, was mercilessly knocked away by the snot bubble.

"It collided, and player Garrot was also knocked into the air, but luckily, player Garrot was agile and stabilized his figure the moment before landing without getting hurt and didn't make much noise."

"However, even though the movement was very small, it still woke up Leiyun Zeus on the side. What's worse, its eyes fell on Garot. Is it wrong? At this time, our Garrot player is How to escape?"

"Pretend, pretend to be a rabbit toy!?"

After seeing Garrett's reaction, the voice of the commentary was full of shock. At this time, she really curled up with a cute expression and remained motionless.

"Looking away, let's see how Leiyun Zeus reacts."

At this time, Zeus, who was still dazed, glanced at the lying Garrot, and muttered, "What, it turned out to be a rabbit toy."

After finishing speaking, close your eyes and stop paying attention.

"T-True, it's just been fooled!!!" The voice of the commentator was full of shock, but it was only to this extent that it was impossible for him to be troubled, after all, he had seen many operations that were even more flamboyant than this.

Gathered up and continued with the commentary.

"Garrot, who successfully resolved the crisis, went on the journey to Brook for the second time, but panicked, she made the same mistake as Chopper."

"Just walking forward but ignoring the foot, the stone at the foot was taken off with a 'swish' and a larger stone was knocked to the ground. The moment the stone fell to the ground, a movement that cannot be ignored followed. Come, Thundercloud Zeus wakes up again!"

Squinting to look at Garrott, Zeus, who was originally a pure white thunder cloud, instantly turned black, and the purple thunder condensed in an instant and then blasted towards her brazenly.

"Damn fly, die for me!"

The naive Garrett repeated his old trick of pretending to be a rabbit toy and tried to get away with it, but it completely ignited Zeus's anger, and the manipulator violently thundered down on him.

He cursed in his heart: It doesn't matter if you are stupid, but don't think that everyone in the world is as stupid as you! If it wasn't for your mother's order not to kill people, Master Zeus will definitely let you taste the taste of thunder disaster!

"It's terrible, it's really terrible!!!"

Garrett, who was blown away, repeated Chopper's words with horror written all over his face.


Chopper on the side nodded quickly, he understands this feeling!

"It's really embarrassing." Pedro, who is also a fur tribe, looked at the sky speechlessly, and the two wrote the six words "I don't know this person".

"We have to change again."

Nami is also helpless after successive failures. The Four Emperors are certainly strong, but these two failures are mostly due to the carelessness of their own personnel and have nothing to do with the power of the Four Emperors.

"Let me do it."

This time Pedro stood up with a very serious look in his eyes, as if it was all or nothing.


"Okay, the third contestant has appeared. He is Pedro the Fur Tribe. With animal blood in his body, his physical fitness is much better than ordinary people. The bounty is as high as 382 million!"

"As for whether he can rescue Brooke, I'm personally not optimistic. It's because these people are so stupid! It's all due to luck and an extremely strong background that he can survive until now!"

"Come on, let's see how he performs!"

The commentary paused for a while, and only after Pedro started to act did he continue: "The start was good. After a few ups and downs, I came to Brook's side. These alone are indeed much better than the first two, but can he really rescue Brook?"

"let us wait and see!"

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