Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 705: Decisive Battle on the Pinnacle of Ulduar

When Zuifeng saw that most of Yogg-Saron's huge body had squeezed out the seal and broke through the ground, his eyes widened in surprise.

How could this be!

"Be careful..." Algalon's tone was indescribably weak. "He seems to have used some method to swallow a part of my power, thereby breaking a part of the seal."

Drunk Feng nodded, this can be seen without Algalon's words, after all, the observer's current state is indeed not very good.

Also in poor condition are Malygos and Alexstrasza-when these two dragon kings first came in, Drunk Wind felt that something was wrong-why not in the form of a giant dragon?

Sure enough, after Algalon said this, Malygos and Alexstrasza also smiled bitterly.

"Part of our strength has also been swallowed."


No wonder the two of them are full of kidney problems. People who don’t know think that a purple dragon will be born...

What about Khadgar?

Drunk Feng turned his head and looked at the current Guardian of Tirisfal, Khadgar was also tired now.

"I'm fine." Khadgar twisted his neck slightly. "Part of his power has been affected, and the fight is still okay."

Just when Zuifeng understood everyone's state, it was time for Mimiron to self-destruct.

Just to deal with the drunk wind, Mimiron activated the Fire King Kong mode, overload attack, and self-destruct after ten minutes!

Now, exactly ten minutes, it was time for Mimiron to destroy himself.

A small mechanical dwarf was sitting on the ejection device and ejected the human-shaped ultimate machine. All the red lights on the whole machine were lit, and then rushed towards Yogg-Saron.

In a loud noise, Mimiron's ultimate weapon exploded - at the same time, Yoggsaron's tentacles quickly dried up.

Mimiron, who was sitting on the ejection device, happened to fall by Freya's side, and was fainted by the violent shock.

Mimiron has completed his mission!

In other words, the current battle is in charge of Drunk Wind, Zul (half disabled state), Khadgar (half disabled state), Jaina and Muradin.

Others such as Torim, Hodir, Alexstrasza, and Malygos are currently in a state of decapitation, unable to fight at all.

Don't persuade!

Drunk Wind smiled slightly.

Isn't it still five people!

And Yogg-Saron has lost most of his hole cards and can only fight alone!

Unfortunately, the next second, Zuifeng's smile froze.

Yogg-Saron recovered from Mimiron's self-destructing explosion, and then quickly began to call out loudly.

"Servant of the ancient gods, creation of the **** of death, wake up and crush the enemies in front of you!"

Following the call of Yogg-Saron, large swaths of steel creations and faceless men quickly poured into this hall.

"Mortal, I admit that you did what I did not expect, but it is me who wins in the end." Surrounded by his servants, Yogg-Saron seemed confident, "The **** of dreams is unstoppable, you will eventually Be a part of me!"

"When did you have this hobby of absorbing the essence of others?" In order to fight for the final respite, Drunk Wind began to fight with Yogg-Saron. "Isn't this the characteristic of N'Zoth?"

"It's useless to talk more, mortal." Yogg-Saron didn't buy it at all. "The ancient gods were originally from the same source, and this kind of inferior language can only communicate with C'Thun's idiot with incomplete brain Now, in front of the Thousand Maw Demon and the God of Death, you will eventually sleep forever!"

Before Yogg-Saron's words came to an end, Drunk Wind had already held the wind sword horizontally and bullied himself-"The mage is covering me!"

Jaina and Khadgar joined hands in a violent snowstorm. The Iron Creation and the Faceless were stopped by the storm. Occasionally, one or two slippery fish were also stopped by Muradin and Zul.

Although Zul's shadow spell is ineffective against Yogg-Saron, it is more than enough to deal with the minions of these ancient gods!

Zuifeng and Yogg-Saron, one-on-one!


The battle with Yogg-Saron, Drunk Wind has been simulated countless times.

But no matter how he simulates, the winner is not himself.

Yes, in the prediction of Drunk Wind, it is difficult for him to beat Yogg-Saron.

Even though Yogg-Saron seems to be embarrassed now, Mimiron and Brocks gave him a very heavy blow, but after all, the ancient gods have a solid foundation-isn't Drunk Wind also fighting for a long time!

The energy reserves of two people are half a catty!

Before Drunk Wind, the strongest enemy he could face without resorting to external force was Al'Akir.

Although Al'akir is one of the Four Element Lords, he is the weakest...

Although the strength of Drunk Wind has grown after the battle against Al'Akir, it is still incapable of facing an ancient god.

But the drunk wind cannot retreat.

If the drunken wind retreats now, Yogg-Saron will break the seal and descend on Azeroth!

Only now, taking advantage of Yogg-Saron's strength not fully recovered, and forcibly defeating Yogg-Saron, can there be a trace of life.

As for whether it will completely pollute Northrend like when Y'Shaarj died...

Drunk wind has no time to deal with it!

The big deal is that the Dragon Legion will stay in Northrend to deal with the pollution after the cataclysm!

Facing the assault of Drunk Wind, Yogg-Saron stood ready.

After such a long time, he had discovered that the core point among these people was the Pandaren in front of him.

So Yogg-Saron blocked it layer by layer, and the overwhelming tentacles shrouded directly toward the drunk wind.

Zuifeng showed his amazing ability to react.

After a sip of courageous wine enters the throat, the drunk wind will wake up directly, and the whole person's reaction ability is simply amazing-no matter how fast the running speed, no matter how sudden the tentacles under the ground wind It can always react in time, and then cut it off with the wind sword in his hand.

"Yug-Saron, do you have a leg with N'Zoth?! Why do you have so many tentacles?!"

"A mortal with a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth, I hope you can talk so much in the face of death!"

Shadow Impact!

Thanks to Zul's help, now the hall is filled with shadows, and Yogg-Saron's spells are extremely powerful.

"Spelling Magic!"

Now is not the time to evade the edge. Several other people can't stop the creation of those ancient gods for too long. Drunk Wind has simply activated the magic dispersal skill and resisted the attack of Yogg-Saron!

The power of the corrosive shadow corroded the Shado-Pan armor on Drunk Wind's body to pieces, but after all he failed to break through the defenses, Drunk Wind was wrapped in Zhen Qi and rushed forward in front of Yogg-Saron. Then, at the nearest big mouth, he stabbed with a sword.


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