Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 759: Pandaria's contradiction

Jinyu and Hohen-the conflict between these two Pandaria races has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

The matter should start with Thor's conquest at that time.

When the Jinyu Empire was at its peak, it was already closely related to Homo.

Although one is a brain-disabled child who is more happy and the other is a neuropathy, it does not hinder the interesting and complementary relationship between the two parties.

This harmony continued until the rise of Thor—the two parties agreed to support each other during the Mogu attack and work together to resist the Mogu offensive.

However, at the last moment when the Jinyu people resisted Thor, the Hohen betrayed them. These so-called allies of the Jinyu people secretly surrendered to the Thor in exchange for the favor of the Mogu-but unfortunately, Mogu did Never keep promises.

Hoho's betrayal eventually led to the Jinyu people's defeat in one fell swoop, and the suspicion between the two races will continue for countless generations.

In all fairness, even if the huskins did not betray, the Jinyu people would not be able to resist Thor's attack, but anyway, the huskins did indeed do very unnatural things.

Originally, the Homo and Jinyu had the opportunity to bridge the gap during the Pandaren uprising. With the intentional cooperation of the Monkey King and the Jinyu prophet, the relationship between the two parties became closer, but unfortunately, the Monkey King suddenly After disappearing, Hoo Hu began to fight each other in a small group situation, and the two sides began to displease each other again...

After losing the Monkey King, Homo hoops resembled a mass of scattered sand and resumed a life of mischief all around, and even part of them became pirates, doing things in the coastal waters of Pandaria.

"Hey, Hairless Monster! I now give you two options. Give me a dozen octopus or mantis shrimp-otherwise, your boat will suddenly leak."

Although Zuifeng later found the Monkey King who was sealed in the jade, tens of thousands of years passed, and the gap between the Homo and Jinyu could no longer make up.

The Jinyu people are cherished by the betrayal of Homo hoops, and they have always looked at the frivolity of Homo hoops.

On the other hand, Homo sapiens also think that Jinyu people are stupid and boring.

However, the only good news is that there are not many opportunities for Homo and Jinyu to come into contact with each other-in addition to fighting in certain places in the Jade Forest, they can barely guarantee harmony in places like mid-levels.

The Jade Forest itself is not the center of the pandamen. Although there are a large number of pandamen living in this area, more of them are Hohen and Jinyu.

For the Alliance and Horde, this is simply fantastic.

Pandaren are a member of the vow, but what if Homo or Jinyu join him?

Doesn't this mean I have the opportunity to reach out for Pandaria!

As long as you can reach out to Pandaria, everything can be done!

I have to say that the ability of the Alliance and the Horde to seize opportunities is good-if the Homo and Jinyu joined the Alliance and the Horde one by one, then things would really be difficult to handle.

At that time, the Jade Forest is bound to be divided into three—one for the alliance, one for the tribe, and one for the oath. After all, the main residents here are the Pandaren, Jinyumen and Hohens.

Don't care how disgusting it looks, but in theory, the Alliance and Horde's intervention is completely fine!

I am accepting a new member, is there a problem?

No, because Jinyu people and Homo are not part of the oath, at least not now.

Then I help my new member guard the territory, is there something wrong with it?

No, because part of the Jade Forest is indeed the territory of the hus, and the other part is indeed the territory of the Jinyu people.

If the Alliance and the Horde gain a foothold in the Jade Forest, the ghost knows what else they will do!

You know, the Jade Forest has a road leading directly to the Krasarang Wilds.

Pandaren do not have much control over the Krasarang Wilds!

Under the full operation of the Kukkaron dark team and MI7, the news about Jinyu, Homo and Jade Forest, and Krasarang Jungle soon came to Thrall and Varian's desk.

Although this will arouse the disgust of the oath, once the consent of the hustle or Jinyu is obtained, the oath can only be disgusted, which is simply not worth mentioning in the face of huge land interests!

What are you thinking about?

Of course, this level of trouble cannot be resolved by Thrall or Varian. The leader who makes a statement seems to have only a certain brain damage...

Zul discussed with Thrall for a long time, and finally informed the news about Pandaria at the high-level meeting of the tribe.

In this regard, the Hellscream father and son were ecstatic, Saurfang father and son thoughtful, Zul'jin rejoiced, and Jindo said to take care of me.

In general, unanimously passed!

As for the alliance, Varian meant not to be too direct.

"Don't worry, those green skins are definitely more anxious than us. As long as they do it first, we can follow up later-after all, we are defending against the orcs and trolls."

It makes sense, but I was speechless!

Moreover, for the Alliance, it is more advantageous that although there will be conflicts with the tribe in Pandaria, it is impossible to really fight, so that there will be no need for a large number of new fiefdoms.



After the Alliance and Horde quickly confirmed the breakthrough, Taylor and Nazgrim were received by the leaders of the camp, and then they were given a brand new mission.

Waiting for the opportunity, seek hustle or Jinyu as allies!

Of course, on the surface, both the Alliance and the Horde have assumed a very friendly appearance, actively investing in the Kun-Laishan Trade Road, and strictly abiding by the Shado-Pan's prohibition, and will never enter the Valley of the Four Winds.

But in fact, a group of ships have quietly landed near the Jade Forest.

Even the Alliance and Horde operations in Northrend have been cancelled for most of Now, everyone's goal is Pandaria!

Ships disguised as free adventurers set off quietly in Zandalar and Kul Tiras. Before leaving, both Nazgrim and Taylor received very similar instructions.

"You have to remember that before everything succeeds, all your actions are private. You are now on a long paid vacation period-in recognition of your hard work in Northrend."

"It's you who can't stay idle, so you organized some people and came to Pandaria with curiosity. Before signing a formal treaty with the local natives, all your actions have nothing to do with the alliance/tribe.

"If you poke a big basket before you succeed, I'm sorry, all the Alliance/Horde can do for you is to take care of your family. I hope you can understand."

Although Nazgrim and Taylor didn't like this sneaky behavior very much, after understanding all the reasons, both of them accepted the task.

"Alliance Dog/Horde Pig, wait and see, Nazgrim/Taylor is here to kick your ass!"

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