One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 482 Explanation (3)

"It can be seen that Pedro shook Brook's body in an attempt to wake him up, but Brook, who was sleeping soundly, ignored his calls. It can be seen that he cherishes this opportunity to share the bed with the Four Emperors very much."

"At this moment, BIGMOM, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly turned over. For Pedro, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He only needs to pull Brook out and put down the substitutes that he made in advance. .”

"However, he who acted decisively at this time froze on the spot and did not take action. However, time waits for no one, and opportunities wait for no one. When Pedro was in a daze, BIGMOM turned around again, and the huge palm just happened to On Pedro!"

"not good!"

Perceiving the danger, Pedro secretly exclaimed, and then hurried away.

"Are you okay?" Nami asked concerned.

"I didn't expect that I would be careless in action." Before he finished speaking, Pedro suddenly discovered something, and his face was full of surprise.

However, Brook, who was originally held by BIGMOM, slid down and out of the opponent's control.

"Is he awake?"

"Looks like she's still asleep."

"But a good opportunity has come, and I have already left from BIGMOM."

The three of Jinbei said one after another.

"Yo Xi, I'll go this time!" Without hesitation, Nami picked up the substitute and rushed to BIGMOM's bedroom.

fourth round;

"Okay, welcome back. The No. 4 contestant named Nami is also Monkey D.'s partner. She serves as a navigator on the Straw Hat Pirates. The latest announced bounty is 66 million Bailey!"

"Let's not talk nonsense, let's appreciate her performance. Readers and friends, I personally think that this time is very likely to succeed. After all, Brooke has escaped from BIGMOM's control, and everyone else has tried it except Jinbe. It worked."

"It can be seen that Nami, who is known as the Little Thieving Cat, quickly came to Brook. Just like Pedro's choice, she didn't take Brook away at the first time, but shook his body first to try to wake him up. Knowing what to do but everyone doing it, maybe I'm stupid."

"Okay, this time the 'Sleeping God' Brook finally woke up, but his eyes were on the substitute behind Nami, a fake skeleton image."

"Monster!!!" Brook exclaimed, frightened by the fake skeleton.

This voice scared Nami to pee, her nose and tears flowed non-stop.

The loud voice finally woke up. BIGMOM glanced at Nami's position, and then muttered, "What's wrong, is it still there?"

Angry, she grabbed Prometheus the sun floating next to her, aimed at Nami and blasted it.

"The situation is not good!"

Jinbe from Mirror World exclaimed, and then rushed into BIGMOM's bedroom to pick up Nami with one hand and Brooke with the other.

"Annoying flies kill me!"

"Fire from the sky!"

Orange flames spewed out instantly, engulfing the entire room in the blink of an eye.

Mirror World Chopper Trio;

Against the backdrop of the fire, the three people's faces were full of tension and apprehension, and they were very worried about Shi Ping's situation.

The next moment, a familiar figure walked through the mirror and came in front of Chopper and the others.

Seeing Jinbei and Nami safe and sound, and Brooke successfully rescued, even Pedro, who has never been happy to talk and smile, can't help but look relaxed.

"Success!" Gallot and Chopper exclaimed even more excitedly.

"Okay, it's so dangerous." Nami, who escaped from danger, sighed for the rest of her life, and even her voice seemed weak.

After recovering, Nami looked at Jinbe and said, "Thank you, Jinbe!"

The gratitude in his eyes was beyond words. If he hadn't made the move just now, he would have been seriously injured even if he survived such an attack by himself.

Jinbe smiled back and said nothing.

"Okay, this wonderful rescue activity ended with the success of Nami and others. I am the commentator of this field, and we will meet again by fate!"

Watching A Mao and A Gou finally leave BIGMOM, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, this acting is really tiring and uncomfortable, even more tiring than a fight!

Looking at the back of the captain leaving, BIGMOM fell into deep thought.

Although he was interrupted from time to time just now, BIGMOM still finished the conversation with the captain, learned some things and was asked to do something at the same time.

After confirming that several people left, BIGMOM took the phone bug beside him and dialed.

Blue blue, blue blue; before the third beep, it was connected.

"Mom, what do you want to order?"

"I want you to keep an eye out for the Straw Hats, especially the Straw Hat himself!"

"If there is a conflict, you must make sure that you can injure them but not kill them, understand!"

The unexpected news made the person on the other end of the phone obviously stunned, but he quickly reacted and replied, "Understood!"

On the other side, where the Red Hair Pirates are stationed.

With the addition of thousands of people, the atmosphere of the resident not only lost the excitement of the past, but also became deserted and depressing.

The former members of the Red Hair Pirates are very curious about the sudden arrival of the Bucky Pirates, and of course they are more vigilant than vigilant.

Because before this, no one thought that their leader, Bucky, was actually a strong man at the same level as their boss, Red Hair!

Even now, they still can't accept this fact, and always feel that they are dreaming.

Little do they know that they are the ones who have such thoughts, everyone in the Bucky Pirates and 99.99% of the people in the world are like this.

I can't believe it, and I can't believe it.

Including Moqi, Alrita and others who have followed Bucky for the longest time also do not believe it.

However, Redhead's attitude towards Bucky and the latest report on the Hive Island in his hand are all proof of Bucky's strength.

People are powerless to refute the facts.

Thinking of this, everyone subconsciously looked into the depths, because at this moment the leaders of the two sides were discussing secretly and the whole meeting lasted for more than half an hour.

Everyone is curious, what are they discussing? What are your plans for the future?

"Shanks, I found what I was looking for; what about you? Did you find what you were looking for?"

Hearing this, Shanks frowned, although he had expected this result, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to find himself.

But when I actually heard it, I was still taken aback.

He knew very well what Bucky had been looking for all this time, and he was even more aware of the value and significance of that thing.

"Can you show me?"

Although she knew it was very abrupt, the redhead couldn't hold back.

"Sorry, you should be clear about your position and mine. I can't show you that thing before you make a decision."

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