Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 760: Everyone started to do things

The Monkey King is very upset recently.

As a honobo who is laughing and joking all day, if the Monkey King feels irritable, then things must be quite troublesome.

A new hairless monster appeared in Pandaria. They came to the Jade Forest on a big, big boat, and then they said they wanted to be friends with Hohen.

Hooters welcome friends—even green-skinned friends without hair, or long-toothed friends who always sweat.

But what makes the Monkey King strange is that these hairless monsters are divided into two parts, one is friendly to hoots, and the other is very close to Jinyu people.

The Monkey King hates Jinyu.

Although these green-skinned hairless monsters and long-toothed hairless monsters said that they were not together with those guys, the Monkey King instinctively felt distrust of these hairless monsters.

What if they are deceiving me?

This is not what worries the Monkey King the most-in fact, honobos don't need friends, they are used to the days of constant expulsion due to excessive pranks.

What the Monkey King was worried about was that the shaman of Pandaria had begun to move around.

As a person who accompanied Shaohao to expel the negative emotions in the last emperor's heart, the Monkey King had quite a deep understanding of the evil spirits.

Although this honobo does not look outright and likes to chant poems indiscriminately, in fact, the Monkey King is the only reliable one among all honobos.

Other honobos are like Uk Ouk. It's okay to ask them to be naughty. Let them do some business. They will show you in minutes!

After the mist dissipated, Shaohao's last spirit also disappeared, and Drunken Wind left Pandaria again. Sometimes the Monkey King felt that he had been out of step with this era.

Ten thousand years ago, an occasional discovery caused a battle between the Monkey King and Mogu’s Sapphire General. As a result, both sides sealed him until Drunk Wind rescued him.

In the vicissitudes of life, the Monkey King has become a being able to ignore the changes of the years-especially after discovering the Timeless Isle, he has a new feeling for time.

Although he hates Jinyu people, the Monkey King never fights Jinyu people. That is meaningless.

The nature of Homo hooves is destined to be difficult to unite unless something happens.

Although the Monkey King has not made a decision regarding the tribe's invitation, the leaders of several large hunger groups, including Ukwuk and Rukruk, have agreed to the conditions of the tribe.

In addition, some mischievous hobby pirates even expressed joyously that they will definitely look good for Jinyu people!

Shaking his head, the Monkey King changed a posture of squatting on the ground, he shrugged his shoulders, and then carried the golden hoop.

"Well, it's time to do some activities, I don't care about Hairless Monsters and Jinyu, but the Sha Demon must never reappear!"

As for joining the tribe?

The Monkey King is not interested!


Nazgrim's mission was done very well—at least he thought so.

As a grassroots representative of the emerging young and strong faction of the tribe, Nazgrim demonstrated a level that is not inferior to those of the second generation of officials-both in terms of combat level and commanding ability.

Moreover, because of Nazgrim's unhurried character, Thrall valued this ordinary orc very seriously.

During this trip to Pandaria, Thrall resisted all the arguments and handed over the task of commander-in-chief to Nazgrim.

On the one hand, it’s because Nazgrim’s level is good, on the other hand, because his reputation is not so loud. If Garrosh is sent, not to mention whether he will mess up, even the surname of Hellscream will be enough The alliance and the oath are vigilant.

Nazgrim didn't feel ashamed of his trust in Thrall.

After landing in the Jade Forest, the tribe quickly established a stronghold and gained the trust of some local hoots-these guys are far easier to talk than they seem, and some food is enough for them to stand on the side of the tribe.

The other Jinyu people have always been hostile to the tribe-the main reason turned out to be the troll...

No way, Zandalar is an ally of Mogu!

Jinyu people hate everything about Mogu. Unlike Hohen, Jinyu people are very tight on historical inheritance. Hohenyu has forgotten about the Mogu and the Troll Alliance, but Jinyu people have not forgotten!

More importantly, Zandalar once invaded Pandaria, and the battlefield was in the Jade Forest.

After learning about this, Nazgrim could only shook his head.

What can I say? Almost 10,000 years have passed since these old past events, but Jinyu people still remember so clearly...

Thus, the goal of the tribe was locked on the hozen.

Good too! These unreliable guys are just an excuse anyway!

The real battle depends on the warriors of the tribe!

Nazgrim believes that he is fully capable of pushing the Alliance Dog + Jinyu.

Can you have a wave of Faqi collaboration in the Jade Forest?


On the other hand, Taylor's journey is also very smooth.

Taylor is now Colonel Taylor-after a series of credits made by Northrend, Taylor was successfully promoted.

Although the ice and snow in Northrend gave Taylor a lot of honor, in all fairness, Taylor still liked this Pandaria operation more.

The reason... of course partly because of the good weather here, besides, being able to wrestle with the tribe is also what Taylor expected.

The failure of Hellfire Fortress will never allow a second time!

For the blessing of the Horde to act faster (no way, the Alliance’s navy departed from Kul Tiras, but the Horde departed directly from Zandalar, closer). When the Alliance appeared, they found their own natural Allies-Jinyu people.

Thanks to the tribe for choosing the unreliable Homo.

In Taylor's view, those bluffing hoosses are totally incomparable with these often thinking Jinyu men-when are the fighters also the opponent of Faye?

The only regret is that Compared with Homo, the number of Jinyu is a bit scarce.

They don't have the frenzied reproductive ability of their distant relatives murlocs.

Moreover, with the further understanding of Jinyu, Taylor saw traces of crocodile on these new allies.

That's right, those crocodile people in Solacha Basin.

While in Northrend, the Sorazar Basin left a deep impression on Taylor. It was rich and beautiful, and even the currents had incredible magical powers.

There, the murlocs have undergone continuous evolution to become a crocodile with their own civilization-the oracle.

And now, in this place called the Jade Forest, these Jinyu people also evolved from the murlocs.

Moreover, according to the Jinyu people, this is not the richest place in Pandaria-"The water of the Jade Forest can never be compared with that of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms."

At this moment, Taylor really looks forward to it.

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