Pet King

Chapter 1713

Zhang Zian was pushed out of the back, a foot stumbled into that dangerous and weird vortex, and he was able to take care of his face, close his eyes and sweaty all over him, to meet the imminent shock.

    There are countless possibilities that suddenly plunder his mind – whether it’s cold or hot, hard or soft – even if it looks like water is soft, it’s as sharp as a knife, and he’ll hang him like an aircraft engine.

    He didn’t touch anything, however.

    He walked through the vortex with no difficulty, as if it was an invisible illusion.

    He just stood steadfast and looked open, but saw a more incredible scene.

    It is difficult to describe exactly what he sees in any language, everything around him is distorted, all of which is part of grey, and he is clearly in the pet store, while seeing both the internal and the external parts of the pet store.

    Not to say that the walls don’t exist, or the walls become transparent, the walls are still walls, but he can see everything outside the store, and he can see the inside of the walls, the inside of a wall brick, sticking into the mud of the wall bricks.

    All the details of the pet store are available in front of his eyes, and there is no secret to hide, like he has countless eyes, can observe the pet shop at the same time from all possible points of view, and he even saw a silver ring that mother had lost in the past, actually stuck in the sewer of the closet drawer, and he saw a tape under the drawer sticking up an envelope, and he saw in the envelope a number of bills in the envelope with different amounts, which could be Dad hidden for the purchase of alcohol.

    Not only pet shops, but everything on the streets is the same, but whoever is within his eyes, he can look at everything from all angles, both inside and outside.


    I don’t know why these fixed objects are blurred on the edge… nor are they vague and clear, but it’s like a bird with a high speed of wings, and its wings leave the shadow behind.

    Man, there are, of course, people on the street, although it’s just a few early walkers.

    The human face is even more strange, and everyone is like a thousand eyes. No, more than that, it should be a thousand hands, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet, a thousand heads, a thousand mouths… the word “thousand” is far from enough to describe its quantity.

    If someone with a weak heart sees this weird world, I’m afraid it’s freaking out on the spot.

    He watched all the strangers around him and spilled an English in his mouth: “Tesseract…”

    “Yes, it’s tesseract.”

    And he looked back, and he saw that girl standing behind him, and smiled, and said, “When I first got in touch with Father, it was also my inspiration to the interstellar crossing — by the way, I looked at it three times before I could hardly understand the contents of the film, while other peers were looking at the heavy edition of” goats and grey wolves. “

    Zhang Zian, have you produced a heavy edition of Sheep and Gray Wolf? He’s not sure yet.

    In a grey background around, only he and her two kept the original color.

    Tesseract is a key element in understanding the movie “interstellar crossing”, which is generally translated into “superconductors” without accurate Chinese translation, but this is not accurate and hard to translate, and it should be translated into “three-dimensional space in which the parties” start “, with one more vitamin if the axis of” time “are counted.

    He’s in the pet store, and he’s in the chair of the pet store, and he’s in every wood fibre in the chair, and he can see everything inside and outside, and why?

    Like the sheriff cat in the black box, he is now witnessing an indefinite spatial overlap, with space overlapping, wood fibres, lying chairs, pet shops, streets… overlapping, losing a solid border, so he looks at it.

    She sighed in relief, “It’s good that you would have understood, otherwise it would be a real problem to explain.”

    He was excused, and looked for everything around him was not weird, but was full of curiosity and excitement, and there was an indefinite worship, because it was never something that ordinary people could see in their lifetime.

    The human face manifested in this five-dimensional space is, in fact, a lifetime trajectory in which everyone’s long life is manifested in this long trajectory, and those who are seen in the normal four-dimensional sky are nothing but projection at a given moment.

    In mathematical languages, the five-dimensional is all the four-dimensional assemblies, and four Video is only one element of five.

    As for the blurred shadows of fixtures, there is no object going to Eternal Existence, one day lying in the chair will be dispersed, and the pet store will be demolished one day, and those shadows are all the evolution processes that exist.

    Most of the people who have seen Interstellar crossing will be puzzled into the bookshelf after he crosses the bug hole and can see how daughter has been a kid to a big life, and people who do not need to understand how to treat it as a film, like Montevideo, but do not have a good design that is inside it.

    This is, of course, the way the movies behave, without losing hard nuclear science, balancing artistic and beauty. Otherwise, the audience sees thousands of daunts, who fear to be pissed in the cinema, much more terrifying than any horror film.

    He watched the worms she had in her heart, “Are we in the bugs?”

    “Yes.” She’s nodded.

    He looked around and remembered the question he asked about free will and decision, but there was no need to ask again, and everyone’s life had been shown on every track map, from birth to death, from cradle to grave, what else?

    Of course, because he entered the five-dimensional space, he couldn’t see himself in the four-dimensional space, and he couldn’t see his destiny, as if the fate was never his own, nor his own life.

    If it was a bug hole, he had figured out how she was going to help him.

    “Come on.”

    She took one of his hands and took a step towards the angle of the bug.

    Just one step, he moved from the first floor of the pet store to the corridor on the second floor of the pet store.

    He looked at the bug with no eyes, and humankind could only be aware of the three-dimensional space, and there was no organ capable of sensing the four-dimensional space, and because of the indefinite overlap of space, ordinary people would be lost even if they had occasionally entered the four-dimensional space, and she was no exception, and the insect was clearly her guide, and it could find the right direction in the chaos of four quarters.

    “Next thing you should know what to do?” She said.

    In the corridor on the second floor, there is also a half-transparent vortex.

    “If I used to, wouldn’t there be two of me at the same time?” He asked.

    She smiled, “Who said no?”

    “The energy is constant and so on.”


    seems to be anyone in the meditation coldly snort, “Stupid ass in the wooden head!”

    He’s cold… how does he sound like a jewellery?

    She quietly squeezed her eyes and said, “Energy is constant, quantum mechanics are not allowed to be overturned in the future, but only limited to the scope of application, that is, three-dimensional space, which is not applicable in four quarters, just as the scope of the application of Newton is limited to macrometry, so you don’t have to worry.”

    Zhang Zian had no time to think about it, but only to accept it first, pointing to the vortex and saying, “Are you going too?”

    “No, I can’t go.” She said with a smile, “I’ll wait here for you to come back, go.”

    “All right.”

    He closed his eyes, brace oneself headed to the vortex.


    A thunderbolt that would have made him look open.


    very dark around it, and the thunder’s almost blowing up on the top, the wind’s ringing out of the room, and the closed-windows are all shattered.

    Master, do you have any leprosy here? It’s just boring. How many do we have? “


    sound from Li Kun downstairs, which is mixed in the thunder, appears to be blurred.

    Zhang Zian looked around, and half of the transparent vortex was right behind him.

    The only source on the second floor is from the bedroom desk, with half-burning candles, shaved by a little wind blown in the window.

    the back’s on the bedroom door, sitting next to the desk, holding mice marks on the screen of the laptop, busy keeping the unfinished files on the hard drive.

    The laptop has been running a little bit more slowly than the new computer, combined with electricity cuts and automatic cuts to provincial power frequency models.

    Next to the laptop, put his phone on.

    As the “pet hunter” game was operating in the phone, he was aware of the importance of the cell phone, and it never left, and even in the shower it would be loaded into the bathroom.

    Even when he was home, he was careful, but didn’t it take a short time to share hot spots?

    Yeah, then he broke the net, and he opened the cell phone and shared it to the laptop, and then left it on the second floor, and he went downstairs.

    So there’s another one he’s on the first floor, and Wang Qian and Li Kun are surrounded by asleep plates, and little vegetables are on the receipts.

    That’s what happened yesterday, and he remembered new.

    He already understood what he was going to do, so he pushed the door into the bedroom.

    without turning back, listening to the footsteps knew it was him and knowing that he was busy in dealing with the typhoon.

    Looking at the back of the shadow, his eyes were full of acid, and he tried to grab it on several occasions, but he was patient again.

    The noise that came from the bathroom to Shihua, she claimed to open her eyes to the Internet friends, to show them the direct radio winds, but it seemed like she had a network problem, and the voices and images of live broadcasts began to be discontinued and upset.

    Vladimir has left the pet store to help the vaginal cats, and the rest of the elves are waiting downstairs for the coming typhoon.

    Nothing familiar with him, but he almost took out his tears.

    He would like to go downstairs and speak out to the elves about what is about to happen, but he can’t do that, because history is not that happening, history is the only one, and the falsification of history leads to anachronism and unpredictable consequences.

    He forcibly recovered his feelings and stabilized his breath.

    There can be no delay, and the other one he finds out that Vladimir is not there, he’ll be on the second floor soon to find out, so he has to do what he needs to do as soon as possible and then leave.

    He walked to the desk, picked up the phone —— the old phone.

    turn his head around and keep staring at the laptop screen.

    It was dark inside the room, the only emergency light placed on the silver desk downstairs, and the outdoor storm sounded like a helicopter landing, and he didn’t notice his anomalies — he had no anomalies, or that he, like, the same voice, the same smell, the same dress, the same face, the only difference that could be neural, but darkness was concealed.

    On the screen of the original cell phone, it was a map of Pet Hunter app.

    He pulled out the phones that he brought in with him, which had just been filled with electricity for a while and, under a rapidly enriched role, had grown to 63 per cent of the electricity, just as the original phone was now in power, and both phones were 63 per cent.

    He put the original phone on the hot spot, held it in his hand, opened it up and put it back next to the laptop.

    this time, it has nothing to do with his own business, and he picks up his phone and looks at two eyes. What is it worth making a fuss about nothing? That was his cell phone.

    The other one downstairs seems to have found something missing, looking for West East, no longer accepting the invitations of Wang Qian and Li Kun to fight Mafia, realizing that Vladimir is gone and that he will find a second floor in a minute.

    Zhang Zian listened to Shihua’s noise, looked at Shihua’s back, and his lips moved, and said, “I’ll get you back, I promise.”

    He withdrew from the bedroom and held a vital cell phone in his hand.

    After he had read the notice given by the game, he had not been able to cut it off, as long as the notice column had been pulled down.

    Tomorrow morning, another man who discovered the collective disappearance of the elves would turn out his cell phone from the pillow, see that notification, which was shaking and stuck into unbelievable despair, and the lost stars brought a glimmer of hope, and then White White would visit the pet store, then Wang Qian and Li Kun would come to work and comfort him, and finally he would encounter a mysterious girl with a worm and go back to the past with him on a strange journey.

    And he will return to the future with this cell phone that still runs the pet hunter game.

    A closed cycle.

    Whether he is today or tomorrow he is the same.

    He didn’t change anything, just like the man who crossed “interstellar.” History was destined to work like that, and he and he were all led by the will of the future to achieve their own destiny.

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