Orc Tyrant

Chapter 237: Deadly Dawn (7)

17th 10th 6:39:32

A port worker shouted.

Everyone raised their heads.

The explosion in the sky produced a lot of debris, which fell through the clouds.

The first rain-like metal fragments began to fall into the channel, dragging the flames like a meteor.

The port officer saw the fragments hit the surface of the sea, stirring up steam, while others banged on the roof of the port area.

The heavier and larger fragment detonated the house like a cannonball, and something hit the window of the podium, leaving a crack in the glass.

But the hail-like debris is only the beginning.

Larger objects are falling.

Cyan wreckage, metal wreckage, burning wreckage.

The officer on duty had discovered earlier than those staff members. A giant unidentified object blooming like a flower bone is falling into the atmosphere. Thirteen cantilever arms that are tens of kilometers long are slowly overturning under the cloud-like debris. The mountains are as magnificent as they collapsed.

It burned with a cyan flame, falling towards them and the city.

17 10th 6:39:41

The first object fell to the ground.

It was a piece of wreckage, Shuike didn't know what it was, he didn't care at all, a meteorite, or something else.

It was as big as a house, fell from the burning sky at a forty-five degree angle, it was extremely hot like a meteor, and it crashed to the ground like a rocket attack.

It hit the scouring plain at the other end of the river mouth, and the shock wave knocked them all to the ground, and the flax in the field beside them was torn into pieces like dry grass.

Foehn wind roared, making it difficult for Shuike and other workers to gain a foothold, followed by dust clouds and blizzard-like tiny fragments.

Immediately after the heavy rain fell, the rain was hot and scorching-the river water that had been shaken and evaporated by the impact just now returned to the ground.

A second later, tens of thousands of gallons of water spewed towards them, and the impact caused the river water to escape from the riverbed and turned into a two-meter-high wave that swept across Shuike's field.

"stand up!"

Shuike shouted to his temporary workers.

"Get up and run!"

The waves swallowed him instantly and caught him in the rapids.

He slammed into a fence and immediately grabbed it, choking on the water, first being dragged to one side by the violent turbulence, and then dragged to the other side as the river suddenly receded.

More objects began to fall.

Two huge fragments hit the other side of the river like heavy artillery shells, and the huge fire ball went straight into the sky, and the smaller fragments fell everywhere, like bullets fired by light guns.

They blasted pits on the ground like a grenade exploding, and mud, river water and thin vegetables flew all around.

The howling sound was mixed with the muffled sound of falling to the ground, the earth trembled and the mud splashed, as if he had returned to Kovar Province, back in the war like the last trip to hell.

He felt the old fear coming again, so he prayed to his holy father.

His lungs are full of water. There was a layer of black mud on him, the fertile black alluvial soil.

The thunderous roar was just like the sound of guns on the ridge of Clarkson, like the explosion of a bed sheet swaying in the wind, shock waves shook his diaphragm, causing tremors in the internal organs.

Dear Father, beloved Father, let me live, let me live, I am your servant...

Not shells, not ammunition fired by field guns hiding in the ruins of the fortress.

Not a bullet, no pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

But it's just as bad.

Burning debris is falling on their heads, like pouring rain, each fragment is like a bomb.

"Find cover!"

Shuike shouted instinctively.

Stupid, so stupid, where is the cover here? The sky is falling!

Some of his workers were dead, and he saw a man screaming and twisting in the black mud holding a **** broken arm.

He saw a woman he liked, half of her body exposed from the impact pit of light smoke.

He saw the crushed body of a boy, and another man whose legs were missing was crawling forward.

Just like Clarkson, just like Clarkson, that ridge.

He came to Cusconar to leave that time behind, but it followed like a shadow.

Something burning like a falling star hit a factory on the other side of the river, and the earth was suddenly overturned.

This time, the huge waves in front of me were four meters high and felt like a concrete wall.

17 10th 6:39:41

The countess awoke, and she looked at Nutans as if the other party had attacked her.

There was a scratch on her side face, she covered her torso with her hands, and the fracture of the rib made her face twisted with pain.

"What did you do and what?"

The countess asked tremblingly, she was still confused.

"Hear me out……"

Nutans responded in a low voice. He knelt in front of her, even so much taller than her.

"Count, listen to me, we need to find a medical staff for you, and then..."

"Why did you hurt me? You hurt me!"

"Count, you must listen to me, just now..."

What happened just now? What should he say to her?

He hugged her into a relatively safe underground passage. The floor tiles were cold, but they could feel the temperature of the flames on the ground, and the bluish-gray pulsating light slanted into the passage.

"what happens?"

She asked, and she gradually realized the weird situation.

Silas escorted some of her guards and servants over. They were shocked and bloodstained. One of them was seriously injured.

"I can't reach the Purple Palace and the Doghouse (Codename of the Secret Guard Headquarters)."

Silas told Nutans and shook the communicator in his hand.

"All scrapped."

Nutans nodded. What they need urgently at the moment is information, and information will bring victory. For this reason, they need to quickly contact other secret guards or other people who understand the situation.

Suddenly, Nutans heard a noise, the concrete under his feet began to tremble, and he strode to the entrance of the underground passage.

The bright sky is a bluish-gray blazing storm, scorching indigo fireballs and pillars dotted with lightning, and massive thunderclouds.

The burning debris fell everywhere, as if they were in a meteor shower.

The city fell into chaos.

Some areas, especially taller towers and new buildings, have been damaged by shock waves and debris rain.

Heat waves and high pressure overturned street lights, billboards, green plants, and marble statues to the ground. Thick black plumes of smoke rose into the sky from broken coal storage stations and train stations, smearing silt marks in the sky.

Many freight trains were overturned by the shock wave, including two armored trains, where they overturned and ignited a raging fire, and the crowd fled in all directions.

Nutans saw first-aiders and firefighters who were at a loss. He also saw the dead bodies on the ground, men, women, elders, young children...

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