Pet King

Chapter 1712

Zhang Zian’s head is now halfway into chaos, and the work in the store is done on the basis of physical conditions, and the whole person is like a state of tranquillity, and there’s no one at all that looks at the door. He was sure that the door was not a shopkeeper, because if the stores came to the store, the first choice would be to go to the window on the second floor, and they didn’t know when he’d open it.

    Hearing this loud voice that seems to have met, a nerve in his head jumped a little bit, which would bring some attention back to reality.

    The curtain doors gradually escalated, and he looked at the beginning of her leg and couldn’t stop startled.

    The sewage has just returned to the same level as the doorstep, at least without an adult ankle, and some low-lying areas will still have little legs, like Wang Qian Li Kun, all in short pants.

    Too early, together with the overwhelming majority of business units, today they can’t leave work, the streets are empty, there are few people who occasionally drive over two high-plate bikes, and drag water into the streets and roll off bad luck if someone just walks through the neighborhood.

    The girl standing on stage is not wearing cold shoes like Wang Qian Li Kun, but through her knees and shoes, and the problem is that… her socks and shoes are dry and without a little water.

    Even if she came by the car, it wouldn’t be possible to drive the car on the road tooth and drive it to the door. Which one of these is Eldest Young Lady?

    Besides, he didn’t see the car.

    Of course, if the car parked at the door and put her down, and then drove away, and then she took the door, that would make sense, but how did she know he’d open the door so early? If he doesn’t open the door, why don’t she stay on the stage?

    As the curtain doors are high, he sees her clothes, she’s a physically unknown sailor, the same drip is not covered, you know, it’s not clear today, and sometimes dropping a few drops of rain points.

    He immediately remembered the young girl who owed him money in the fog tea building, when she disappeared so well that he and Old Tea and Far thought could not be understood, but then because she couldn’t find her.

    He’s out of line, “Are you here to repay it?”

    pu hahaha! It’s impossible to pay the money back, and the money goes into my pocket and don’t want to come out again! “She smiles.


    curtains were completely up, and he saw her face, and startled.

    “What’s the matter? I have mud on my face that’s not clean?” She used her hand to crush her cheeks.

    Always staring at the face of young girls, Zhang Zian swept his eyes and said, “How can you say that you have some familiarity, like you’ve seen before?”

    pu! Didn’t you see her in the fog tea building? “She said with a smile.

    He corrected Righteous Path: “I didn’t mean that.”

    “Is that how she used to wipe his shoulders?” She said again.

    He’s a little groaning: “Well…”

    On the fog tea floor, he didn’t see her face. It was the first time he saw her today, and what he said was familiar, not that kind of familiarity that once had one side, but… what did he say, like, seeing another shadow from her?

    When the neighbors walk out of the street with the kids, they meet other neighbors, and each other gets cold, like, “Yo, this is your son, this nose is like you!”

    There might be some kind of customer package, but it wouldn’t be completely blind, that’s what it feels like.

    Her five-officer or face looks like a man he knows, but specifically who’s five and who’s like, he can’t remember at all.

    So, maybe he knows her elder.

    “Forget it, don’t talk about it. You said you were here to help…” Zhang Zian changed the subject, did not get too much trouble on the other side, but it didn’t mean anything.

    Since Jiang Feifei intended to study the day-to-day work of the Marine Hotel at San Francisco and to seek some time of internship opportunities, Zhang Zian, given the tightness of his hands in the store, published online information about the recruiters and received a number of telephone calls and applications in recent days, had not been satisfied for the time being.

    He thought she was here for work.

    And her face, gnashing teeth, said, “It’s impossible to work, and I’m angry when I work, I used to help the shop at home, work very much as the shops, pay the shops, buy whatever they want, and I only get a new set of counsellors as an incentive, and I hate not to strangle him.”

    “Then you can bad luck…” Zhang Zian sympathizes with her, “but you’re not here to work, what is that? The store has business today, not outside business.”

    I said, “I’m here to help.” Right, where’s Star Sea? “

    She walked into the store without waiting for him to invite.

    Zhang Zian was another one, not even able to stop her — how did she know the stars? All the names of the Star Sea were storers or acquaintances in the store, and he had never seen her before.

    At this time, the Star Sea came out of the depths of the store, “Wu!”

    “Oh, oh! The stars rise high!”

    She hung up the stars very naturally, pulling it over the top, turning around.


    Zhang Zian was too shocked, and his chin was falling, and even the elves were not so shocked.

    You know, after a year of hard work, he finally barely made it possible for the stars to stop being afraid, and even to touch it with caution, but the unintended junior high school student was so easy to hold the stars?

    He was most shocked by the fact that the stars were held by her hands, and there was no sign of fear, but rather joy, as if she was familiar with her hug.

    “Wait, wait, wait! How can you hug up the stars?” He closed the bars and asked, “The brain is burning.”

    So she misled her head, “Why can’t I hold it? After all, I’m the owner of it.”

    “Ha! Are you its owner?”

    Zhang Zian was no longer able to describe his own feelings at this time, nor was it the landslide.

    “You’re its master… and Shenzhen is a big Laurie?”

    He’s almost going crazy.

    Do you think you’ve crossed everything in the universe into a bloody two-dimensional World? Beyond King Arthur waiting for a famous man, it’s hard to escape even Shenzhen?

    pu haha haha hahaha! Where do you think you are? ”

    She laughed straight down, “Like Mother said, I don’t know how long your brain is going back…”

    Zhang Zian was foolishly watching her laugh, and it was already a mess.

    “Aiya, forget, laugh at my stomach.” She can’t stop laughing. “

    Zhang Zian was conscious, the lights in the house were black, and where did they call?

    This idea just flipped out of his head, and the lights were shining.

    It’s not only light, the refrigerator switches, it starts to be cold, but the radio that is not turned off automatically spreads its voice.

    I’m going alone?

    His mind is even more confused.

    What’s going on? She just seemed to know she was calling before she called? No, no, probably where she saw a telegram from the municipal authorities.

    But even if you see the telegram, can you hold the time so precisely?

    It’s supposed to be monumental, blind cats encounter death depletion, like those who always like to predict the future on the Internet, predict the future tens of thousands of times, always one time, and then dig it out with joy.

    The call means there’s a lot to do, but, as she reminded me, his cell phone lasted for more than a day, it was almost out of power, and it wasn’t full of electricity when the typhoon came from yesterday.

    Losing the pet hunter game, he gave up on his own, didn’t know what the phone was going to do, smashed his heart, but it was wise to tell him that there must be someone else in his life who called him or sent a message, that modern society could not open the phone, even if it was broken for a while, and that new ones would be bought in a few days.

    So he found a wire and put it on the phone and put it on the side and started replacing it.


    radio that’s automatically opened is broadcasting news, and when he hears the TV, he remembers Old Tea, and the earth is full of heart.

    He walked over and was trying to turn off the TV, but was drawn to the attention of several news stories that the moderator was broadcasting.

    “… Sexual assault in Minnesota is continuing, and stock prices fall sharply…”

    “Manfather resigned to the post of President of the Board of Directors of Arifather, and then father was not your father.”

    “The new version of the fifth set of renminbi is about to be issued…”

    There are some faces on the screen that are too low to even fall, and the fox grieves, if the rabbit dies, are not allowed into his heart.

    Forget it, his elf was recovered, and everyone smiled 50 steps away, and he was less than ready to sympathize with them.

    He turned off the TV and saw her running around with the stars in the shelf like he was playing hide, not being an alien, so he coughed and said, “Who are you?” What are you doing here? ”

    She stopped walking, pointing at her own face, “Didn’t the Star Sea tell you? I’m the one you’re waiting for.”


    Zhang Zian had such a guess, but he rejected it himself, because, in his imagination, the so-called Rescue Army should be a very good adult in the balloon, a very bad adult, with the BGM, a young girl who’s not yet a child, wouldn’t think it would be very likely to help him solve the problem?

    Even though there is a will not to be older, zero, hundreds of years old, many times this kind of thing is really not going to cross.

    He looked at the stars, and the latter got the nodded, “Wu, she’s the Rescue.”

    Zhang Zian: “…”

    Whatever his reluctance to believe, he can only attend to emergency medical care at this time.

    He believed in the stars, but he didn’t fully believe her, and the fox questioned, “So you said,” How can you help me? “Can you help me get the elves back?”

    “That’s why I came here.” She said in her chest, “First of all, your guess is right, that the game is not completely stopped, that the server… or something like that is still functioning, just shut down the interpersonal interface, that’s app in your cell, so the elf who was not caught is not affected.”

    Zhang Zian didn’t know how many times she was staring today, and how did she know that she was struggling in his heart?

    “Then you can put app back on the phone?” He’s after.

    She shakes her head, “This can’t, app starts using a self-destructing model and deletes it completely.”

    Zhang Zian was almost extinguished when the fires of hope had just erupted.

    “But she laughed so magically,“ and didn’t need to re-install app, as long as she changed to another cell phone that wasn’t deleted. “

    Zhang Zian was completely unaware of what she was talking about, without saying that app in the other player’s phone had been deleted, and even if she had one of the other’s phones that had not been removed, he couldn’t use the fingerprint code.

    She put her hands on the back of the clothing.

    Immediately, under the eyes of his tongue, a white fat worm came out of her underwear, like a creepy spoil worm soft sugar.


    bugs climbed into her palm, and two little black eyes looked at him, started up, a little bit down, and seemed to say hello to him.

    These eyes are absolutely black, not reflective of any rays of light, the light goes in like it was absorbed by a black hole.

    He was also conscious to raise his hand and wave at it, and some embarrassment, and he didn’t know if he was wrong.

    It shakes his head, and a strange view comes out.

    Clear air suddenly creates some ripple.


    scale of ripple’s rapid expansion, the strange distortions in space and a half-transparent vortex before her.

    The vortex is centred on small insects, and standing in front of the vortex, it feels that everything around it seems to be going into the vortex, and even the light can’t escape.

    The vortex is like a half-transparent mirror that shows something that does not belong to this world, black and hidden.

    “Let’s go.” She walked over, naturally pulled his wrist and took him to the vortex.

    “Wait a minute! What are you doing? Where to?”

    He was afraid of this strange vortex, because it was so weird that anyone would be afraid of seeing such a strange scene for the first time.

    “Don’t be afraid, it’s just a short journey to that’s all.” Like she was in trouble, she pushed him out of the back and pulled his cell phone off the wire.

    “Hey, don’t forget to take the phone.”

    Zhang Zian seeks to reverse his head to the stars, who hold a front claw, “Ohh!

    “The other grandmother’s, the Star Sea will not follow this time, but it will come back in a minute, and no one will steal from the store.”

    Don’t look at her when she’s younger, she’s got a lot of power, and her wrist’s tightened up and pushed him to the vortex.

    Zhang Zian was consciously masked with his hands.

    Next moment, he fell into the vortex, disappeared from this world.

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