Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 704: Yogg-Saron the Furious

Apart from the Titans, Brocks may be the only one who has seen the full body of Yogg-Saron.

After jumping into the cave made by the tentacles, Brocks saw an extremely huge monster.

There are countless tentacles on the body of the ellipsoid, and countless mouths, which are constantly opening and closing and talking.

Yogg-Saron has no eyes, but Brocks believes that he saw himself when he first entered the cave.

Because the movements of these mouths suddenly stopped for a moment, but after an instant, these mouths quickly squeezed on the same surface and began to talk to him non-stop.

Brocks had a splitting headache.

At this time, Yogg-Saron's mental impact on Brocks far exceeded that spiritual barrier. At this moment, Brocks felt a blank in his mind.

Although still holding the battle axe tightly, Brocks remained motionless.

It's like a vegetative person who has lost consciousness.

Yogg-Saron was very satisfied with the success of his mental attack.

Great, that's it!

As the "spore" of the Void Lord, the spiritual pollution of the ancient gods is very disgusting to the Titans. How can a mere mortal resist?

However, the guy in front of him is courageous and a good material for transformation.

Yogg-Saron stretched out his tentacles, and he wanted to transform Brocks. In his opinion, although this mortal was still a bit weak, he was also much stronger than Loken and his cousins. With transformation and brainwashing, you can become the most powerful general of the faceless under your men!

You know, besides Yogg-Saron's use of part of his body, the way to create the Faceless is also possible to infect other creatures!

However, to Yogg-Saron's surprise, when his tentacles were about to roll to Brocks, Brocks subconsciously fought back.

Although the old orc's hands had begun to tremble slightly, his movements were still swift, and Yogg-Saron's tentacles were hit by an axe in two sections and fell on the ground into a puddle of unidentified gray liquid.


The combat power of this warrior exceeded the expectations of the ancient gods. After all, Yogg-Saron was still in the seal, unable to exert his full power, and it was really difficult to catch Brox.

Since you can't catch it, then change it!

Yogg-Saron decided to use mental shock to forcibly assimilate Brocks, and through this method to forcibly disintegrate Brocks' defenses.


Brocks woke up and found himself sleeping in the Warsong camp in Nagrand, with Varok snoring beside him.

All the past seems to be just a dream.

He looked at himself and found that he was back in his prime of life.

Ner'zhul still called a clan assembly, saying that draenei was a great threat.

The orcs once again faced the choice to drink the blood of the devil-but the difference was that Grommash Hellscream rejected Gul'dan under the persuasion of Brocks, and then declared war on the demon master behind Gul'dan. Up.

The Warsong clan has received support from a large number of other clans. Warsong, Frostwolf, Blood Ring, Black Stone, Shattered Hand, Laughing Skull, and Shadowmoon have united and launched a earth-shattering battle with the demons.

Even later, arakkoa, draenei, ogres and even Goron also joined the tribe, fighting together in the Tanaan jungle where the devil descended.

Brocks was able to overcome all obstacles and lead the way-he even got the blessing of the draenei prophet named Velen and became a paladin who mastered the power of the light (you read it right, orc paladin!).

In a battle, Grommash died unfortunately and handed the chieftain of the Warsong clan to Brocks. At this time, with the help of Gul'dan, Sargeras came to Delano.

No one can stop the Lord of the Burning Legion.

As Sargeras waved, the earth shattered, the sky tore, the sea water evaporated, and Naaru's brilliance went out one after another.

At the critical moment, Draenor's will awakened.

According to Velen, the light and shadow are twins, and Draenor is the world of shadows-after the light is broken, only the shadows can save Draenor and save the orcs.

Following Velen's words and under the guidance of the elements, Brox returned to the place where he was born, and there was a heart of Draenor underground.

The elemental spirit said that as long as you pray for the help of the Heart of Draenor, the Horde will have the opportunity to defeat the demons and defend the world!

Brocks saw the Heart of Draenor, and the Heart of Draenor promised in his ears that as long as he believed in himself, he would gain endless power.

"I need your most pious belief--and you will have infinite power."

"This is the power that Sargeras would tremble for!"

Thinking of the difficulties of the tribe now, Brocks almost wanted to bow down and bow.

Although I don't know what the Heart of Draenor is, this may be the orcs' last chance.

In the dark cave, Brocks did not move.

"Orc, are you still willing to accept my power?" Draenor's heart is urging, "Think about your family, think about your clan, this is your only chance!"

"So." Brox frowned. "What's the price?"

"Faith!" Heart of Draenor replied categorically, "Faith in the shadows!"

"what does this mean?"

"It means you must obey my will."

"I reject!"

A wooden battle axe appeared out of thin air in Blox's hand, and then slashed at the "heart of Draenor" fiercely.

The next moment Everything in front of Brocks was shattered, and he shattered his dream.

Yogg-Saron had no idea that his trick would fail. In order to confuse Brocks, he spent a lot of money, and even tried to bring Brocks to a different timeline, but he did not expect that Brocks His will is so firm!

Although he forcibly broke through the dream of the ancient gods, at this time, Brocks finally burned out, blood began to flow out of the corners of his eyes, and his mouth was full of sweetness.

"Bah!" Brocks spit out red blood, "I have no invincible strength, but my will is as strong as steel!"

Taking advantage of the short stiffness of Yogg-Saron's mental shock failure, Brocks launched the final charge.

The wooden battle axe slashed hard beside Yogg-Saron’s largest mouth. The enchantment of Drunken Wind caused great damage to the ancient god. His own spirit was even shaken, and all his tentacles were painful. The ground curled up-after getting rid of Brocks, Yogg-Saron finally lost control of everything in Ulduar.

At the same time, the already stiff Brocks finally released the handle of the battle axe.

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