Orc Tyrant

Chapter 236: Deadly Dawn (6)

17 10th 6:37:19

Dockyards are islands on the harbor, just like the embryonic form of the growing wings of huge arms, there are more than ten docks arranged around the main axis, and this one is the Verian anchor point, the largest and the oldest.

It is also the first place where piles were laid in the entire port, and it is a historical site in Silver Point Bay.

Now this behemoth bears countless docks, supports, dwellings, warehouses and berthing spaces on its shoulders.

The Queen of Sin hit it, burst into light, collided with the dock at an incredible high speed, and annihilated each other.

This heavy cruiser smashed the side clearing the pier, ramming the structure of the huge boom and the mine-laying ship Yahisar that sheltered here.

The 30-meter-long Yahisar was cut into two sections, the ammunition depot suddenly exploded, and the entire ship disappeared in a rapidly expanding mass of heat and light.

The two warehouses next to the clearing dock were burned by the explosion, killing more than a hundred workers and sailors at their fingertips, and completely shattering the structure of the boom, causing it to fall to the right and the destroyer moored inside. As a result, the Busra collided with the Tassoz of the same class.

The hulls of the two battleships suffered catastrophic damage, and the Basra was twisted and deformed like a used shell.

The Verian anchor trembled, and the devastating trajectory of the Queen of Crime set off a series of explosions within it. The residence and warehouse collapsed, the docks collapsed one by one, and the boom was bent and broken, like a bird hit by a hunter.

When the speed slowed down, an unusual cyan flame sprang up from the ship of the Queen of Sin, and the light bloomed. The steel-structured warship was instantly annihilated, and explosion was its only way out.

The Samsu was the first to suffer. Sitting on the pier, it was penetrated by the cyan flame produced by the self-detonation of the Queen of Sin. Its ammunition detonated imploded, twisting the huge warship into a ninety-degree bend. It's like a person with an ankle swayed.

The bow, which was still wrapped by the pier structure, collided with the flying Kolanman, which was undergoing renovations on the nearby pier.

The two warships were crushed and torn apart during the collision, and the hull was torn apart, and the gas inside the ship spewed out from the damage of the hull, and the spray-like air currents were filled with tumbling corpses.

The 150-meter-long Ashalitv Fick is one of the most powerful members of the Imperial fleet and the sister ship of the King. With its huge ammunition depot suffered fatal wounds, this warship suddenly disappear.

The large burning dock structure was thrown into space in a whirl or crashed into the ocean below.

The harbor was hit as a whole, the ropes broke one after another, and the heavy cruiser Meeks broke free of its berth and began to slide backwards from the support, like a weird sailing ceremony.

Its power is turned off. It has no power to stop its movement or stabilize its position. It has no time to activate any powerful enough power. It just slides backwards, like a piece of solid ice falling into the sea from an iceberg.

The moment the Queen of Sin passed away billions of tons of power. The largest remaining fragment was the main artillery part of the Queen of Sin. It flew out like a stray bullet, destroying the destroyer Defense, as if it was in the middle of the forehead. A stone pill in the past, or a marble that smashed glass.

The whole disaster happened within a few seconds, and it made no sound, as if it were just a flash of light in the silent sea.

Observers on nearby ships or on land can only see the dizzying light, like the explosion of a supernova, and the cyan flames that follow it, spreading, surging, and swallowing the sky.

17 10th 6:38:23

A flash of light passed.

Nutans didn't know what it was. Instinct made the identification faster than thinking, and what happened would definitely not be a good thing.

He saw Silas also noticed that the Countess under investigation did not, her consciousness was too slow to understand the flash.

What is she talking about?

Nutans grabbed her and dragged her down. He knew that his armored fingers had broken some of her ribs, but he still had a chance to shelter her with his body.

Above them, a brand new sun is filling the sky above Cusconar.

17 10th 6:38:26

A scorching light burst suddenly, and then the sky above the mouth of the Halic River and the nearby farmland was filled with flames, as if the **** had activated his own lighter.

Shuike dodged subconsciously and was able to conceal his position quickly, although the high heat and gale still had half a minute to arrive.

He has witnessed many violent explosions, but he has never seen such a scale, and even the dense salvo of heavy artillery in front of this scene is nothing but firecrackers in the hands of children.

The morning light was washed into blue gray, the reflection of dawn suddenly elongated, and the hired workers in the farmland raised their heads, shocked and panicked.


An old neighbor asked that he could not construct a more complex language now.

"Holy Father Bless us..."

Shuai Ke muttered to himself.

The linen began to sway.

The Foehn wind slammed into it, as if someone had opened the door of a furnace.

17 10th 6:39:31

The thunder roared.

It is particularly strong for Locke.

"What the **** is this..."

He spoke to the people around him, and vomited the cigarette he was smoking.

Soldier Renn stood in front of him, and in his eyes Renn suddenly became a silhouette, as were the chimneys and houses of the city across the river, all black shapes against the dazzling sky, as if it were something weird. Dawn, or **** flake lightning, but as bright as fork lightning.

Locke didn't know what just happened, but he already felt that it would be the worst experience in his life.

Actually he was wrong.

17th 10th 6:39:32

The sky above Cusconar exploded, and Pegedo and Samuelm stood up and awakened from their rest.

They didn't say anything because there were no facts worth explaining, but they held their weapons in their hands before they waited for orders from their superiors.

It was a high-altitude explosion. There were multiple explosions from the port and the coast, overlapping each other. This was very obvious after a second, because the light began to flicker and fireballs broke out in the fireballs.

"The Empire just lost an entire fleet."

As Peguedo said, walking out of the car, the Scarab Guards had assembled, and they were about to enter the old city on foot.

There they have to perform a difficult task to reach the Purple Palace and join the palace guards.

"That's more than a fleet."

Samuel corrected his statement, and then took out his weapons, sword and pistol from the trunk of the car.

17 10th 6:39:33

"Did you see it?"

Renn shouted.

"Did you see it?"

"I saw it, soldier,"

Locke responded with a roar, otherwise no one would be able to hear who was talking.

Light flickered in the sky west of their camp, as if someone was waving a flare through a gauze curtain. There is also a low growl, a long rumbling sound, which seems to come from the sky, and there is no tendency to stop.

"Let everyone be vigilant!"

Locke yelled, and there was a mess in the camp. Whenever he tried to listen to the howling in the wind, strange noises would neigh in his eardrums.

Is that a scream?

Or is it singing?

"Let everyone prepare for battle!"

He repeated, and then ran to the open space belonging to the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the First Task Force. Locke also had to get the others to act. Something was happening. Since participating in several fierce battles in the western provinces, Locke has never experienced such disturbing intuitions as today.

You must be prepared, no matter what is going on.

A weird wind blew in and the trees began to sway. The wind was dry and warm, like an unknown breath.

"Captain Creed Foster!"

Locke yelled, striding towards the opponent’s camp.

On the plain below the woods, the mobs had already moved. Locke could see them starting to line up, and he could see the logistics personnel accompanying them also starting to prepare for battle.

Very good, very good. Although they look terrible, their training is much better than he expected and the reaction is much faster.

Very good, very good, they are all ready, ready to face all these emergencies, which makes him happy from the bottom of his heart.

17 10th 6:39:34

The sky exploded, and Alex held his crystal sword tightly to his chest, and even his fingers were cut by the blade.

The flesh-and-blood messengers who stepped out of the light stared at the flame storm that swallowed the sky, and began to chant a certain ancient tone.

trust! trust!

Alex wanted to join the chant too, but he was laughing all the time, like a lunatic, laughing uncontrollably.

Chief Supervisor Mark stood in the circle of metal and looked up at the sky.

In the center of this rotating circle, many members of the Holy Meteorite Gate fell to the ground, their bodies smoking lightly or still twitching, and this position has ceased to be a complete reality in the past ten minutes, and the material is squirming. Incessantly, the barriers between the universe became fluid.

There is a strange smell of dreams here, strong but indistinguishable.

The first flash flashed across the southern sky, and Bolt, another Son of Dawn, murmured.

Mark is already looking in that direction.

Flame, light, first light, dawn to some extent.

Mark understands that their plan will achieve a number of clear strategic benefits, but those are military goals, which do not matter to him. For the chief supervisor, thinking is the key—such as the connotation and profound meaning of Liming.

The light in the sky, the violent glare they created on this day, that is the eternal capital of the trust.

In the ancient languages ​​of the past world, the meaning of these words is difficult to accurately translate. They have the meaning of sacrifice, the hope represented by the dawn, and the meaning of unveiling greater things.

A greater sunrise is coming!

On the 7th, I am going to go to CCGEXPO to see what good things there is in the Warhammer zone.

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