"Mr. Guan, you have gone too far

!" Alfre said solemnly: "I am a cooperative artist of Zhengheng Entertainment! You are insulting me like this! I will not accept your investment!"


The doubts on Guan Jie's face became even heavier, and there was even a trace of sympathy and chagrin in his eyes.

It's too embarrassing for me to treat this kind of person as a rival in love for a moment.

However, what Yang Nuo asked for still had to be done.

This is also the talk of the future when he and her are doing things, and Guan Jie will not let go of such an opportunity.

"Alfre, I have three days for you to clear up all the gossip and rumors with Yang Nuo, and finish all your work in the country and return home. "

With ......

" "If you can't do it in three days, I'll go back to you in person."

Guan Jie slammed up from the sofa and blocked back all the words

Alfre wanted to say! What kind of person is this

? His head is almost next to the ceiling! This is probably three meters tall, right!? This physique looks at least four or five of his own width!Help!!

Alfre's distressed eyes looked at his black bodyguard, who gritted his teeth.

If you take money to do things, you have become a bodyguard, and for the sake of high remuneration, you will be ready to sacrifice for your employer at any time

! Bodyguard! He is a professional

! "Heh!!" The

black bodyguard shouted loudly to give himself courage, and his hands turned into fists and attacked Guanjie

! Bang!

Guan Jie raised his foot and kicked the one-meter-nine man who rushed over to the ground, and rolled on the ground several times like a black ball before hitting the wall and stopping.

Alfre's eyes widened in horror.

He knows what level his bodyguard is, and the boxing runner-up who spent a lot of money to invite was kicked away by Guan Jie without even taking a single shot?

"WTF, what are you ......" Alfre looked at Guan Jie in disbelief, muttering words that he couldn't understand.

"Oh no! I won't fight! Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

the black bodyguard curled up on the ground, he shivered and trembled, and he was dazed with fear, and the words he uttered were the screams of people who poked their hearts when they were in the throes of sorrow!

Alfre's panic immediately rose to his throat, and his heart was like a panicked rabbit, beating up and down.

"This Mr. Investor! I promise you! Tomorrow! I will issue an official statement early tomorrow morning! Give Ms. Yang Nuo a clean

slate!" "I hope you don't remember the villain, I will definitely work hard!" Guan

Jie glanced at Alfre lightly, how can this star, who doesn't understand Chinese much, get so much salary?

How many firefighters and police officers in China have ...... to defend the people with their lives

How many doctors who are fighting on the front line ......

How many scientists who have dedicated their lives to their careers are not paid one-tenth of the salary of these stars!

"I hope I won't see you again next time."

After Guan Jie left such a sentence, he left Liu Weigang's office.

Alfre's whole heart palpitated and stood in place, and his image was completely gone, and he raised his voice and questioned Liu Weigang.

"Mr. Liu!?I need an explanation, why Zhengheng Entertainment would allow a thug to intimidate his partner!?"

"I can sue him in my name!"

"Ah, Alfre. Liu Weigang finally raised his eyebrows with the momentum of Guan Jie: "Our country is not guilty of intimidation, this statement is not true, we have all seen it, the official lawyer has not done anything to you?

?" "Didn't do anything!?"

Alfre angrily pointed to the black bodyguard who was still holding his head and shrunk on the ground, his heart broken.

"Is this called not doing anything? He attacked my bodyguard!" "

That ......"

Yang Guigui said weakly behind him, he smiled hey, and pointed to the surveillance in Liu Weigang's office.

"We've all seen it, it's Alfre, your bodyguard, the official lawyer who attacked first......" "The official

lawyer is a lawyer, how could he do such a thing that is not good for himself?

"He's overdefensive

!" Alfre yelled unconvinced: "What a damn lawyer! I'm going to make him pay!"

Liu Weigang and Yang Guigui glanced at each other, and they both saw the smile in each other's eyes.

"Alright, Alfre, if you don't do what the lawyer says within three days, he may come to visit. "

You threaten me?"

Alfre said angrily.

He didn't dare to be angry with Guan Jie, didn't he dare to be angry with these two people? Treat people like turtle king bastards?

"You will be punished!"

Alfre left his broken Chinese, dragged his bodyguard on the ground and left here, he knew that staying here would definitely not be able to please good fruit to eat.

But who is afraid?

What you want is already in your hands.

What else is there to say about this? No matter how anxious those people are, they can't go abroad to find Yang Nuo, right?

Although they know that their current behavior will have a huge impact on their star career and even their entire life.

But he didn't care.

From the first time he saw Yang Nuo on the Internet, he fell in love with this woman, and after finally winning the opportunity to cooperate with her, this period of contact made him unable to extricate himself from falling in love with Yang Nuo.

It's a sick love.

But Alfre didn't realize it.

He bought off the company behind the bodyguard, as well as the people who spent a lot of money to find on the dark web, to help him separate Yang Nuo from her sisters before he left the country, and successfully captured Yang Nuo.

Now Yang Nuo is under house arrest in his mansion back home.

When I return to my country, I will take it with me.

Who would have known that the country's A-list superstar, the national goddess Yang Nuo, would be in his own home right now? If he hadn't

stared at his paparazzi too much, he would have wanted to go back tonight and enjoy this kind of top person.

"Go back, go back...... It's also a good thing for me to go back. "

The next day.

The news of Alfre's team's refutation of rumors was posted in every corner of the network, which made many fans who were addicted to CP break their defenses instantly! In addition, he turned into a top career critic in the past two days, and filmed his work crazily.

In just two days, everything that was talked about in the cooperation was completed

!"Rub, the CP is gone, it turns out that Alfre is busy with his career?" "Alfre

, the career boss, is the most handsome!

"Is he going back to China...... I can't bear to woo woo. "


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