Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 726: Widows of Mogu

The Mogushan Palace is not difficult to find—just below the lorewalker’s seat of the Tao, the building that looks gorgeous but feels lifeless when approached.

As the Golden Lotus guards said, in the Mogushan Palace, there are some poor Mogu elders. On the one hand, they know that the times have changed and the rule of the Mogu has fallen apart; But stubbornly holding the glory of the past, he refused to let go, still fighting for power on his own one-third of acre.

This is a group of really poor and pathetic people.


To Nomi's expectation, no one here had a handle and pushed open the dusty gate. In a squeak, the five of Nomi entered the Mogushan Palace.

"Wow, this is unbelievable!" Razzell, who was walking at the end, let out a surprised cry, "I bet the owner here is definitely rich!"

Nomi's face is also uncontrollable admiration.

Without him, it is because after passing through the gate, this Mogu palace is too spectacular.

Regardless of the tattered gate of the palace, it was full of dust and spider webs, but after entering the palace, Nomi found that the palace built on the hill was so majestic!

The big red palace walls and pillars give people a feeling of domineering and domineering, and the brilliant gilt outlines all kinds of wonderful lines on the cyan floor tiles.

Above the dome, the flying murals are lifelike. In the center of each wall, there is a sculpture of General Mogu. They each hold huge weapons, eyebrows and eyes, majestic and majestic.

The only discordant thing is that the things here look too old.

There was dust everywhere, and mushrooms grew in the corners.

Valera cautiously walked in the forefront, carefully paying attention to each tile.

Obviously, Mogu's trap must be completely different from what she usually touches. In this case, she has to be cautious and cautious.

Along the way, Valera's expectations were exceeded, and there were no traps.

After bypassing a shadow wall and came to another hall, Valera did not find any traces of traps.

It seems that the Mogu tribe is not even wary.


After entering the next hall, the five people finally saw the living mogu.


Kuuai is the leader of the Gelsan clan.

He led the Gelsan clan and Quilen’s companions who have lived in the Mogushan Palace for countless years—the sun and the moon are not visible here, and the reversal and fleshy Kuuai cannot feel the time, he only knows Under the leadership of a pandaman named Kang, the bold Pandamen, Jinyumen, Hohens, Land Spirits, and Buffalo people launched a rebellion and defeated the descendants of Thor and the last emperor of Mogu, Laofei.

Facing the pandamen's frontline, Kuuai decisively led and followed Theon and moved to this palace.

Kuuai didn't know that Kang was not the same as the prison in the final battle, but the Mogu hiding in the Mogushan Palace knew that it seemed that the Pandaren had forgotten here.

During the long years, Kuwuai selectively forgot many unpleasant experiences-for example, when he followed Theon to guard the gilt pavilion, he retreated without fighting against the pandas.

On the contrary, Kuuai also hopes to find some way to show his courage.

So, he gave himself a resounding nickname-Kuwuai, the best third army!

Under the threat of Kuwuai's fist and his pet Quilin Musimba, the entire Geersang clan recognized this title.

And Kuuai himself is often triumphant because of this nickname-I am the third best Kuuai! The strongest fighter under Theon!

It's not that Kuuai never thought of rushing out of Mogu'shan Palace, but his master, Theon, the weapon master who claims to be the King of Mogu, never allowed it.

Theon is the master of Kuwuai and the strongest in this Mogushan palace. He can manipulate all the weapons in this palace. No one can defeat him in this palace.

Kuuai didn't know why Theon never raised the matter, but as the master's most loyal subordinate, Kuuai also wisely followed the master's will.

However, not all mogu are not as loyal as Kuuai.

There are always people who think they are smart and try things that shouldn't be tried-such as rebellion.

In the Mogushan Palace, Weapon Master Theon has three clans. In addition to the Geersang clan and the Kelgesi clan, which is the same dogleg, there is also the Hashak clan, the most restless.

Those spellcasters who mastered the power of the wind and thunder have been obsessed with counterattack. The previous generation of Hashak leaders even planned an assassination of Theon-of course, this assassination was easily crushed by Theon.

But after smashing the assassination, out of balance considerations, Theon did not expand the matter to the entire Hazak clan, but only killed the first evil-what a kind master, although kindness has never been for Mogu. It's not a compliment.

Because they have quilin partners (well, the Mogu can keep the quilin in a state of half flesh and blood, and don’t need to eat at all, so it’s hardly a breeding), Kuwuai and his Geersang clan live in Mogushan On the outermost layer of the palace, he had also worried that he would suffer the most from meeting the enemy, but this fear has never been realized.

until today.

When his subordinates rushed to report that two Pandaren and three guys who didn't know their race had suddenly entered the Mogushan Palace, Kuuai was really surprised.

Oh my god, there are enemies? !

Is the Pandaren going to attack Mogushan Palace? !

How to do?

Although there seem to be only five enemies, Kuuai believes that these are definitely just scouts!

No, I can’t let myself face these enemies! In that case, our Geersang clan will be weakened, and the king will favor the other two clans!

Kuuai's first reaction was not to destroy the invaders, but to preserve his strength and drag the other two clans into the water.

So, he rolled his eyes and thought about it.

"Come here, tell the other two clans to hold a meeting in the Crimson Chamber. We need to discuss how to deal with the invaders!"

"Of course, a large number of scouts must be dispatched at the same time, and we also need to figure out which **** brought this group of intruders!"

Following the back of the scout accepting orders to leave in a hurry, Kuuai smiled.

Who said the Geersang clan has no brains?

As a result, the Nomi five saw a group of mogu with their heads shrunk and looked at themselves carefully from a distance.

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