Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 727: Mogu inside fighting

To be honest, many people did not think that losing Thor was a terrible thing for the entire Mogu Empire.

Although the tyrannical Thor is cruel enough internally and externally, it is undeniable that he is indeed a "great" monarch for Mogu.

Without Thor, there would be no establishment of the Mogu Empire.

After the loss of Thor, the Mogu will no longer return to their former glory. They are still enslaving other creatures, but without ambition, they can only go downhill.

And the Pandaren uprising interrupted the last backbone of the Mogu. Those Mogu who were loyal to Thor were killed in battle. Except for some humiliated guys who survived, most of them were cowards.

When a race that relies on violence to maintain its rule, when the courage to fight is lost, what is left of them?

The answer is fear.

That's right, after losing Thor, Mogu has always been in fear-on the one hand, fear of the same kind, fear of being swallowed by the Mogu warlord; on the other hand, fear of alien races, fear of slave resistance.

Just like Kang saw through, the reason why Mogu was still venting his anger on the slaves was not because they were still strong, but because they only dared to get angry with the slaves.

When Thor was still there, the mantid did not dare to take the battle lightly even in a hundred years of reincarnation, and after the death of Thor, the mogu could only rely on the spine of the dragon to resist the attack of the mantid.

And what kind of stuff are the three clans and their king weapon master Theon who have been able to make turtles in the Mogushan Palace for so many years?


A large number of Geersang scouts appeared near Nomi. They were fully armed, armed with their own gloves, pulling their quilin, and looking at them from a distance-but no one dared to come forward easily.

Even though there are many people on his side, Nomi has only four thugs and a dead boss...

Looking at the group of mogu shrunken, Nomi really didn't know what expression he should show.

"Lili, you have been a Lorewalker. Isn't Mogu a deadly enemy of the Pandaren?"

"That's right, the uncle of Lorewalker said so."

"But how do I feel that they are not hostile?"

"I feel they are hostile, but they seem to be... scared?"

Nomi took a closer look, and the group of mogu really seemed to be shaking.

Are you sick?

There are so many of you, we are only a few people, what are you shaking!

Originally, Nomi thought it would be a thrilling adventure, but it seemed that it was a little bit different from what he expected.

Forget it, don't care!

Nomi shook his head, and did not think about these mogu at all, but continued to march towards the depths of the palace.

Nomi would not understand that the Mogu mentality of fighting for power in the palace for countless years, they would not do anything that would lose the strength of the clan-even against the invaders.


At the same time, in the conference hall of this palace, Geersan, Hazak, and Mogu of the Kelgesi clan gathered together to start a big discussion about the invaders.

"Champion of the Armed Forces" Kuwuai raised the metal forged glove in his hand, stroked the quilin by his side, and spoke first.

"Hasak or Kelgexi? Let's talk about it, who colluded with the Pandaren? Now admit it, I can still spare you for the sake of working together for many years!"

Kuwuai's skillful throwing speech made the leader of the Hasak clan "Ghost Muse Mingguzi" and the leader of the Kelgexi clan "Unstoppable Hayyan" frowned.

Obviously, Kuuai wanted to take the opportunity to tag others as colluding with outsiders!

How could they admit this kind of thing!

Don't say that there is no collusion with outsiders, even if it is collusion, it is impossible to admit it like this!

"Only the humble Geersang clan can blame others for their failures! It's obviously that you invaded when you were on guard, and now you still want to shirk responsibility?!" A breeze gathered in Ming Guzi's hands," Your clan is most frantic, you must have taken the initiative to let them in!"

"The Hashake clan is right!" Haiyan also looked at Kuwuai with a ugly expression. "You are the biggest traitors!"

"Asshole, you obviously did it!"

"Shut up, this is your conspiracy!"



The big clans began to mock each other, gesticulating, obviously not even seeing the enemy, but they all looked through everything, desperately splashing dirty water on the victim.

Everyone has tacitly ignored the problems that may be caused by delays here now, resisting the tasks and responsibilities of foreign enemies, and pushing to whomever can be pushed, thankless!

This group of guys are as timid as a mouse when facing the Pandaren, but they are very skilled in fighting inside...


Just as the three clans were arguing, the door of the hall suddenly opened, and the weapon master Theon walked out.

"Trash, you vowed to be loyal to the surface, but even these inferior races that broke into my palace can't deal with it! Make up for it and eliminate these invaders! Whoever can make the first contribution will win my favor!"

After speaking, Theon lifted his cloak, turned back to his bedroom, and closed the door again.

The venue finally became quiet.

The reason for not wanting to conflict with Pandaren is to preserve the strength of his clan.

But if Theon releases this, then the strategy may need to be changed-after all, no matter what, there are only five enemies!

As long as the favor of Theon, even with some sacrifices, it is totally worth it!

You know, in the hearts of these mogu, Theon is the king with supreme incompetence!

With this in mind, the mentality of the three leaders changed again.

At this moment the five Normi ​​finally passed through the front hall and came to the meeting hall.

"The other clans are useless!" Seeing the appearance of Nomi and others, Kuuai strode out. "The Geersang clan will prove to the king and other liars like you that we are the king's most loyal. Guard!"

Mingguzi and Haiyan took a step slower to react, and couldn't help but slam their feet on the chest-it's over, the first effort was taken away by the **** Kuwuai!

Holding his quilin, Kuwuai squinted slightly and looked at Nomi and others.

"Intruder, come on, let's go together!"

Nomi is really confused. Why did Mogu, who was dying just now, suddenly become tough?

Also put on a 1v5 look? Are all mogu insane?

But this didn't delay Nomi's direct shot, rolling close to Kuuai, and then it was a set of angry thunder.

No matter what your tricks are, let's do a set first!

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