Alfre stood up confidently, raised his right hand and beckoned to his bodyguard: "Go."

Seeing him enter and leave the company like an emperor, followed by bodyguards that no one dared to provoke, Yang Guigui's heart was not good.

When will it be the turn of the company for foreign stars to show off their power here?

Although Yang Guigui has been leading the way for Alfre with a smile on his face, his heart has already begun to horn, and his eyes are almost rolling to the sky.

Along the way, the employees greeted Yang Guigui and Alfre cordially, and Alfre's sarcastic smile appeared and his tone was frivolous: "It turns out that the companies in your country like to work overtime so much?"

"Hehe, this is not very free in my country." "

It's not because of you to work overtime!"

Yang Guigui scolded in his heart.

If it weren't for Alfre's deliberate relationship with Yang Nuo, how could the colleagues in the marketing department of the public relations department not get off work so late?

If Alfre hadn't dragged out the shoot today, wouldn't the colleagues in the photography team and the post-production team still haven't eaten yet?

He could only hold on.

"Haha, mainly because there have been a lot of things in the company recently, and everyone is volunteering to work overtime.

"Oh, then the atmosphere of your company is not bad, the company I met before, hehe, as soon as I work overtime, I will shout to sue the boss, it's too funny."

Yang Guigui gritted his teeth so much that he couldn't bear it, and now he only expects Guan Jie to teach this unknown Alfre a good lesson, don't let such a star harm the industry again.

I really don't know what the group of fans and brokerage companies abroad are like, and they have to praise a star like their ancestors.


arrived at the door of Liu Weigang's office, Yang Guigui adjusted his mentality and turned back with a smile: "Please, Alfre, Mr. Liu is waiting for you."

Alfre didn't rush in, but silently took out a small mirror from his pocket, took a serious look at his image, and then threw the mirror to the bodyguard.

"Forgive me, I think Mr. Investor still needs to be neat, hehe, but ......

" But what, he didn't continue, Alfre knocked on the door politely and gentlemanly, and waited until Liu Weigang's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Alfre chuckled at Yang Guigui, slammed him away with his shoulder, and walked into the office.

"You!" Yang

Guigui gritted his teeth angrily, but he couldn't do anything about him, especially after seeing the black bodyguard behind Alfre, he clenched his fists and tightened again: "It's okay, please." Yang

Guigui cursed in his heart, followed Alfre's bodyguard, and also walked into Liu Weigang's office.

As soon as he entered the office, he felt a breath of extreme cold, freezing all over his body!

Alfre, who had just been in high spirits, was like a wooden stake in the doorway, refusing to take another half step inside.

Even the black bodyguard had a clear smell of sweat on his body, and the whole person was like a great enemy.

This may be the most terrifying challenge of his career! There is no one before or since!

Guan Jie sat on the sofa,

his indifferent gaze locked on the blonde man in front of him.

Alfre is about 1.9 meters tall, looks very handsome, and is also a man in the entertainment industry.

He thought that it was the thin and weak Liu Weigang who entered the door, but he was a head taller than him, and his figure was much better than that of him, a polite thirty-year-old middle-aged man.

As for investors, they must also have a fat waist and a round head.

Not at all afraid.


What is this "big mountain" in front of you? What is it??

Arnold Schwarzenegger

, Dwayne Johnson

, Jason Momoa,

Sylvester Stallone??

No! None of them are right.

The big black bear

in front of him was a combination of the people in front of him! He exuded majesty and intimidation, making people shudder, Alfre could almost see that Guan Jie's body was fluctuating with qi waves, and there was a dragon and tiger roaring in his eyes!


Alfre was about to faint, his voice was almost suffocated, and a trace of desperate sobbing came out of his throat.

With his height, looking at the man sitting on the sofa, he was almost at eye level, and he couldn't believe how tall he could stand up!

His gaze mechanically moved to Liu Weigang, who was as steady as Mount Tai and had long been accustomed to, and pulled the corners of his stiff mouth.

"Mr. Liu, what does this mean? Is our cooperation coming to an end?" Liu

Weigang listened to the bull's words and smiled: "Alfre, this is the official lawyer, the official Jie, is Yang Nuo's...... Pal.

The corners of Alfre's mouth twitched.

Is Yang Nuo's good friend really just a good friend? Why did this good friend's eyes look like they were going to tear me apart?

He quickly pretended to smile magnificently: "Ah, hahahaha, it turned out to be Ms. Yang's friend, I am her closest partner, Alfre......!

Guan Jie spoke, his voice like rolling thunder, dull knocking on Alfre's heart.

"Jiu Yang

, have you heard of me before......" "Since you have heard of me, why are you so scared?" "

No, no, I haven't heard of Mr. Guan, I just met you for the first time today, I have only been here for a short time, and many cultures are not clear, don't be too surprised hahahaha."

"You speak good in Chinese, but your brain is a little wrong." "

What, what?"

Alfre almost suspected that he had misheard, and Mr. Investor scolded himself for having something wrong with his brain as soon as he met

? What kind of new compliment grammar is this? Or is it some kind of Internet meme?


He should have worked hard to do his homework before he came.

But since he is Mr. Investor, he must be boasting about himself, so why do you want to do it next!

Then use the universal recovery law that fans taught you before you come.

"Haha, you laughed, thank you for the compliment, your vision is so good! This makes me feel honored, I will definitely work harder in the future!"

Guan Jie's gaze finally fell on Alfre's face seriously, frowning and puzzled.

Could it be that this foreigner is really sick in the brain

? He can't hear such obvious swearing? Or is it that the rank is too high and he knows how to hide himself?

Yang Guigui snorted and laughed out in the back, and Liu Weigang's face was unnaturally aside.

The only one in the audience who didn't have any expression was Alfre's black bodyguard.

Hearing Yang Guigui laugh.

Alfre really reacted, Guan Jie was really scolding himself

! Made

! What a drag

! Don't think that being terrifying can scare me!


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