Chapter 269

Put shrimp, crab, sea snails, and a fat double-headed abalone all in the steamer. Use the steaming hot water to slowly steam these seafood to preserve the purest umami taste of the seafood.

At this time, you can start to make the sauce needed by the seafood giants at the same time.

Heat up the pan and heat the oil.

Add a large section of green onion, ginger, and garlic until fragrant.

Add star anise, cinnamon, fragrance, dried chili and other spices to make the sauce more intense.

After that, I added the butter hot pot base material brought from Eatontown.

After stirring for a while, the aroma substances in the various seasonings were soaked in the hot oil. At this time, pour some ale.

The alcoholic substances in the wine can further bring out the aroma of spices and make the taste of the juice more mellow.

A pot of red oil sauce is boiled, boiled and bubbling, and then poured in soy sauce, sprinkled with a handful of white sesame seeds, the thick and mellow aroma, overflowing with the heat.

At this time, the seafood steamed in the other pot is almost cooked.

Lifting the lid of the pot, the hot steam was surging upwards, and the small recessed area where Donne was, was suddenly filled with the sweet and fresh fragrance of seafood.

Began to set the plate.

First turn [Ruyi Scepter] into an oversized square iron plate.

Spread some cooked greens on the side.

Place the largest lobster and swimming crab in the middle, and then surround a circle of scallops.

Then there are sea cucumbers, double-headed abalones, pipi prawns and tiger prawns, as well as red snails, snails, and snails that are larger than pigeon eggs.

Wherever there is any space on the iron plate, place it until it is full of fresh seafood.

Next, it’s the turn of the garlic paste made previously, and thickly spread the aromatic garlic on the surface of all kinds of seafood.

At this time, take a large pot of spicy soup that has just been cooked and pour it over the entire plate of seafood.

The hot red soup is poured on the steamed seafood. The rich flavor of the spice soup, the garlic aroma of garlic, and the fresh and sweet flavor of seafood are mixed together. With the heat ascending, people smell it. Mind rippling.

A big seafood with a rich taste and full portion, complete!

Dorn took a deep breath of the scent of garlic seafood and nodded contentedly.

Afterwards, he divided the big seafood in the iron plate into two.

The dragon lady in the story world is very understanding, and can’t wait to transfer half of it.

And the remaining half is Don’s dinner tonight.

“It’s also the first time I have made such a large seafood celebrity, it looks like it can be eaten very well. If it is sold in a restaurant on the earth, it would not be justified not to sell 8888.”

Dorn didn’t delay his effort, he meditated like this in his heart, and then sat down on the table and chair where Long Niang moved from the story world to the real world, picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of scallop.

The quality of the scallops that Longniang retrieved was very good, they were big, and the scallops were all pretty good-looking. After washing them, they had a crystal clear texture.

“No matter whether scallops or oysters, you probably never think that their shells will become natural containers for people to eat them. However, they do grow very convenient to eat.”

Dorn held this scallop and looked at it.

This jade-like shell is filled with large pieces of white and yellow scallop meat, and the surface is full of minced garlic soaked in the soup.

Nothing to say about this appearance!

A whole piece of scallop meat is stuffed directly into the mouth.

The first thing I tasted is the outer layer, full of soup and garlic flavor.

Fresh, spicy, sweet and fragrant, the beautiful flavors with rich layers are mixed together, like a storm, shocking the taste buds!

Every time you chew, the soup soaked in the scallop meat mixed with the seafood gravy will burst out with it, which is fresh and sweet!

Next, eat a piece of snail.

Don’t have an appetizer for all the conch shells, so he can’t talk about it when he eats it. Instead, he has to pick it out with a lottery.

The meat of the snails picked from the size of a pigeon egg is very full. After removing the viscera, it is re-dipped in some hot broth and minced garlic.

Conch meat is also fresh and sweet.

And compared to scallops, the snail meat has a tougher texture and is very chewy.

Every time you chew, you will feel that the snail meat is clearly springing in your mouth, fresh and crisp, and mixed with the flavor of broth and minced garlic, it is directly refreshing!

Remove another crab leg and dip it with plump soup and garlic.

The meat of the swimming crab is thin and tender, and it can be melted with a light squeeze in the mouth.

And the taste of this leg meat is very thin, so the soup is soaked in very thoroughly, chewing lips and teeth leaving a fragrance.


After eating a few more seafood, Dorn let out a sigh of relief.

This kind of “high seafood freedom”, where you can eat any kind of seafood you want, and each type of seafood can be chewed, even if Dorn is used to eating a variety of high-end dishes, it is straightforward and enjoyable.

“Alice, please send me a large draught beer.”

He loosened the first button of his shirt to dissipate heat, and put his other hand on “Alice’s Bedtime Book” as he said.

The [draft beer] mentioned by Donne is an ale that he tried to brew himself and is very similar to the earth’s draft beer.

In Otherworld, the miracle land, the brewing process of ale is still relatively rough, and real beer has not yet come out.

However, as a visitor to Otherworld, he has a lot of cooking blessings. In many of his catering skills, Dorn can try to achieve advanced sneak runs.

Draft beer is also one of his attempts.

After a long time, Dorn tried to brew various condiments in the basement of the Wishing Restaurant, and it was also successful.

The brewing of drinking wine is actually a matter of time.

After returning from Golden Oak City, starting with “Alice’s Bedtime Readings”, a convenient warehouse and refrigerator, and with the diligent assistance of [Time of Chaos], Donne tried to make wine.

The so-called draft beer is used to refer to beer that has not been pasteurized.

Because it retains a part of the nutrient-rich yeast in the wine, it tastes more delicious than ordinary cooked beer.

However, there is a price for not going through rigorous sterilization steps.

Although draft beer tastes good, it is very difficult to store, and it will taste bad after being left at room temperature. It must be stored at 0 to 5 degrees Celsius and refrigerated to maintain the flavor for a period of time.

But because of the existence of “Alice’s Bedtime Reading”, this problem can be solved easily.

At present, Dorn has only made preliminary explorations on the brewing of wines, so all kinds of wines have not been brewed too much.

When he tries several more experimental brewing in the future and sums up a set of brewing experience, he will try to import his own brewing products to own restaurant.

But now, like the final product with good results, only two barrels of draft beer have been made, all of which are kept by Dragon Mother.

As Dorn initiated a request with “Alice’s Bedtime Reading” in hand, a large glass was sketched out of thin air on the dining table.

What’s inside is a transparent golden-yellow, rich and delicate draft beer on the upper layer of foam.

The surface of the thick-walled glass, with small drops of water and a hint of coolness, was obviously just taken out of the cold wine cellar where the draft beer was stored.

“Sure enough, I still have to drink cold beer in summer.” Dorn reached out and grabbed the cold glass.

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